
Active clinical trials for "Mental Disorders"

Results 701-710 of 1846

A Study of the Effectiveness of Cognitive Adaptation Training in Early Intervention for Psychosis...


The proposed study will involve a randomized trial of Cognitive Adaptation Training (CAT) for early intervention as compared against an active control in which Action Based Cognitive Remediation (ABCR) will be applied.

Completed2 enrollment criteria

Treatment of Psychosis and Agitation in Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's DiseasePsychosis1 more

Clinically, many patients with AD show no response or minimal response to antipsychotics for symptoms of agitation/aggression or psychosis, or they have intolerable side effects on these medications. Antipsychotics have a wide range of side effects, including the risk of increased mortality (60-70% higher rate of death on antipsychotic compared to placebo) that led to an FDA black box warning for patients with dementia; a more recent review and meta-analysis showed a 54% increased risk of mortality. In addition, some patients show only partial response to antipsychotics and symptoms persist. For these reasons, the investigators need to study alternative treatment strategies. Currently, there is no FDA-approved medication for the treatment of psychosis or agitation in AD. The investigators innovative project will examine the efficacy and side effects of low dose lithium treatment of agitation/aggression with or without psychosis in 80 patients with AD in a randomized, doubleblind, placebo-controlled, 12-week trial (essentially a Phase II trial). The results will determine the potential for a large-scale clinical trial (Phase III) to establish the utility of lithium in these patients.

Completed18 enrollment criteria

Integrated Metacognitive Therapy in First Episode Psychosis

SchizophreniaSchizophreniform Disorder1 more

Insight, or lack of illness awareness, is a prominent and pressing clinical concern in the treatment and recovery of patients with psychotic disorders. Impaired insight results in poor treatment engagement and adherence, more frequent hospitalizations, greater positive and negative symptoms, and poor psychosocial functioning. Addressing these complications early in the disease process may lead to altered illness course with better outcomes. To date, only a small number of nonpharmacological interventions have been developed, none of which adequately address poor insight during the first few years of psychotic illness. Further, presently available therapeutic interventions do not attend to difficulties associated with improved insight, such as depression. The purpose of this investigation is to implement a novel intervention designed to improve insight, metacognition, neurocognition, symptoms, and ultimately overall functioning in persons with early psychosis. The novel intervention will integrate a number of previously established therapeutic approaches, such as metacognitive, narrative, cognitive behavioral and motivational interviewing, and hence be labeled Integrated Metacognitive Therapy (IMT). In order to measure the efficacy of IMT, all subjects will undergo a battery of assessments in each of these domains prior to and following either a novel intervention (N = 10) or treatment as usual (N = 10) for a period of approximately six months. Throughout the study, each IMT session (N = 10, 24 sessions each) will be audio recorded, transcribed, and de-identified to allow for careful ongoing qualitative analyses of potential active and inert ingredients of the approach and ultimately the development of an IMT manual which can then be tested in a larger, more rigorous randomized control trial. This investigation will play an important role in advancing current knowledge about treating insight in early psychosis. Further, it will serve to expand upon the intervention tools available by producing a much needed treatment manual designed specifically to target insight during an illness phase crucial for positive long term outcomes in psychosis.

Completed9 enrollment criteria

Clinical Monitoring to Facilitate Continuous Care for Substance Abusing Clients

Substance-Related DisordersMental Disorders

Building on the recent advances in telephone supported care, clinical monitoring, and outreach work, the specific aims of the study are to: Develop RecoveryTrack™- ExtendedCare (RT-E), a modified/new version of RecoveryTrack™. The investigators will adapt and finalize the original Web-based RT system, manual, and training to accommodate use by counselors for clients who are no longer attending Outpatient (OP) treatment. Conduct a pilot study to determine the preliminary efficacy of RT-E compared to treatment as usual (TAU) for clients entering Intensive Outpatient (IOP) substance abuse treatment (SAT). In this randomized clinical trial, it is hypothesized that RT-E will positively impact treatment attendance and substance use outcomes. In exploratory analyses, the investigators will also evaluate the comparative impact of RT-E versus TAU on HIV related client behaviors. Evaluate feasibility and counselor and client acceptability of RT-E. Conduct preliminary cost and cost effectiveness analyses comparing RT-E to TAU. Hypothesis 1: RT-E clients will attend more days of OP treatment than TAU clients. The investigators will compare the two groups on monthly treatment attendance for months 1 through 9. We expect a main effect of group with RT-E clients displaying more attendance than TAU clients. Hypothesis 2: RT-E clients will have higher rates of abstinence than TAU clients. The investigators will compare abstinence rates at months 3, 6, and 9. Abstinence is a binary variable based on both biological test results and self-reported substance use from the Addiction Severity Index, Version 6 (ASI6). We expect a main effect of group with RT-E clients displaying higher rates of abstinence than TAU clients. Secondary Analyses: HIV Risk Scores: The investigators will compare the two groups' Risk Assessment Battery (RAB) HIV risk scores (i.e., total, sex, drug) at month 9. Use of HIV specialist services: Client attendance charts will be reviewed to compare the two groups on the number of times clients met with a program HIV Specialist at month 9. Multidimensional Outcomes: The investigators will compare RT-E and TAU clients on multidimensional outcomes using ASI6 summary scores at months 3, 6, and 9.

