Perineal Reconstruction Following eLAPE and Simultaneous Stoma Sublay Reinforcement
Rectal CancerThis is a prospective, multicenter, single arm, observational pilot study to assess the clinical outcomes of Strattice Reconstructive Tissue Matrix for perineal reconstruction following eLAPE and simultaneous stoma reinforcement.

Predictive Factors of Disease-free Survival After Complete Pathological Response to Neoadjuvant...
Rectal NeoplasmsMany data suggest that patients with low rectal adenocarcinoma who achieved ypT0N0 status have improved survival and disease-free survival (DFS) compared to all other stages however only few data are available regarding the specific prognosis factors of this subgroup. This retrospective multicentric study aimed to predict the prognosis of patients with complete pathological response after neoadjuvant treatment.

Rectal Washout in Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision and Presence of Intraluminal Malignant Cells...
Rectal CancerThe study aims to assess the existence of intraluminal malignant cells and the appropriate fluid volume needed to perform rectal washout during transanal total mesorectal excision (taTME) for rectal cancer.

QoL of Colorectal Cancer Patients and Spouses
Quality of LifeStoma Ileostomy3 moreThe aim of the present prospective, comparative study was to compare the quality of life (QoL) of patients after colorectal surgery to the QoL of their spouses. The study included patients who underwent curative surgery for colorectal carcinoma (n = 100; abdominoperineal excision [n = 33], low anterior resection [n = 33], left hemicolectomy [n = 34]) and their spouses (n = 100). The patients and spouses completed the Medical Outcome Study 36-item Short Form Survey (SF-36) and the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule II (WHODAS-II) preoperatively and at postoperative months 15 to 18. The QoL of patients and that of their spouses changed following surgery for colorectal cancer. These changes were more significant among male patients' spouses.

Cross-sectional Study of Anorectal Function and Quality of Life in Patients With Middle and Low...
Rectal CancerUnderstanding the quality of life and anorectal function changes in patients with middle and low rectal cancer after surgery can guide patients to recover after surgery and provide a valuable reference for surgeons in the selection of surgical methods. The purpose of this study is to: (1) Investigate the complication rate, recurrence and metastasis rate and survival of patients with middle and low rectal cancer. (2) QLQ-C30 and QLQ-CR29 questionnaires were used to assess the quality of life of patients with low- and middle-level rectal cancer at different periods after surgery. (3) Wexner constipation score and LARS syndrome score for anorectal function after operation for low rectal cancer. (4) The CIPE ejaculatory function score, IIEF-5 International Erectile Function Score, and FSFI-6 Female Sexual Function Index were used to assess the changes in sexual function of patients with low- and middle-position rectal cancer after surgery.

Evaluation of Delayed Coloanal Anastomosis
Rectal NeoplasmsAfter rectal resection for cancer of the lower rectum, the restoration of continuity is done by a colo-anal anastomosis with a protective ileostomy. However, the ileostomy is very little accepted by patients. It is associated with significant morbidity and a deterioration in the quality of life. Delayed colo-anal anastomosis has been proposed as an alternative to direct colo-anal anastomosis with a protective ileostomy. The theoretical advantage of this technique is to reduce the risk of anastomotic leaks and to avoid ileostomy. In this study, the investigators will retrospectively evaluate the short and midterm results of this technique.

Sigmoid Take-off, New Rectum Definition
Rectal CancerThe diversity of definitions for the rectosigmoid junction is becoming a major obstacle to the standardization of optimal treatment of rectal cancers. The aim of this study was to determine the average height of the sigmoid take-off and its association with individual factors. Patients diagnosed with rectal and sigmoid colon cancer in our center from January 2010 to December 2018 were retrospectively enrolled in the cancer group. The results of 200 controls without colorectal disease were also reviewed (normal group). The distance of different landmarks and margins of cancer from the anal verge were retrieved from computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and endoscopy findings.

Retrospective Study of Surgical Complications in Patients With Defunctioning Stoma After Low Anterior...
Rectal CancerThis study is being conducted to evaluate the incidence and type of surgical complications occurring in patients who have a defunctioning stoma after LARfor rectal cancer. The data from this retrospective study will be analyzed by the study Sponsor to aid in designing a prospective clinical trial for a new technology that offers a treatment alternative to standard of care defunctioning stoma in patients undergoing LAR for rectal cancer.

TRECA - TREatment of Colorectal Adenomas and Early Colorectal CAncer in Region Västra Götaland
Rectal NeoplasmsAll early colorectal cancers (T1-T2) treated in the Region Västra Götaland from 2007-2020 will be evaluated. To establish the extent to which early colorectal cancers have been treated with local excision? How have treatment strategies changed over time? The study will provide information on where these patients have been treated in the Region Västra Götaland. During the study period, ESD was introduced as a treatment modality, and it will investigated how this may have influenced treatment strategies for complex adenomas. Clinical outcome measures will include recurrence rates and re-intervention rates for the respective treatments. Possible areas of improvement will be identified and determine if evidence based and best practice guidelines are met with the current treatment strategies in Region Västra Götaland.

Ultrasound Elastography in Patients With Rectal Cancer
Rectal CancerThe aim of this study is to recruit 50 rectal cancer patients planned to receive standard radiochemotherapy. A baseline ultrasonic elastography is performed prior to radiochemotherapy and followed by re-scans two and six weeks after initiation of treatment. The objective quantitative elastography findings are compared with the TRG score. The purpose is to elucidate ultrasonic elastography's ability to predict treatment response at an early stage by comparing quantitative ultrasound parameters before, during and after treatment with MR scan results and histopathological Tumor Regression Grade (TRG score) after operation.