Brief Internet-delivered CBT After ACS
Psychological TraumaAcute Coronary SyndromeThe purpose of the present pilot study is to evaluate the feasibility and potential efficacy of a brief, internet-delivered CBT protocol provided early after acute coronary syndrome (ACS).

Stellate Ganglion Block to Augment Trauma-focused Therapy Among Veterans With PTSD
PTSDTrauma and Stressor Related Disorders3 moreOur long-term goal is to improve clinical outcomes among patients receiving psychological treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The primary objective of this project is to examine if stellate ganglion block (SGB) improves outcomes among military personnel and veterans receiving cognitive processing therapy (CPT), an empirically-supported psychological treatment for PTSD. To accomplish this objective, we will enroll adult military personnel and veterans with a current diagnosis of PTSD and/or subthreshold PTSD, provide CPT sessions over two weeks, administer SGB during or after CPT, and repeatedly assess key outcomes during follow-up.

A Rater-blinded RCT to Compare Effectiveness of EMDR vs TAU in Patients With First Episode Psychosis...
Psychotic EpisodePsychological TraumaThe main objective of this project is to analyze whether EMDR therapy, as an adjuvant to usual treatment, is effective in reducing post-traumatic stress and psychotic/affective symptoms in patients with a FEP and comorbid psychological trauma associated with first hospital admission and / or previous stressful life event.

Neurorehabilitation Through Hippotherapy of a Brain Stroke
Cerebrovascular AccidentNeurorehabilitation9 moreCerebrovascular accident [CVA] (medical term for stroke) is a high burden worldwide disorder and the second leading cause of disability. As illustrated by the number of survivors that remain disabled after a CVA (2 out of 3 according to the US National Stroke Association), recovery is limited, and novel neurorehabilitation approaches are urgently needed. Hippotherapy is an emerging specialized rehabilitation approach, performed by accredited health professionals on a specially trained horse via its movement. A body of scientific evidence has gradually emerged in recent years, showing robust benefits of hippotherapy in various massive neurological disabling conditions including brain stroke. The aim of the study is to analyze the effect of a hippotherapy program of several cycles delivered during 22 weeks in total, on the functional and global evolution of post-stroke patients (with a score of Rankin ≥ 3 at inclusion) during the outpatient rehabilitation phase. A second purpose is to measure the impact of the intervention on the quality of life of their close caregivers. A prospective clinical trial on the effectiveness of hippotherapy versus conventional outpatient rehabilitation alone will be carried out. The 22-weeks program includes three cycles of hippotherapy as follows: an initial 2-weeks cycle, an intermediate 1-week cycle and a final 1-week cycle. One-hour daily sessions will be conducted during each cycle exclusive additional rehabilitation care. After each cycle, the patients will have a 9-weeks rest period where they will continue their conventional therapy. A battery of clinical tests will measure both functional and psychological outcome. The primary end point will be the functional independence of the patient. The secondary end points will consider the patient's sensorimotor and cognitive function, the severity of stroke and the quality of life, as well as the caregivers' burden and quality of life. Program evaluation is important in neurorehabilitation to ensure that patients are achieving meaningful outcomes from the care. A primary question is how do stroke patients clinically evolve after being discharged from the hospital and how stable is the achieved rehabilitation outcome. Hippotherapy optimizes brain plasticity and has a strong impact on the global rehabilitation process and functional outcome of these patients. A remaining question concerns the improvement of the caregivers' quality of life.

A Couples' Intervention Protocol for PTSD
Psychological TraumaPosttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a multifaceted disorder resulting from intense and/or life-threatening trauma. PTSD sequelae often have a ripple effect on close others, including spouses and children. Studies report high levels of relationship distress for both those with PTSD and their partners as well as emotional distress. Despite the extensive knowledge on the effects of PTSD on couple relations and vice versa, and the limitations of individual therapies in addressing these issues, there has been a major lag in the development and study of couples' interventions in the context of PTSD. the current study will examine the efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Conjoint Therapy (CBCT) for PTSD. It will employ an RCT to examine both outcomes and processes of change via multiple methods of assessment, including self-report questionnaires, qualitative interviews and physiological co-regulation measures. Moreover, it will employ a modified procedure via video conference due to COVID-19 in addition to in-person treatment option. The study will therefore contribute to theoretical understandings of the effects of PTSD on couples, to the development of therapies specifically intended for such couples.

Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Public Safety Personnel
DepressionAnxiety1 moreThis study evaluates a transdiagnostic Internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy (ICBT) recently tailored for Canadian public safety personnel (PSP) reporting symptoms of depression, anxiety, or posttraumatic stress. Outcomes of interest include engagement with the intervention, changes in symptoms and functioning, and strengths and limitations of implementing ICBT with Canadian PSP.

