Brimonidine for Intraoperative Hemostasis
Dermatochalasis of EyelidPtosis3 moreThe purpose of this study is to observe and report the effects of topical ophthalmic brimonidine in oculofacial plastic surgery.

Clinical Trial Comparing Two Non-Surgical Treatments for Severe Blepharoptosis
BlepharoptosisPtosis5 moreThis clinical trial will evaluate two non-surgical devices designed to improve eye lid opening for patients with severe Blepharoptosis (incomplete opening of the eyelids).

LEV102 Topical Gel in Acquired Blepharoptosis
Acquired BlepharoptosisPhase 1/2a, multicenter, randomized, vehicle-controlled, double-masked, multiple-dose, parallel-group study conducted in adult subjects with acquired blepharoptosis.

Subconjunctival Injection of Local Anesthetic in Anterior Blepharoptosis Repair
BlepharoptosisPtosisBlepharoptosis (ptosis) repair is a common and generally well tolerated surgical procedure usually performed using local anesthetic. However, a subset of patients appears to experience intraoperative pain/discomfort during ptosis repair using an anterior approach with subcutaneous local anesthetic. Posterior subconjuctival local anesthetic is currently used for eyelid procedures such as chalazion incision and drainage and full-thickness eyelid resections. The purpose of this study is to determine whether an additional subconjunctival injection of local anesthetic, through the posterior aspect of the eyelid, reduces intraoperative pain during anterior ptosis repair.

Objective Evaluation of the Effect of Oculoplastic Operations Using the Vectra M 3D Imaging System...
Eyelid PtosesEctropion Eyelids1 moreAn objective assessment of that part of the spectrum of ophthalmic eyelid surgeries that focuses on correcting the position of entropy (e.g. ectropion, ptosis surgery) is very difficult - although it is possible to use different measuring parameters (distance of pupillary reflexes from the edges of the eyelid), comparing different distances on the face, exophthalmometry or the lid laxity test - the so-called snap-back test, but all these methods are based either on the subjective assessment of the examiner or on the correctness of the attached ruler, and their objectivity is therefore very low.

Clinical Trial to Improve the Magnetic Levator Prosthesis
BlepharoptosisPtosis4 moreBlepharoptosis (incomplete opening of the eyelids) occurs because of a disruption in the normal agonist-antagonist neuro-muscular complex balance. An external device could restore eyelid movement. A newer class of permanent magnets made of alloys of neodymium (Nd), iron (Fe) and boron (B) might provide the technology needed to develop a feasible external magnetic device that could restore eyelid movement.

Effect of Upper Eyelid Surgeries on Corneal Characteristics
Eyelid DiseasesPtosis1 moreThe goal of this prospective observational study is to learn about the impact of conventional eyelid correction surgery on the eye's health and function in ptosis and eyelid retraction patient. The main questions it aims to answer are: • Changes in corneal topography, higher-order corneal aberrations, corneal biomechanical characteristics, and corneal epithelial thickness before and after the surgery Influence of corneal refraction examinations , vision change, and tear film function after the surgery Fifty participants will undergo conventional eyelid correction surgery by the same ophthalmologist (YH Wei) and non-invasive examinations before and after the surgery. The patient will be separate to 2 groups, including 30 with correction for ptosis and 20 with correction for eyelid retraction. The research will collect information of the operated eye and fellow eye, and the data will be compared between operated and fellow eye and with the other group.

Oxymetazoline Drops for Acquired Blepharoptosis From Synkinesis
BlepharoptosisSynkinesis2 moreAfter an episode of facial paralysis, as nerves recover, they aberrantly regenerate and send additional branches to the incorrect muscles in addition to the intended muscle. This leads to what is known as Aberrant Regeneration Syndrome, Post-paralysis Synkinesis, or Nonflaccid Facial Paralysis. It is characterized by poor facial symmetry and function, hypertonic facial muscles at rest, and abnormal facial movements. One sequela is acquired blepharoptosis causing a smaller ocular aperture, visual field obstruction, cosmetic deformity, and abnormal periocular spasms. This study aims to evaluate an FDA approved medication for acquired blepharoptosis due to synkinesis/hyperkinesis as an adjunct to treatment.

Phenylephrine Versus Eyelid Taping for Muller's Muscle-Conjunctival Resection (MMCR) Evaluation...
PtosisEyelidThis research study aims to compare whether Phenylephrine 2.5% ophthalmic eye drop solution can serve as a better indicator of the effect of a drooping upper eyelid (ptosis) by covering part of the upper portion of the field of vision as compared to traditional use of tape to lift up the upper eyelid in the evaluation of patients for surgical upper eyelid repair.

Levator Muscle Reaction for Unilateral Congenital Ptosis Repair as Compared to Levator Plication...
Congenital PtosisThe aim of this study was to compare the outcome of levator muscle resection with plication in mild to moderate congenital unilateral blepharoptosis.