High Order Spectral Analysis of Local Field Potential Data on a Subgroup of Parkinson's Disease...
Parkinson DiseaseThe aim is to study a specific group of PD patients, carriers of mutations in the glucocerebrosidase (GBA) gene, which is the most common genetic risk factor for PD and is a harbinger of aggressive cognitive and motor decline. Approximately 12-17% of PD patients undergoing DBS are GBA mutation carriers. GBA mutation carriers with PD have a specific phenotype characterized by more significant motor dysfunction and reduced short-term visual memory function compared with their non-GBA counterparts. Thus as GBA mutation carriers have a "signature" phenotype, the investigators hypothesize that these GBA mutation carriers have a unique "signature" of oscillatory activity that can be distinguished from non-mutation carriers during motor activation and during cognitive tasks. Identification of this "signature" will provide critical information that is required to: 1) understand the underlying neurophysiological mechanisms responsible for the aggressive disease course of GBA associated PD, and 2) further develop customized adaptive DBS systems.

Application of Machine Learning Method in Validation of Screening Cognitive Test for Parkinsonisms...
Primary ParkinsonismSecondary Vascular Parkinson Disease3 moreBased on a prospectively collected data analysis, a new tool, namely CoMDA (Cognition in Movement Disorders Assessment) is developed by merging each item of Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) and Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB). A machine learning, able to classify the cognitive profile and predict patients' at risk of dementia, is created.

Cognitive-driven ADL Impairment as a Predictor for PDD
Parkinson DiseaseMild cognitive impairment in Parkinson's disease (PD-MCI) is the highest risk factor for Parkinson's disease dementia (PDD). The core feature for differentiating PDD from PD-MCI is the loss of the ability to perform activities of daily living (ADL). As Parkinson's Disease (PD) is primarily a movement disorder, the distinction between motor and cognitive contributions to ADL in PD is an obvious challenge, which the investigators aimed to explore in this study. The goal of the study is to evaluate whether PD-MCI patients with more pronounced, cognitive-driven ADL impairment are at higher risk for cognitive worsening and PDD. A longitudinal follow-up assessment of 262 non-demented PD patients will be conducted over the next two years, with a comprehensive clinical assessment as well as biomarker sampling (cerebrospinal fluid and blood markers). Primary longitudinal outcome will be conversion to PDD and PD-MCI. Conversion rates of patients with and without additional mild cognitive-driven ADL impairment at baseline will be compared. Novel scores of the Pfeffer Functional Activities Questionnaire (FAQ) are used to assess instrumental ADL, differentiating between cognitive- and motor-driven ADL impairment in PD-MCI.

Movement Disorders and Early Maladaptive Schemas
Functional Movement DisorderParkinson Disease1 moreFunctional neurological disorders (FND) are neurological symptoms that cannot be explained by a lesion or related to an identified dysfunction of the central nervous system. FND are under-diagnosed, although common and highly disabling. Childhood trauma events are found in 30% to 80% of FND patients, and are more common in people with functional neurological disorder than in healthy controls and patient controls. Overall, risks factors, perpetuating factors and maintaining factors have been described in FND, although none of the studies have analysed the prevalence of Early Maladaptive Schemas (EMS) in these patients. EMS, as measured with the Young Schema Questionnaire (YSQ), are proposed to underlie a variety of mental health problems, in particular Personality Disorders. We hypothesize that some of these early maladaptive schemas may participate in the psychopathology and severity of FND. The main outcome of this study is to assess the prevalence of early maladaptive schemas in patients presenting with Functional Movement Disorders in comparison to patients presenting with Parkinson's Disease or Organic Dystonia. The secondary outcomes are to further analyse the underlying relation of these early maladaptive schemas and (i) the severity of the motor symptoms, (ii) anxiety and/or depression, (iii) the occurrence of childhood trauma events in our participants.

