Performance of the SPIRION Laryngeal Pacemaker in BVFP Patients Without Glottal Enlargement
Bilateral Vocal Cord ParalysisThe goal of this clinical investigation is to learn about the use of a novel medical device, the SPIRION Laryngeal Pacemaker, in patients suffering from bilateral vocal fold paralysis (BVFP). The main questions it aims to answer are: Is the use of the device safe? Does the device improve the participants ability to take a breath? Participants will be implanted with the SPIRION Laryngeal Pacemaker and the development of their symptoms will be observed for the following 2 years.

Allograft Adipose Injectable for Vocal Fold Paralysis
Vocal Fold PalsyRenuva is allograft adipose matrix commonly used as a filler in cosmetic procedures. The investigators are studying this material as an injectable in the vocal fold to treat glottic insufficiency. Currently, many products can be used as an injectable in the vocal fold to correct glottic insufficiency such as carbomethycellulose, hyaluronic acid, collagen derivatives and calcium hydroxyapatite amongst others. An ideal injectable would not impair the fibroelastic property of the vocal fold tissues and would integrate within the tissue of the vocal fold. Since Renuva has the property of stimulating adipogenesis by using growth factor and collagen, the investigators believe it could represent a good option in terms of safety and efficacy for vocal fold augmentation. This study will assess the safety and efficacy of Renuva as a vocal fold injectable to treat glottic insufficiency.

APrevent-VOIS-Implant-002 - a Two-Part, Open-Label, Non-Randomized Multicenter Study
ParalysisUnilateral1 moreThis is a prospective, 2-part, multi-center, open-label, non-randomized clinical trial to assess safety and effectiveness of APrevent® VOIS Implants for the treatment of patients with Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis (UVFP). In total 30 evaluable patients are planned to be enrolled.

Performance of the SPIRION Laryngeal Pacemaker in BVFP Patients With Single-sided Glottal Enlargement...
Bilateral Vocal Cord ParalysisThe goal of this clinical investigation is to learn about the use of a novel medical device, the SPIRION Laryngeal Pacemaker, in patients suffering from bilateral vocal fold paralysis (BVFP) and who have had at least one related surgery on one of their vocal folds. The main questions it aims to answer are: Is the use of the device safe? Does the device improve the participants ability to take a breath? Participants will be implanted with the SPIRION Laryngeal Pacemaker and the development of their symptoms will be observed for the following 2 years.

Non-phonatory Exercises in Patients With Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis Post-thyroidectomy
Unilateral Vocal Cord ParalysisThyroidectomy is the most common iatrogenic cause of vocal fold paralysis. Patients complain of hoarseness caused by incomplete glottic closure and have effort to raise vocal intensity with consequent elevation of the larynx and/or involvement of supraglottic structures in phonation. These compensation mechanisms result in a shift of the fundamental frequency towards more serious tones or falsetto voice emissions. The first choice treatment is speech therapy which aims to obtain better glottic closure, preventing ankylosis of the crico-arytenoid joint. In order to promote better glottic closure without risking the onset or increase of dysfunctional compensation, the idea behind this project is to propose non-phonatory adduction exercises in the first post-operative week. The primary objective of the study is to compare patients who will perform non-phonatory exercises in parallel with medical therapy for one week and patients who will perform standard medical therapy only during the first week.

Post Thyroidectomy Echographic Method for Study of Vocal Fold Motion
Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve PalsyPostoperative DysphoniaOne of the major risks of endocrine surgery is recurrent nerve palsy (RNP), leading to vocal folds (VF) immobility. It happens in 5% of cases, leading to high morbidity: dysphonia, aspirations, impossibility to work. Guidelines recommend to systematically perform a nasofibroscopy before and after surgery to check vocal fold mobility. However, due to the decreasing number of specialists, the cost of decontamination, and discomfort of this procedure, these guidelines are insufficiently followed. Transcutaneous Laryngeal Ultrasonography (TLU) appears a good alternative to nasofibroscopy in evaluating VF mobility, as assessed by the recent flourishing literature. Our team is a leader in this research by having developed a dedicated software, which provides objective measures of VF mobility. The aim of the present protocol is to validate the power of TLU for the diagnosis of RNP on a large cohort of patients operated on endocrine surgery. It is a prospective multicentric study that will blindly compare TLU and nasofibroscopy, the latter being the gold standard. TLU is cost effective and painless; its learning curve is fast. If validated, it may be offered as a good alternative to nasofibroscopy in RNP detection and prognosis.

Early UVFP Management Based on Neurological Evidences (UVFP = Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis)
Unilateral Vocal Cord ParalysisThe aim of this study is to understand how early intervention could impact reinnervation of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (which innervates the vocal cord), recovery of mobility of the paralyzed vocal cord and / or vocal recovery in the case of unilateral vocal fold paralysis. To achieve this goal we must therefore carry out a complete outcomes assessment of different intervention methods (voice therapy and injection laryngoplasty), which are offered to UVFP (unilateral vocal fold paralysis) patients in the early stage (< 3 months). Their respective impacts on the central and peripheral nervous system and on the voice quality will be assessed, taking into account factors related to the severity of the paralysis.

Voice Rest and Injection Laryngoplasty: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Vocal Cord ParalysisThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the subjective, objective, and aerodynamic impact of voice rest following injection augmentation and compare the outcomes to patients with no post-procedure voice restrictions.

The Effects of Adding Expiratory Muscle Strength Training in Voice Therapy
DysphoniaUnilateral Vocal Cord ParalysisEvaluate if adding expiratory muscle strength training to traditional voice therapy for individuals with dysphonia due to glottal insufficiency improves maximal expiratory pressure, acoustic and aerodynamic measures (i.e. amplitude, maximum phonation time, peak expiratory flow), and voice related quality of life.

Selective Laryngeal Reinnervation for Bilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis
Bilateral Vocal Cord ParalysisThis is a prospective observational study examining the treatment outcomes of selective laryngeal reinnervation procedures for patients with bilateral vocal fold paralysis.