Family-Focused Therapy for Individuals at High Clinical Risk for Psychosis: A Confirmatory Efficacy...
Psychotic DisordersProdromal Symptoms3 moreThe present study is a confirmatory efficacy trial of Family Focused Therapy for youth at clinical high risk for psychosis (FFT-CHR). This trial is sponsored by seven mature CHR clinical research programs from the North American Prodrome Longitudinal Study (NAPLS). The young clinical high risk sample (N = 220 youth ages 13-25) is to be followed at 6-month intervals for 18 months.

Self-Care for Dementia Caregivers
AgingMental Disorder8 moreThe Self-Care for Dementia Caregivers research study is a pilot randomized control trial (RCT) to develop and evaluate the feasibility of a behavioral intervention that uses technology and motivational health coaching to optimize caregivers' sleep, exercise, and social activities. Caregivers of family members with Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and AD-related dementias often experience disruptions of their biological or behavioral time cues, placing them at higher risk for adverse health outcomes. The investigators hypothesize that targeting the stability of sleep, exercise, and social activities will improve stability of the biological clock, improve caregiver health and wellbeing, and improve their ability to provide care.

REtinal and VIsual Cortical Response in Early PSYchosis
Prodromal SchizophreniaPsychotic Episode2 moreThe purpose of the REVIPSY study is to measure retinal and the visual cortical electrophysiological responses in situations at risk of psychosis in patients who have experienced a first psychotic episode. A perspective of this project will be to create new electrophysiological biomarkers predictive of the risk of conversion to psychosis

Targeting Processing Speed Deficits to Improve Social Functioning and Lower Psychosis Risk
PsychosisProdromal Schizophrenia1 moreThis 10 week intervention, Specific Cognitive Remediation with Surround (or SCORES), is designed to target processing speed, a cognitive domain related directly to social functioning, which in turn, represents a vulnerability factor for psychosis. This remotely-delivered intervention combining targeted cognitive training exercises and group support was developed to directly impact processing speed, and at the same time, boost motivation and engagement in adolescents at risk for schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders.

Youth Experiences and Health Study
Psychotic DisordersPsychiatric Hospitalization4 moreThis study aims to identify unusual experiences and psychiatric symptoms that indicate a heightened risk for severe mental disorders - especially psychoses. It is important to develop reliable questionnaire methods that are cost-effective in first-stage screening, leading to in-depth assessments and targeted care. However, existing psychosis-risk questionnaires are limited in content, intended for adults, and have been insufficiently tested for actual predictive value. Therefore we will collect a new, large dataset from an unselected group of adolescents entering psychiatric care in three major urban areas of Finland. Comprehensive national health care registers will be used to assess how well the selected experiences and symptoms predict the participants' mental health over the following few years.

MBCT and CBT for Youth at High Risk for Mood and Psychotic Disorders: a Randomized Controlled Trial...
Mood DisordersProdromal Symptoms3 moreThe present study is a randomized controlled trial comparing the efficacy and acceptability of CBT and MBCT group-based interventions adapted for young people at elevated risk for mood or psychotic disorder onset or relapse. Young people (ages 13-24) are provided with targeted psychoeducation and learn a variety of coping skills and wellness practices for mood regulation and stress and distress management. Parents meet separately to learn the same skills and receive guidance in supporting their youth with skill development. The therapy is also augmented by a mobile phone application that supports regular symptom monitoring and skills practice.

Early Pharmacological and Psychological Intervention for Late Prodromal States of Psychosis
SchizophreniaPsychosesThe study will provide an empirical basis for a pharmacological treatment option. An open-label, randomized, multi-centre parallel group design is used. An intensified clinical management (CM), which allows needs-based psychological crisis intervention, is compared to a combination of such a CM and the atypical neuroleptic amisulpride. The central hypothesis is that the combination of a clinical management with an atypical neuroleptic is the superior treatment.

Glycine Treatment of Prodromal Symptoms
SchizophreniaThis is an open label trial of the NMDA agonist glycine used alone for symptoms that appear to be prodromal for schizophrenia in adolescents and young adults.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Prevention of Paranoia in Adolescents at High Risk
ARMSAPS1 moreThe main objective of this study is to decrease the severity of symptoms and improve psycho-social functioning in youth at high risk of developing psychosis by providing a specialized Group-and-Family-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (GF-CBT).

C1-INH Compared to Placebo at the Time of Prodromal Symptoms for Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) Exacerbation...
Hereditary AngioedemaThe study hypothesis is that treatment of Hereditary Angioedema at the time of prodromal symptoms will decrease morbidity associated with the disease