The Effect of Different Reconstruction Methods on Anterior Resection Syndrome
Rectal CancerLow Anterior Resection SyndromeThe incidence of prerectal resection syndrome (LARS) after middle and low rectal cancer surgery is as high as 70%, which seriously affects the quality of life of patients. Studies have shown that colon pouch can reduce and alleviate LARS symptoms. However, most previous studies focused on open surgery, and the evaluation index lacked objectivity. Therefore, in the context of minimally invasive rectal cancer surgery, it is necessary to re-evaluate the value of improved surgical methods for the prevention of LARS, so as to improve the quality of life of patients.

Oncologic Risk of Rectal Preservation Against Medical Advice After Chemoradiotherapy for Rectal...
Rectal CancerChemoradiationThough refusal of radical surgery was often happened in rectal cancer patient after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy, little is currently known about the actual oncologic outcome of it. Thus the investigators designed this study to compare the oncologic outcome of unintended rectal preservation with intended rectal preservation by surgeon.

Validation of the Moroccan Arabic Version of the Low Anterior Resection Syndrome (LARS) and Wexner...
Rectal Cancer PatientsIn the past decade, colorectal cancer management improved considerably with total mesorectal excision as well as the multidisciplinary management relying on neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy. This forward leap is currently responsible for an increase in the survivorship of colorectal cancer patients to more than 50% at 5 years. Additively the surgical approach is now more inclined towards sphincter preserving procedures, which allows the conservation of body image but can have negative bowel function repercussions consisting of urgency and incontinence ; all these terms encompassed in the low anterior resection syndrome. In the light of these findings many studies developed assessment tools in order to objectively measure this functional alteration among which are the low anterior resection syndrome questionnaire (LARS) and the WEXNER score. These tools designed to assess bowel function after sphincter-preserving surgery are now translated and validated into various languages and used in different countries. The LARS score relies on the frequency of the symptoms and allows the categorization of patients into 3 groups: no LARS (0-20 points), minor LARS (21-29 points), and major LARS (30-42 points). It assesses the frequency of emptying, incontinence ( liquid, gas ), and other symptoms such as urgency and incomplete voiding. On the other hand, the WEXNER score relies on the examination of the frequency of three types of fecal incontinence (solid, liquid, and gas) and their consequences (pad wearing and lifestyle alteration) with frequency options ranging from never (score 0) through to always (meaning at least once per day; score 4). The score ranges from 0 (perfect continence) to 20 (complete incontinence). The aim of our study is to adapt and validate the LARS and WEXNER score to the moroccan arabic dialect.

Hypofractionated Palliative Radiotherapy in Patients With Advanced Non-operable Rectal Cancer
Rectal CancerMany patients with rectal cancer were not candidates for surgical resection because advanced age, comorbidities, or multiple synchronous metastases. In this scenario only comfort measures or different palliative radiotherapy regimens are applied, from single doses to treatments lasting several weeks. The aim of this prospective study is to describe the preliminary results of our protocol of hypofractionated palliative radiotherapy in patients with non-operable rectal cancer.

Inflammation After Laparoscopic Robot-assisted Surgery for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer
Locally Advanced Rectal CancerAbdominoperineal ResectionThe intention of the study is to explore metabolic and inflammatory parameters in the pelvis and systemically after abdominoperineal resection (APR) for locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC) in patients that have received radiation therapy before surgery. In this study the inflammatory response after laparoscopic robot-assisted APR for LARC will be compared to results obtained in a recent cohort of patients operated with open APR for LARC, which will serve as the control population.

The Development of a Patient Reported Outcomes Measure Committed to the Watch-and-wait Program for...
Rectal CancerThe purpose of this study to develop an international tool that can be used to assess burden of disease in patients enrolled in the W&W program for rectal cancer

Prediction of the Response to Neoadjuvant Radiation Chemotherapy Through Texture Analysis Derived...
Rectal CancerIn patient with complete pathological response, surgery could be omitted without compromising progression-free or overall survival. A powerful prediction model is needed to guide management of this population. Radiomics features provide complementary information about tumor heterogenity. The aim of the investigators is to develop a model combining clinical and radiomic criteria able to predict complete pathological response.

Short-term Outcomes of Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision With Structured Training Curriculums...
Rectal CancerTransanal total mesorectal excision (TaTME) is an alternative for mid-low rectal cancer. In China, this procedure has been performed in high-volume centers with structured training curriculums. This study aimed to evaluate the short-term outcomes during the initial implementation of the TaTME procedure in high-volume centers who followed structured training curriculums in China.

Rectal Cancer Trial On Defunctioning Stoma
Rectal CancerThe hypothesis of the present trial was that the use of a defunctioning loop stoma reduces the rate of symptomatic anastomotic leakage from 15% to 7.5% after low anterior resection of the rectum for cancer.

Oncological and Functional Result of AbdominoPerineal Extra Levator Resection for Distal Rectal...
Rectal CancerThe aim of the project is to evaluate the oncological and functional outcome of the more extensive perineal dissection - i.e the extra levator resection - in abdominoperineal resections in patients with rectal cancer. Hypothesis: Extra levator perineal resection reduces local recurrence three year postoperatively compared to traditional abdominoperineal resection and improves QoL 2-4 years postoperatively.