
Active clinical trials for "Mental Disorders"

Results 301-310 of 1846

Cognitive and Psychological Disorders After Severe COVID-19 Infection


As COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing, patients follow-up begins to reveal cognitive and psychological disorders. There are not yet well described, neither their physiopathology. This study will consist in the detection and characterization of cognitive and psychological impairments in young patients under 65 years of age who have been hospitalized more than 72 hours for a severe COVID-19 infection.

Recruiting14 enrollment criteria

Psychiatry of Transition in a World in Transition

Transitional CareMental Disorder in Adolescence1 more

This clinical study evaluates risk and protective factor to develop psychopathology in transitional age youth. 300 patients will be recruited at the age of 17 years old and assessed at baseline and 2 years later.

Recruiting8 enrollment criteria

Immunity and Infections in the Psychiatric Population

COVIDPsychiatric Disorders

The main objective of this multicenter cohort study is to determine the degree of COVID19 infection immunization of a population of psychiatric patients. The secondary objective of this cohort follow-up is to: Clinically characterize COVID patients who are positive for serological testing Assess the socio-demographic, clinical and psychotropic determinants of a COVID diagnosis Immunologically characterize COVID patients who are positive for serological testing Exploring the links between susceptibility to COVID19 and erythrocytic blood groups

Recruiting5 enrollment criteria

Evaluation of Membrane Phospholipid and Energy Metabolism in Subjects at High Risk of Psychotic...

Patients With Ultra High Risk of Psychotic Transition

The management of schizophrenia is a major public health issue, due to its particularly disabling psychotic symptoms and their onset at an early age, typically in adolescents or young adults. The physiopathological hypothesis of an anomaly relating to the renewal of cell membranes and energy metabolism in schizophrenia was proposed as early as the 1930s. This is based on anomalies at certain times in the development of the balance between phosphomonesters, precursors of membrane phospholipids, and phosphodiesters, catabolites of membrane phospholipids. Alterations of these different balances sign neurodevelopmental disorders, and can be objectified by specific techniques such as phosphorus-31 magnetic resonance spectroscopy (SMR-31P). This is used in particular to characterize the energy metabolism of the brain and allows in vivo quantification of phosphorus metabolites. The application of SMR-31P techniques to assess the metabolism of membrane phospholipids and cellular energy metabolism in subjects at high risk of psychotic transition could make it possible to objectify a difference between subjects subsequently suffering from a psychotic transition compared to those who do not suffer from it. Alterations in the metabolism of membrane phospholipids could thus represent a biomarker of psychotic transition. Secondarily, this approach would make it possible to provide elements as to the validity as a diagnosis of this category, which is very heterogeneous in its future. Among the Ultra High Risk (UHR) group, subjects with a psychotic transition (UHR-T) are compared to subjects without this transition (UHR-NT) during the two years of follow-up. The UHR group is compared to the control group. At T0, UHR patients and healthy volunteers will perform brain MRI with Phosphorus 31 magnetic resonance spectroscopy. UHR patients will then be reviewed: at T+1 year for a clinical assessment medical interview to assess the patient's functioning and the appearance of symptoms; at T+2 years for the realization of a follow-up interview with passing of the scales CAARMS (Comprehensive Assessment of At Risk Mental State) and SOFAS (scale of evaluation of the social and professional functioning) in order to determine if the subject belongs to the UHR-T or UHR-NT group.

Recruiting16 enrollment criteria

Estimating Prevalence of Inherited Disorders of Sulfur Amino Acids Metabolism in Patients With Psychotic...

Inherited Metabolic Disorder of Nervous SystemSchizophrenia

Screening for sulfur amino acid metabolism pathologies using a sulfitest in adult patients with psychotic disorder.

