Evaluation of Drug Utilization Patterns for Extended Release/Long Acting Opioids and Comparator...
Opioid Related DisordersOpiate Addiction2 moreA drug utilization study will be performed to describe trends in the number of prescriptions and patients for class REMS ER/LA opioids and comparator products.

ER/LA Opioid Analgesics - Surveillance Monitoring of State Medical Examiner Databases
Opioid-related DisordersOpioid Addiction2 moreIn April 2011, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) determined that a class-wide risk evaluation and mitigation strategy (REMS) for all extended-release (ER) and long-acting (LA) opioid medications was necessary to support national efforts to reduce serious adverse outcomes resulting from opioid abuse. This study will evaluate trends before and after the ER/LA REMS implementation for changes in mortality rates associated with prescription opioids utilizing state medical examiner databases from multiple states. Databases from 2005 through the most recent year available will be obtained.

Substance Dependence Satisfaction With Care and Quality Of Life
Opiate DependenceAlcoholism1 moreThe SUBUSQOL cohort aimed to improve knowledge of the quality of ambulatory care, in particular the prognostic role of the early satisfaction with care on the change from baseline quality of self-reported health status in outpatients with alcohol or opioid dependence. It is a multicenter prospective cohort. Satisfaction was assessed using a multidimensional self-administered and validated questionnaire during the early care process. In addition to measuring satisfaction and obtaining sociodemographic and clinical data, this study collected data on the self-reported health status at inclusion and 3, 6 and 12 months after inclusion.

A Multi-centre Survey on Tramadol Abuse in Singapore
Opioid AbuseThe rampant prescription of opioid has in part contributed to the ongoing worldwide opioid crisis. In the United States of America, it is estimated that death from the use of opioids outnumber death from motor vehicle accident deaths by more than 40%. Consequently, many countries such as America and Canada have drawn up guidelines pertaining to safe opioid prescribing. Tramadol is often used by pain physicians to treat chronic pain. As it is a weak opioid and unscheduled in many countries, it is often considered to have a lower addiction potential compared to strong opioids. Despite this, the literature does reveal evidence of abuse, addiction and withdrawal - although the incidence of this is unclear. In this study, the investigators aim to determine the prevalence of tramadol misuse in a pain clinic population. The investigators also aim to determine the real-life compliance of physicians to guidelines provided by International regulatory bodies (CDC) and the modifiable risk factors associated with tramadol misuse.