Investigation of the Psychometric Properties of the Squares Test in Measuring Hand Function in Parkinson's...
Parkinson DiseaseThe first aim of the present study was to investigate reliability, validity and responsiveness to the minimal clinically important difference, which is defined as the smallest change in score corresponding to clinically meaningful change realized by patient, of the squares test in people with PD. The second aim of the study is to determine the relationship between hand function and both trunk control and balance in PD population.

A Retrospective Study of the Effects of Different Parameters on Motor Symptoms of PD in Bilateral...
Parkinson's DiseaseThe purpose of this study is to assess the impact of different parameters (voltage, pulse width, frequency) of subthalamic nucleus (STN) deep brain stimulation (DBS) on motor symptoms in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD).

Detecting Dopaminergic Deficits in Individuals At-risk for Parkinsonism
Parkinson DiseaseGaucher Disease1 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine if participants have changes in dopamine cells in their brain using DaTSCAN™ brain imaging. Dopamine cell loss occurs in Parkinson's disease (PD) and other degenerative Parkinsonian disorders, but does not occur in most other movement disorders such as essential tremor or dystonia. DaTSCAN, which is also known as 123I-Ioflupane, is a new compound that has been developed by General Electric, Inc. and has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to help doctors detect changes in dopamine. This test is performed by injecting DaTSCAN into a vein in the arm, and after a few hours, a large amount of DaTSCAN temporarily accumulates in an area of the brain where there are a lot of dopamine brain cells. Because DaTSCAN contains a small amount of radioactive iodine, it allows doctors to use a special machine called single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) scanning to detect the location and amount of radioactivity in the brain and help determine if there are changes in brain dopamine. It is hoped that this study will help doctors detect the presence of dopamine changes even before symptoms are present. This study will evaluate DaTSCAN in people with PD, those who are at risk for developing PD (e.g., those with idiopathic rapid eye movement sleep disorder (iRBD) and those who are heterozygous or homozygous for Gaucher's disease (GBA) mutations) and those who are healthy volunteers.

Decrease in Sense of Smell and Associated Cognitive Decline in Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson's DiseaseThe overarching goal of this prospective cohort study is to test the hypotheses that greater severity of hyposmia is associated with increased risk of cognitive decline in PD and that worsening hyposmia parallels progressive cholinergic limbic denervation. To achieve the goals of this project, patients with PD without dementia or at-risk of dementia or with dementia will undergo longitudinal olfactory, cognitive and clinical testing for 2-4 years. AChE [11C]PMP or VAchT (vesicular acetylcholine transporter) [F18]-FEOBV PET will be performed both at study entry and at 2-years (± 6 months) follow-up. Brain MRI scans will also be performed at study entry and at 2-years (± 6 months) follow-up. Brain Beta-amyloid PET will be performed at study entry or at 2 years (± 6 months). Annual olfactory testing will be performed to better understand dynamic changes underlying the clinical and PET outcome measures.

Exploratory Study Using Nanotechnology to Detect Biomarkers of Parkinson's Disease From Exhaled...
Parkinson's DiseaseParkinsonismParkinson's disease is diagnosed clinically, because biomarkers that may help in diagnosis and differential diagnosis are not yet available. Exhaled breath testing may yield a "breath-print" that can be used to distinguish healthy and diseased states.

Functional Connectivity Parkinson Disease
Parkinson DiseaseIn this study the investigators are looking at two subtypes of Parkinson Disease (PD); "tremor-dominant" (TD) and postural imbalance and gait disorder (PIGD). This study will use magnet resonance imaging (MRI) to see how the brain reacts while resting and doing a finger-tapping task while on and off PD medication. This study will look at the differences between the two sub-types of PD and healthy volunteers. The investigators will test the hypothesis that connectivity at rest within the motor cortex and between the motor cortex and motor-associated regions such as the supplementary motor area and the pre motor cortex will not be as strong in PIGD compared to TD (increased activity and functional connectivity in TD group)