Impact of Early Postoperative Treatment With Posterior Tibial Nerve Stimulation on the Incidence...
Rectal DisordersLow Anterior Resection Syndrome1 moreThe treatment of rectal cancer is currently based on surgical resection of the rectum with total excision of the mesorectum, associated with neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy. Surgical resections with sphincter preservation are frequently (60% of cases) associated with problems related to intestinal and defecatory function, which together are called Anterior Resection Syndrome (ARS) with varying degrees of severity. Among the different treatments the investigators find posterior tibial nerve stimulation, a simple and non-invasive technique, which is currently used. The study aims to analyze whether postoperative posterior tibial nerve stimulation in patients undergoing low anterior resection of the rectum has an impact on the incidence and duration of low anterior resection syndrome (LARS) and therefore on the quality of life of patients undergoing this type of intervention. Therefore, treatment with PNTS is currently established for the management of LARS symptoms. Given that a large percentage of patients operated on for rectal neoplasms will develop this syndrome, the investigators intend to apply this treatment before the onset of symptoms in patients at risk for LARS. It is also an intervention with a low rate of side effects, the benefit that the investigators can obtain from its preventive application is clearly superior to the risk of undergoing such treatment. The investigators´ hypothesis is: Posterior tibial stimulation for 6 weeks post-operative of low anterior resection with anastomosis has a favorable impact by reducing the incidence and duration of ARS and improving the quality of life of patients undergoing anterior rectal resections for cancer.

SCI-Pex Study - Safety and Performance of PexyEazy®, a Device for Treatment of Hemorrhoids
HemorrhoidsHemorrhoids5 moreThe SCI-Pex study is a multicenter, prospective, non-controlled investigation on PexyEazy®, a new device for treatment of hemorrhoids based on the mucopexy method. Mucopexy is a well established method where sutures are applied above the hemorrhoids. When knots are tied, the hemorrhoids are lifted inwards to their normal position, which makes them swell down and symptoms disappears. PexyEazy® perform a mukopexy in a semiautomatic, faster and easier way on awake patient in less than 10 minutes. The SCI-Pex study will evaluate the safety and performance of PexyEazy on 35 patients with hemorrhoids grade II and III with a follow-up after 1 week, 3 months and 5 years. Adverse events, pain and other complications will be recorded, quality of life and hemorrhoid symptom questionnaires and clinical examination after 3 months will be monitored to evaluate the result after a PexyEazy® procedure.

Comparison of Rubber Band Ligation and Haemorrhoidectomy in Patients With Symptomatic Haemorrhoids...
HemorrhoidsHemorrhoids3 moreRationale: Haemorrhoidal disease is one of the most common anorectal disorders which affects nearly half of the general population1. Given the current numerous modalities the obvious question which needs to be answered is which treatment is the best. An interesting conclusion from a recent systematic review regarding operative procedures for haemorrhoidal disease is that all procedures have their own advantages and disadvantages. There is a need for evaluating treatment from the patient's point of view and transparency in surgical and non-surgical treatment outcome. So far there is no sufficiently large trial that meets that demand. Objective: To establish the best treatment of patients with symptomatic haemorrhoids grade III: haemorrhoidectomy versus rubber band ligation (RBL). Patient bound effectiveness, clinical effectiveness and cost-utility of both treatments is compared; primary outcome is quality of life at 24 months measured with the EQ-5D-5L with Dutch rating and recurrence at one year post procedure. The assumption is that treatment with rubber band ligation is equally effective in comparison with haemorrhoidectomy in terms of quality of life. Study design:Multicentre randomized controlled non-inferiority trial with cost-utility analysis. Two treatment protocols are compared: haemorrhoidectomy and rubber band ligation. Study population: Patients aged ≥ 18 years with symptomatic haemorrhoids gr III. Patients are recruited in multiple clinics during 18-24 months. Intervention: Participants are allocated to either rubber band ligation or haemorrhoidectomy. Main study parameters/endpoints: Primary outcome measure is quality of life at 24 months measured with the EQ-5D-5L with Dutch rating and recurrence at one year post procedure. Secondary outcomes are: complaint reduction with proctology specific patient-related outcome measure (HSS, PROM, PROMHISS), vaizey score, resumption of work, pain (VAS), complications and recurrence at two years.

