Comparison of Liagure Safety in Thyroidectomy With Conventional Thyroidectomy
Ligature; HemorrhageRecurrent Laryngeal Nerve Injuries1 moreTo compare intraoperative and postoperative complication rates in thyroidectomy between ligasure and traditional vascular ligation and clipping .

Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve InjuriesThe recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) dissection should be performed cranio-caudally in TOETVA approach.The aim of this study was to compare the cranio-caudal and lateral approach for RLN dissection in regard with the rates of LOS during conventional thyroidectomy using continuous intraoperative nerve monitoring (CIONM).

Effect of Reversed Tracking Method for Identification of EBSLN in Thyroid Surgery
Thyroid CancerRecurrent Laryngeal Nerve InjuriesThe feasibility and effectiveness of Reversed Tracking Method for the identification and protection of extralaryngeal nerve branches in thyroid surgery were analyzed. Evidence-based medical evidence was used to evaluate the importance of EBSLN recognition and protection in thyroid surgery.

Lidocaine Reduces Muscle Tremor is Beneficial for Intraoperative Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Monitoring...
Thyroid CancerNeck Cancer3 moreIn recent years, the application of intraoperative recurrent laryngeal nerve monitoring in thyroid surgery has greatly reduced the complications of recurrent laryngeal nerve injury. The use of intraoperative neurological monitoring requires the reduction of the dose of neuromuscular blockade, which often leads to muscle tremors during the application of electrical energy, which affects the fine separation around the muscles. This study explored the effect of local application of lidocaine on reducing muscle tremor during surgery and its optimal dose.

Methylene Blue Spray for Identification of Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve and Parathyroid Gland
Methylene BlueRecurrent Laryngeal Nerve Injuries1 moreThyroidectomy is the procedure by which surgeons treat various thyroid diseases and is considered the commonest endocrinal surgery. Yet, it carries a risk for intraoperative complications. The most distressing complications are recurrent laryngeal nerve and parathyroid injuries. Methylene blue spray is a technique than can be used for easy identification of both recurrent laryngeal nerve and parathyroid glands so we can avoid their injuries.

Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve's Motor Function: Sometimes Motor Fibers May Also Be Located in The Posterior...
Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve InjuriesThe investigators hypothesized that, sometimes the posterior branch of the recurrent laryngeal nerve may also have motor function. The investigators aimed to evaluate motor function of the branches in the branching recurrent laryngeal nerves in this study.

NerveTrend vs. i-IONM in Prevention of Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Events During Bilateral Thyroid...
Thyroid DiseasesSurgery1 moreThe aim of this study is to compare two distinct modes of NIM Vital application in thyroid surgery: i-IONM vs. NerveTrend mode with respect to prevalence of early postoperative RLN injury. The hypothesis explored in this study is that NerveTrend mode may be more accurate than conventional i-IONM mode in intraoperative identification of impending neural injury and in prognostication of postoperative glottis function in monitored bilateral thyroid surgery. Hence, NerveTrend mode may be considered a bridge between i-IONM and c-IONM modes, and particularly in health care environments with limited financial resources it can be considered a substantial step forward representing a modern alternative to the c-IONM technique and providing benefits over conventional i-IONM mode. A prospective, randomized study with 2 arms: i-IONM vs. NeveTrend mode (n=132 patients and 264 nerves at risk, each). The primary outcome measure is prevalence of recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) injury (%) on postoperative day 1 assessed by direct laryngoscopy.

Hydrodissection of Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve: Case Series
Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve InjuriesThis study evaluates the hydrodissection technique in recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) dissection in thyroid surgeries. In this study hydrodissection of RLN was performed routinely in thyroid surgeries.

Recurrent Nerve Monitoring During Aortic Arch Repair
Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve InjuriesAortic Arch HypoplasiaAlmost half of newborns undergoing surgery to repair narrowing or interruption of the aortic arch will suffer injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve. This causes a weak voice and can lead to problems with feeding including aspiration of milk feed after the surgery. As these children can have a vulnerable circulation, aspiration events can reduce survival and poor weight gain has been shown to correlate with poorer outcomes after surgery. In other types of surgery in the neck, monitors can be used to alert the surgeon to when injury is occurring to the recurrent nerve. To date, this type of monitoring has not been possible in newborns. This study aims to investigate if this type of monitoring is feasible in newborns undergoing aortic arch repair, to prevent recurrent nerve injury.