Study of HST5040 in Subjects With Propionic or Methylmalonic Acidemia
Methylmalonic AcidemiaPropionic AcidemiaThis is an interventional study to assess the safety, PK, and efficacy of HST5040 in 12 subjects - 6 with Methylmalonic Acidemia (MMA) and 6 with Propionic Acidemia (PA). The study consists of 3 parts: Part A: Open-label, within-subject, dose escalation study in PA and MMA subjects ≥ 2 years old to identify a safe and pharmacologically active (optimal) dose of HST5040 for use in Part B. Subjects will continue in a Part A open-label extension until all subjects complete Part A and the optimal dose of HST5040 is identified for use in Part B. Part B: 6-month, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 2-period crossover in the same subjects from Part A to evaluate safety and efficacy of the optimal dose of HST5040 in addition to standard of care (SoC). Part C: open-label long-term extension study in PA and MMA subjects ≥ 2 years old (N = approximately 12, 6 each) to evaluate the long-term safety and efficacy of the optimal dose of HST5040. This study will determine whether HST5040 can improve levels of disease-associated toxins that accumulate in patients with PA and MMA.

A Long-Term Extension Study to Evaluate the Safety and Clinical Activity of mRNA-3927
Propionic AcidemiaThe main purpose of this study is to evaluate the long-term safety of mRNA-3927 administered to participants with propionic acidemia (PA) who have previously participated in Study mRNA-3927-P101 (NCT04159103).

Open-Label Study of mRNA-3927 in Participants With Propionic Acidemia
Propionic AcidemiaThis First-in-Human (FIH) Phase 1/2 study will evaluate the safety and pharmacological activity of mRNA-3927 in participants 1 year of age and older with genetically confirmed propionic acidemia (PA). The study is designed to characterize baseline biomarker levels followed by assessment of safety, pharmacokinetics (PK), and pharmacodynamics (PD) of different doses of mRNA-3927 in participants affected by PA as part of the Dose Optimization phase.

A First in Human, Dose Escalation Study to Evaluate the Safety and Tolerability of BBP-671 in Healthy...
Healthy VolunteersPropionic Acidemia2 moreThe purpose of this study is to assess the safety, tolerability, PK and PD of BBP-671 in healthy volunteers and patients with Propionic Acidemia or Methylmalonic Acidemia.

Review of Charts From Amish/Mennonite Variant PA Patients
Propionic AcidemiaThe natural history of patients with PA-AMV has not been systematically studied before and there is no published data in the literature about this condition since 1980. There is no evidence-based approach to care of these patients, particularly the younger patients who may no come to medical attention until significant cardiac problems develop. Through systematic review of existing medical records on essentially all known patient with this condition, investigators plan to develop an evidence-based management plan for preventive care of these patients.

Baby Detect : Genomic Newborn Screening
Congenital Adrenal HyperplasiaFamilial Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia 1134 moreNewborn screening (NBS) is a global initiative of systematic testing at birth to identify babies with pre-defined severe but treatable conditions. With a simple blood test, rare genetic conditions can be easily detected, and the early start of transformative treatment will help avoid severe disabilities and increase the quality of life. Baby Detect Project is an innovative NBS program using a panel of target sequencing that aims to identify 126 treatable severe early onset genetic diseases at birth caused by 361 genes. The list of diseases has been established in close collaboration with the Paediatricians of the University Hospital in Liege. The investigators use dedicated dried blood spots collected between the first day and 28 days of life of babies, after a consent sign by parents.

An Observational Study of Carbaglu® for the Treatment of MMA and PA in Adults and Pediatrics
HyperammonemiaMethylmalonic Acidemia1 moreTo obtain short-term and long-term clinical safety information, in pediatric and adult patients with PA and MMA treated with Carbaglu®.

Natural History Study of Patients With Methylmalonic Acidemia and Propionic Acidemia
Methylmalonic AcidemiaPropionic AcidemiaThe JUMP (Journey to Understand MMA and PA) Study is being conducted by HemoShear Therapeutics and AllStripes, a rare disease online research platform. JUMP is designed to accelerate understanding of the natural course of methylmalonic acidemia (MMA) and propionic acidemia (PA) disease and treatment for families, researchers, clinicians and industry. The study will collect and provide patient medical record information from multiple institutions for families to access in one place at no cost. AllStripes will remove identifying information like name and address from these medical records and aggregate this data for the HemoShear team to better understand the medical experience and progression of MMA and PA over time. In addition, academic researchers, healthcare practitioners and patient advocacy groups can apply to use the collective patient community data to answer specific research questions at no cost. HemoShear is collecting natural history data on MMA and PA because the company needs insight into the real-world experience of many patients to better understand the disease and be able to scientifically demonstrate whether the potential new treatment they are developing is effective in improving outcomes. This natural history study will include retrospective and prospective components. The retrospective component will consist of data abstracted from primarily electronic health records (eHR) and some paper records. The prospective component will include ongoing collection of medical records from enrolled participants, and participants may opt in to complete health-related questionnaires and an optional genetic testing sub-study. After signing informed consent, participants or their legal guardians will grant permission to AllStripes to collect their health records for data abstraction. Participants may opt into an optional no cost genetic testing sub-study. The JUMP (Journey to Understand MMA and PA) sub-study will help assess whether the genetic variant of the affected person may relate to disease severity and treatment response. Getting genetic testing will enable participants to understand the genetic mutation that causes their type of methylmalonic acidemia (MMA) or propionic acidemia (PA). Knowing the genetic mutations (whether from the MMUT, MMAA or MMAB gene or PCCA or PCCB) can help the impacted person, their caregivers and healthcare professionals understand the potential course of disease and select approaches to better manage the disease. The additional information will enable HemoShear and AllStripes to understand whether different genetic variants impact the disease journey and outcomes. A separate informed consent will be obtained for participating in the sub-study.

A Non-Interventional Post-Authorization Study of Carbaglu for the Treatment of Hyperammonemia Due...
HyperammonemiaMethylmalonic Acidemia1 moreThe objective of this study is to obtain short- and long-term clinical safety data in pediatric and adult patients with PA and MMA treated with Carbaglu, including pregnancy and fetal outcomes. This is an observational/non-interventional study. Patients will be treated per the prescribing information and routine medical practice. Only available data will be collected as part of the study.

A Retrospective Study to Characterize Participants With Propionic Acidemia
Propionic AcidemiaThis is a non-interventional, global, multicenter, retrospective cohort study describing participant characteristics, clinical outcomes, and event rates in participants with propionic acidemia (PA).