Comparing of Different Biomarkers From Vena Rectalis Superior and Vena Cubiti in Patients Undergoing...
Rectal CancerThe primary aim of the present study is to investigate different biomarkers like VEGF, EVGF and others ability to predict time to recidive and progressions free survival.

A Digimed Oncology PharmacoTherapy Registry
Colon CancerBreast Cancer1 moreDigiMeds™ are medications with FDA-approved ingestible sensors (IS), a wearable sensor patch (patch), and a mobile app, which records time-stamped medication type and dose alongside biometric activity. The aim of this registry is to collect and analyze data on the use of DigiMeds™ and a digital feedback system on medication adherence, patient-provider communication, and data-driven optimization of therapy for cancer patients.

Endoscopic Ultrasound Predict the Sensitivity of Stage II / III Rectal Cancer Preoperative Concurrent...
Rectal CancerThe purpose of this study is to determine the role of endoscopic ultrasound measurement of the primary tumor maximum diameter changes in absolute / relative values in predicting the tumor regression after concurrent chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer.

Application of Circulating Tumor DNA Test in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Patients With Advanced...
Rectal NeoplasmsNeoadjuvant Therapy1 moreApplication of circulating tumor DNA detection in diagnosis and treatment of locally advanced rectal cancer. First, to explore the feasibility of ctDNA as a detection index for rectal cancer. Second, evaluate the accuracy of ctDNA detection in rectal cancer. Third, to explore whether ctDNA can be used in the evaluation of preoperative concurrent chemoradiotherapy, so as to provide guidance for subsequent treatment. Fourth, to explore the guidance value for the decision of postoperative adjuvant therapy and the frequency of reexamination. Fifth, search for possible recurrence related mutations.

A Contemporary Review of Surgical Approaches in Pelvic Exenterative Surgery
Pelvic ExenterationAdvanced Pelvic Malignancy1 moreMinimally-invasive surgery (MIS) techniques have revolutionised the approach to rectal cancer surgery. With increasing experience, surgeons have began to utilise these platforms increasingly in the context of pelvic exenteration (PE). This observational retrospective review plans to assess the volume of PE being performed on a global basis and to assess the comparative outcomes associated with each technique in order to assess the optimal approach to radical pelvic surgery.

PelvEx 4: Advanced Pelvic Malignancy and the Role of the Multi-disciplinary Team Meeting
Multidisciplinary CommunicationLocally Advanced Rectal Cancer3 moreThe treatment of locally advanced and recurrent rectal cancers is highly individualized to each patient and their pattern of disease, and this decision is often made at the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) meeting . The PelvEx collaborative was designed with the intent to provide greater international consensus on appropriate treatment decisions for this cohort. However, we propose that international variation exists in how certain patients will be evaluated, assessed and ultimately treated despite having the same disease. We plan to measure this variation in order to provide a greater understanding of the differences that exist.

RadioPathomics Artificial Intelligence Model to Predict Tumor Regression Grading in Locally Advanced...
Rectal CancerIn this study, investigators apply a radiopathomics artificial intelligence (AI) supportive model to predict neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (nCRT) response before the nCRT is delivered for the patients with locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC). The radiopathomics AI system predicts individual tumor regression grading (TRG) category based on each patient's radiopathomics features extracted from the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and biopsy images. The predictive power to classify each patient into particular TRG category will be validated in this multicenter, prospective clinical study.

IPC Status as a Surgical Quality Marker in Rectal Cancer Surgery
Rectal CancerRisk of local recurrence after rectal surgery is nationally 8% after curative surgery to 5%. Local recurrence rate after curative surgery varies between 3-7% in the variety of regions in the country. It is well known that the surgical technique total mesorectal excision (TME) has led to improved prognosis after rectal cancer surgery. TME surgery is difficult to perform and different factors affect the quality of TME preparations. Injuries in mesorectal fascia has been reported in up to 20% of patients who underwent TME surgery and most surgeons agree that this may be important for recurrences. However, it is unclear to what extent a damaged mesorectal fascia can be related to a worsening of prognosis in patients with rectal cancer. Adjuvant oncological treatment in form of chemotherapy after surgery, is offers patients with unfavorable tumors based on the pathological examination. Patients with favorable tumors (less advanced) are not offered chemotherapy, even if the surgical technique was not optimal, ie. that there is damage in the mesorectal fascia, as evidence for this is lacking. The presence of intraperitoneal cancer cells (IPC) is related to histopathological tumor stage of colorectal cancer. Incidence of IPC of intraperitoneal tumors (rectal cancer patients with tumors below the peritoneal reflection) is unclear. Assessment of IPC status with cytology and immunohistochemistry is technically easy and could after TME surgery identify those patients who have an increased risk of tumor recurrence. In a positive IPC status, the patient would possibly benefit from either postoperative radiotherapy if the patient did not receive preoperative therapy, or postoperative oncological chemotherapy. Tumour cells may be lysed in sterile water, and some surgeons rinse the abdominal cavity and the bowel distally to the tumour. Neither rinsing the abdomen or rectum in colorectal cancer is routinely occurring and the clinical benefit has not been established. The value of rinsing the abdomen after TME-surgery could also be studied by IPC status. The study hypothesis is that the IPC status is dependent on the surgical quality of the specimen after TME-surgery in rectal cancer patients, and its presence leads to increased risk of local recurrence.

Validation of Low Anterior Resection Syndrome Score in Korean Version
Neoplasm of RectumSurgery--Complications1 moreIn contemporary era of rectal cancer treatment, development of surgical technique and tool, adaptation of chemoradiation therapy, as well as multidisciplinary approach have led increased survival as well as rate of sphincter preservation. However, poor anorectal function, such as fecal incontinence and/or urgency, has also been increased. Such anorectal dysfunction is named as low anterior resection syndrome, and its rate has been reported in 40 to 90% in rectal cancer patients who received sphincter preserving surgery. Low anterior resection syndrome is known to debilitate quality of life in survivors of rectal cancer. Previously, several studies attempted to evaluate the low anterior resection syndrome via questionnaires and scoring system. Adapting the low anterior resection syndrome score system created in Denmark, this study investigates the validity of the scoring system in Korean language.

Quality of Life in Patients After Combined Modality Treatment of Rectal Cancer
Rectal CancerThe goal of this study is gathering informations about patients' quality of life after combined modality treatment of rectal cancer to evaluate how combined modality treatment for rectal cancer affects patients' quality of life. The findings of this study may provide us important information that can be used in treatment decision and to develop programs to improve quality of life of patients with rectal cancer.