The Trauma PORTAL Project: a Virtual Asynchronous Treatment for Interpersonal Trauma
Psychological TraumaVirtual delivery of mental health care is an emerging strategy for increasing access and enhancing the delivery of mental health services; however, evidence that virtual interventions are an efficacious form of therapy is limited. An asynchronous virtual treatment program that allows patients to access program material at any time could be a widely accessible, cost-effective alternative to in-person or synchronous virtual group therapy. The Trauma Therapy Program (TTP) at Women's College Hospital (WCH) follows clinical guidelines for the treatment of complex post-traumatic stress disorder that recommend a staged approach to treatment for adults suffering from the sequelae of childhood interpersonal trauma (CIT). The initial stage is safety and stabilization; in TTP, this begins with the Resourced and Resilient (R&R) group, a stage 1 trauma-focused psychoeducational psychotherapy group. Psychoeducational psychotherapy is a widely used approach to help patients understand the impact of trauma, challenge maladaptive behaviour patterns, learn safer coping skills and reduce trauma-related symptoms as part of a comprehensive approach to the treatment of PTSD. To address gaps in equitable access to trauma-focused care, the investigators developed the Trauma PORTAL: Providing Online tRauma Therapy using an Asynchronous Learning platform. The investigators developed an asynchronous virtual multimedia version of R&R consisting of 8 modules, called the Trauma PORTAL; previously called electronic Resourced and Resilient or e-R&R. The investigators then conducted an open-label pilot study where the Trauma PORTAL intervention was offered that included access to the asynchronous virtual modules, along with an optional weekly 1-hour synchronous virtual group that offers patients an opportunity to ask questions about content from the modules. Preliminary data from the investigators' open-label eR&R pilot study demonstrates feasibility, usability, and acceptability, as well as a significant improvement in PTSD symptoms from pre- to post-group. This phase of the Trauma PORTAL project seeks to test the efficacy and further assess the intervention processes, including recruitment, retention, acceptability, and adherence to the Trauma PORTAL intervention through a randomized controlled trial.

Healing Our Hearts Minds and Bodies: CVD Reduction in Persons With HIV
HIV/AIDSCardiovascular Risk Factors2 more"Healing our Minds and Bodies" (HHMB) uses a a hybrid type II effectiveness/implementation study design to increase both patient and organizational readiness to address trauma and CVD risk among African American and Latino persons living with HIV or AIDS (PLWHIV).

The Effect of Dual Attention in an EMDR Intervention
TraumaPsychological1 moreResearch to date indicates that trauma-focused treatments are safe and effective for PTSD, even when higher-risk comorbidities (e.g., psychosis or substance use) are present. In particular, there are data pointing to the efficacy of prolonged exposure therapy and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. Clinical practice guidelines specifically recommend trauma-focused treatment with exposure and/or cognitive restructuring components. Regarding EMDR interventions, there are increasing results supporting its efficacy. Some interesting clinical advantages presented by EMDR as opposed to cognitive-behavioral therapies are 1) the efficacy found despite less exposure to the traumatic memory, 2) the exclusion of homework, 3) as well as the rapid reduction in subjective disturbance produced even after a single session of EMDR therapy. However, the mechanisms producing the improvement and, in particular, the effect of bilateral stimulation are not precisely known. More research is needed in this regard since bilateral stimulation is the most controversial part and with less evidence found. In addition to this, there are very few studies that have analyzed the differential efficacy of the presence or absence of bilateral stimulation or of the different types of stimulation possible. As for the comparison between types of stimulation (bilateral with eye movements, or focusing on a fixed point), greater treatment effects have been found for EMDR with fixation on an immobile hand compared to eye movements. The aim of this study is to examine the effectiveness of a comprehensive intervention protocol for people who have experienced traumatic events and present post-traumatic symptomatology. In addition, this study will compare the efficacy of traumatic memory processing with and without dual attention.

A Comprehensive Third-generation Intervention for People With Psychosis and Post-traumatic Stress...
TraumaPsychological1 moreExisting data suggest that both trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are very common among individuals with psychosis. The presence of PTSD symptoms in psychosis is associated with worse clinical outcomes and poorer social functioning. However, PTSD is a poorly attended and poorly studied condition among this population. Research to date indicates that trauma-focused treatments are safe and effective for PTSD, even when psychotic comorbidity is present. Recent systematic reviews of psychological interventions for trauma in psychosis found that are effective in reducing trauma symptoms, suggesting that they should be implemented in front-line services. Nonetheless, larger confirmative trials are required to form robust conclusions.The aim of this project is to examine the efficacy of comprehensive third-generation protocol for people with comorbid trauma and psychosis.