Completed5 enrollment criteria

Efficacy of a Brief Behavioral Intervention to Treat ADHD and Disruptive Behaviors In Preschoolers...

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderAttention Deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders

The purpose of this study is to test the intervention using a more rigorous randomized controlled trial design in order to demonstrate its efficacy compared to a wait-list control, thus ensuring that change in behavior does not occur due to the passage of time alone. Using this design will also allow us to improve upon our prior clinical research by facilitating obtainment of post-treatment and follow-up data (as families in the clinical-only service stop attending treatment when behavior improves, and have often not followed-up for booster sessions or measure completion).

Completed8 enrollment criteria

Safety and Tolerability Study of Aripiprazole IM Depot in Adult Subjects With Schizophrenia

SchizophreniaMental Disorder1 more

To determine the safety and tolerability of multiple-dose administrations of aripiprazole intramuscular (IM) depot in the deltoid muscle in adult subjects with schizophrenia

Completed9 enrollment criteria

Sequenced Therapies for Comorbid and Primary Insomnias

Insomnia Comorbid to Psychiatric DisorderPrimary Insomnia

Chronic insomnia is a prevalent disorder associated with increased health care costs, impaired functioning, and an increased risk for developing serious psychiatric disorders. Cognitive-behavioral therapies (CBTs) and benzodiazepine receptor agonist (BzRA) medications are the most widely supported approaches for insomnia management. Unfortunately, few studies have compared the psychological/behavioral therapies and BzRAs for insomnia treatment. Moreover, insomnia treatment studies have been limited by small, highly screened study samples, fixed-dose and fixed-agent pharmacotherapy strategies that do not represent usual adjustable dosing practices, relatively short follow-up intervals, and reliance on self-report or polysomnographic (PSG) sleep parameters as outcomes, rather than on more clinically relevant indicators of remission. Finally, studies have yet to test the benefits of treatment sequencing for those who do not respond to initial their insomnia therapy. This multi-site project will address these limitations. Two study sites will enroll a total of 224 participants who meet broad criteria for a chronic insomnia disorder, and a sizeable portion (60%) of this sample will have insomnia occurring comorbid to a psychiatric disorder. Participants will be evaluated with clinical assessments and PSG, and then will be randomly assigned to first-stage therapy with an easy-to-administer behavioral insomnia therapy (BT) or zolpidem (most widely prescribed BzRA). Centrally trained therapists will administer therapies according to manualized, albeit flexible, treatment algorithms. Initial outcomes will be assessed after 6 weeks, and treatment remitters will be followed for the next 12 months on maintenance therapy. Those not achieving remission will be offered re-randomization to a second, 6-week treatment involving pharmacotherapy (zolpidem or trazodone) or psychological therapy (BT or cognitive therapy-CT). All participants will be re-evaluated 12 weeks after protocol initiation, and at 3-, 6-, 9-, and 12-month follow-ups while continuing their final treatment. Insomnia remission, defined categorically as a score < 8 on the Insomnia Severity Index, will serve as the primary outcome for treatment comparisons. Secondary outcomes will include sleep diary and PSG sleep measures; subjective ratings of sleep and daytime function; adverse events; dropout rates; and treatment acceptability. Our over-arching goal is to obtain new information that aids in the development of clinical guidelines for managing insomnia sufferers with and without comorbid psychiatric conditions.

Completed14 enrollment criteria

Group Intervention for Improving Stigma Coping and Empowerment of People With Mental Illness (STEM)...


This multi-center, 2-arm interventional study within different mental health care settings (psychiatry: in-patient, day-unit and out-patient, as well as psychiatric rehabilitation) evaluates a psychotherapeutic group intervention to improve stigma coping and empowerment using a psychotherapeutic module embedded in a psychoeducational group therapy.

Completed7 enrollment criteria

Performance-based Reinforcement to Enhance Cognitive Remediation Therapy

Substance-Related DisordersMental Disorders

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether monetary reinforcement for performance will enhance the effects of cognitive remediation therapy for substance users seeking treatment at an outpatient facility.

Completed9 enrollment criteria

Healthy Bodies, Healthy Kids

Child Mental DisordersObesity1 more

The US prevalence of childhood-onset obesity and type 2 diabetes, both predictors of cardiovascular risk, have increased to epidemic proportions in recent decades. Children with mental illness, especially those treated with antipsychotic medications, are at additional risk for obesity (adiposity) and related risk conditions. A variety of noninvasive techniques to assess cardiometabolic risk have begun to be applied in children, including body composition measured with dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA), carotid intima media thickness (CIMT) measured by ultrasound, and hepatic triglyceride content measured using magnetic resonance (MR) imaging-estimated proton density fat fraction (PDFF). These measures allow for the early, noninvasive study of adiposity-related metabolic risk. The overall aim of this two-study research plan is to characterize the level of measurable risk using these sensitive markers in treated and untreated children with mental health disorders, and to evaluate the magnitude of change in risk that can be observed using these biomarkers in children receiving a well established behavioral weight-loss intervention.

Completed16 enrollment criteria

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