
Active clinical trials for "Lung Diseases"

Results 2671-2680 of 3242

Cohort Study of Respiratory Illness in Early Childhood

Lung Diseases

To analyze previously collected data on respiratory illness in early childhood.

Completed1 enrollment criteria

Epidemiology of Symptom Perception in Childhood Asthma

AsthmaLung Diseases

To investigate the determinants of valid symptom perception in childhood asthma and the relation of symptom perception to asthma morbidity.

Completed1 enrollment criteria

Longitudinal Study of Asthma From Birth to Adulthood

AsthmaLung Diseases

To extend follow-up of a birth cohort of asthmatic children through adolescence and on to adulthood. .

Completed1 enrollment criteria

Risk Factors for Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn

Persistent Fetal Circulation SyndromeLung Diseases

To conduct a multicenter case-control study of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN) in relation to maternal exposure to smoking and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Also, to assess other potential antenatal risk factors and collect and store buccal cell specimens for future analyses.

Completed1 enrollment criteria

Determinants of Respiratory Health in Young Adults

Lung Diseases

To measure lung function and respiratory symptom status in a large cohort of healthy, non-smoking 18-22 year old subjects, and relate these measurements to past histories of passive smoke and air pollution exposures.

Completed1 enrollment criteria

Dose Estimation for Studies of Acute Respiratory Effects

Lung Diseases

To modify and expand an existing pharmacokinetic model for nasal dose as well as to develop a new model to estimate tracheobronchial dose of an active agent for each subject in a study of acute respiratory health effects.

Completed1 enrollment criteria

Validation and Exploration of Sleep and Mood Predictors

Sleep Apnea SyndromesDepression2 more

To determine whether objectively recorded sleep durations were mortality risk factors, whether sleep duration could be distinguished from depression as a risk factor in Women's Health Initiative (WHI) data, and whether sleep-associated risks were attributable to specific pathophysiologic processes such as sleep apnea, circadian rhythm phase advances, or deficiencies of melatonin, or deficiencies of reproductive steroids. The study was ancillary to the WHI.

Completed1 enrollment criteria

Epidemiology & Intervention Research for Tobacco Control

Lung Diseases

To characterize the development of tobacco control capacity with staff from the Chinese Center's for Disease control (CDCs) at the provincial level and to have them develop and implement population-level interventions to build awareness and knowledge concerning the harms of smoking that could help lead to policy action being taken to protect the population from the harms caused by smoking. Compare capacity, policy and, second-hand smoke exposure and smoking rates in selected provinces to national levels.

Completed1 enrollment criteria

Disability and Health Outcomes in COPD

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseLung Diseases

To test a conceptual model of how disability develops in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Completed5 enrollment criteria

Correlation of FeNO, Blood Eosinophils, Bronchoalveolar Lavage Findings and Bronchial Epithelium...

Obstructive Lung Diseases

Scientific research focuses on "eosinophilic inflammation" as it seems to guide the therapeutic regimen in patients with asthma and COPD. The primary objective of this prospective trial is to evaluate which parameter(s) best reflects eosinophilic inflammation by correlating tissue eosinophils (endobronchial biopsy, protected specimen brush sampling) with FeNO, peripheral blood eosinophils, and eosinophils in the bronchoalveolar lavage of patients with obstructive pulmonary disease.

Terminated13 enrollment criteria

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