Recruiting6 enrollment criteria

Neurofilament Light Chains and Cognitive Impairment in Chronic Psychiatric Disease

SchizophreniaBipolar Disorder2 more

The validation of biomarkers allowing the discrimination of cognitive and behavioral disorders of psychiatric origin from those of neurodegenerative origin would facilitate diagnosis and improve patient management. Neurofilaments, which are markers of neuronal lysis, appear to be a promising biomarker. In a previous preliminary study, the investigators demonstrated significantly lower concentrations of neurofilaments in CSF of psychiatric patients compared to neurodegenerative diseases. The main objective of this study is to validate the plasma assay of neurofilament light chain as a biomarker for the differential diagnosis of psychiatric or neurodegenerative cognitive impairment. Other biomarkers of interest (Tau, TDP-43, GFAP and UCH-L1) will also be analyzed. A sub-part of this study will also focus on the retrospective analysis of the CSF/Plasma correlations of the different biomarkers mentioned above from tube bottom samples taken in routine care.

Recruiting15 enrollment criteria

Identification and Clinical Relevance of an Oxytocin Deficient State (CRH Study)

HypopituitarismCentral Diabetes Insipidus6 more

Oxytocin (OT) is a hypothalamic peptide that enters the peripheral circulation via the posterior pituitary gland. OT plays a key role in regulating appetite, psychopathology, prosocial behavior and sexual function. Hypopituitarism is associated with increased obesity, increased psychopathology, sexual and prosocial dysfunction despite appropriate hormone replacement. A few studies suggest the existence of a possible OT deficient state in hypopituitarism. In animal models, corticorelin hormone (CRH) has shown to increase OT release. This study is designed to evaluate oxytocin values after administration of CRH in adults (healthy volunteers and patients with hypopituitarism). The investigators hypothesize that OT response will be blunted following CRH in patients with hypopituitarism compared to healthy controls.

Recruiting17 enrollment criteria

Computer-assisted Risk Evaluation in the Early Detection of Psychotic Disorders

Psychotic DisordersPrevention

Multicenter randomized controlled trial (RCT) with artificial intelligence (AI)-staged early diagnostics and risk-adapted treatment (RAB) as interventional treatment arm and treatment-as-usual (TAU) as control treatment arm for patients with an increased clinical risk for psychosis.

Recruiting16 enrollment criteria

Impact of an Early Identification Program for First-Episode Psychosis on the Duration of Untreated...

Psychotic Episode

The First-Episode Psychosis (FPE) is a severe disorder that can include delusions, cognitive disorders and suicidal behavior. In the majority of cases (more than 80%) it evolves into schizophrenia. Numerous studies show that the rapidity of the initial management of FPE would reduce the risk of negative evolution and would have a decisive impact on the short and long term prognosis. The rapidity of this management can be measured by the duration of untreated psychosis, or DUP (Duration of Untreated Psychosis), the time interval between the appearance of the first frank psychotic symptoms and the initiation of adequate psychiatric care. The objective of this study is to show the impact of an intervention facilitating access to specialized care for PEP on the reduction of DUP. This intervention consists of an early identification program for FPE, the PRESTO program, specifically targeting 3 determining steps in the reduction of DUP: Informing the general population about psychotic disorders Knowledge of front line actors (APL: general practitioners, school and university medicine, teenager's house, associative networks educators, emergency services, firefighters, etc.) about FPE and its management Articulation between APL and specialized psychiatric care

Recruiting5 enrollment criteria

California Collaborative Network to Promote Data Driven Care and Improve Outcomes in Early Psychosis...

First Episode Psychosis (FEP)

The proposed project seeks to create a California early psychosis network using a core assessment battery of valid, low burden measures and mHealth technology platform to collect client-level data, visualize data via clinician dashboard for treatment planning, and integrate across clinics to provide de-identified data to the national coordinating hub. Research capacity for the network will be tested via development and validation of a measure of the Duration of Untreated Psychosis (DUP) that is feasible for use in community settings. The proposed California network will contribute systematically collected outcomes data on over 100 FEP clients per year, from 12 community and university EP clinics, to enhance the development of a national EP network, supported by the NIMH EPINET program.

Enrolling by invitation7 enrollment criteria

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