Intrathecal Hydromorphone for Postoperative Pain of Anorectal Surgery
Acute PainPost Operative Pain2 moreAnorectal problems, such as hemorrhoids, fistula, fissures, Etc., often require surgical treatment. Patients often have postoperative pain after these surgeries, which increases discomfort and hospital length of stay. The efficacy of oral non-opioids in the treatment of such pain is poor. Hydromorphone is an opioid analgesic commonly used orally or intravenously for postoperative pain management. We designed this trial to investigate the efficacy and safety of intrathecal (delivery directly to the spinal cord during spinal anesthesia) single dose hydromorphone versus intrathecal placebo in treating postoperative pain among human subjects after anorectal surgery, but also the recovery of postoperative motor capacity in these human subjects.

Circulating Tumor DNA Analysis to Optimize the Operative and Postoperative Treatment for Patients...
Colorectal CancerColo-rectal Cancer13 moreIMPROVE-IT2 is a randomized multicenter trial comparing the outcomes of ctDNA guided post-operative surveillance and standard-of-care CT-scan surveillance. The hypothesis of this study is that ctDNA guided post-operative surveillance combining ctDNA and radiological assessments could result in earlier detection of recurrent disease and identify more patients eligible for curative treatment.

Preoperative FOLFOXIRI Chemotherapy Combined With Lateral Lymph Node Dissection in Rectal Cancer...
Lymph Node MetastasisCancer of Rectum and Anus5 moreThe goal of this clinical trial is to compare in newly diagnosed patients with resectable rectal cancer with lateral lymph node metastasis. This study aims to further verify the safety and efficacy of FOLFOXIRI three-drug regimen Using multiple omics techniques to identify and confirm specific molecular markers Participants will be treated with FOLFOXIRI three-drug combination regimen. Researchers will compare another group treated with conventional preoperative chemoradiotherapy to see if the experimental group is superior to the control group in terms of 3-year disease free survival, local recurrence rate, lateral lymph node positivity rate, and 5-year overall survival rate.

Palliative Primary Tumor Resection in Minimally Symptomatic Patients With Colorectal Cancer and...
Colorectal NeoplasmsIntestinal Neoplasms12 moreCurrently, the question remains whether palliative primary tumor resection could improve overall survival of minimally symptomatic patients with colorectal cancer and synchronous unresectable metastases. The aim of this study is to determine if there is an improvement in overall survival of palliative primary tumor resection followed by chemotherapy in minimally symptomatic patients with colorectal cancer and synchronous unresectable metastases compared to those of upfront chemotherapy/radiotherapy alone.

A Multimodal Enhanced Recovery Program in Anorectal Surgery
Colorectal DisordersAnorectal Disorder6 moreThe goal of this study is to establish whether an opioid-sparing Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) program in ambulatory anorectal surgery can be safely introduced at a single tertiary referral center without an increase in postoperative pain or negative impact on the patient experience. A single-center, single-blinded randomized control trial is proposed, where patients will be assigned in a 1:1 ratio to either usual care, which includes extended opioids (control group) or the enhanced recovery group (experimental), which includes preemptive pain control, targeted education, and multimodal opioid-sparing pain management during the intraoperative and postoperative periods. The expected outcome is that the enhanced recovery program will significantly reduce opioid utilization with comparable pain scores and patient satisfaction after anorectal surgery.

The Role of High-resolution Anorectal Manometry in the Diagnosis of Functional Anorectal Disorders...
Inflammatory Bowel DiseasesThe study aimed at diagnose and to detect the incidence of functional anorectal disorders in patients with inactive inflammatory bowel disease and to highlight the role of anorectal manometry in evaluating IBD patients with persistent defecatory dysfunction .

Random Comparison of LigaSure and Disposable Staples for Laparoscopic Surgery
Colonic DiseasesRectal DiseasesThe purpose of this research is to compare two different standard of care surgical methods for the following large bowel (colon) procedures: laparoscopic right colectomy, total colectomy, and left colectomy. The study will compare electrocautery, used with surgical clips and/or surgical staplers, and the Ligasure vessel sealer. The investigators will be looking at which procedure is faster and more cost efficient and the investigators will calculate hospital expenses for the two groups to make comparisons.