Safety Study for An Artificial Disc Replacement to Treat Chronic Low Back Pain
Degenerative Disc DiseaseChronic Low-back PainThis study will be a prospective, open-label, multi-center study that will collect safety data for the minimally invasive PerQdisc Nucleus Replacement Device deployed to reduce chronic low back pain.

Application of LED Photobiomodulation in the Treatment of Chronic Low Back Pain
Low Back PainLumbar pain, or low back pain, may be defined as pain or discomfort located from the lower portion of the costal margin to the gluteal folds, with or without referred pain in the legs. This pain is classified as non-specific lumbar pain when its cause is unknown, as well as chronic when it persists for longer than three months with the appearance of disabilities for activities of daily life. Treatments for low back pain are usually pharmacological, focusing on analgesics, muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatories. Although protective factors, such as exercise, healthy diet and functional training may mitigate the evolution of pain, physical disability due to pain and functional loss reduce quality of life. Photobiomodulation (PBM) can be defined as the therapeutic use of light sources to reduce inflammation and relief pain. In this context, the objectives of this study are to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of an application protocol of an LED cluster for the treatment of chronic low back pain in a randomized, double-blind clinical trial that will be conducted in the outpatient facility of Universidade Nove de Julho (Uninove). Patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain, who signs the Informed Consent Form approved by the Uninove Institutional Review Board will be included in the study. Treatment sessions will be performed with a LED cluster three times a week for 4 weeks (totaling 12 sessions) in the lumbar region, and the outcomes will be measured with the following evaluations: VAS - Visual Analog Scale; Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ); Schöber test; Modified Oswestry Disability Questionnaire and Algometry.

Lumbo-pelvic Mobilization and Stabilization With Pilates Method in Low Back Pain and Movement Functionality...
Low Back PainPainLumbar pain is one of the most common injuries being the cause of morbidity in the individual generating occupational disability with strong personal, social and economic impact. As one of the methods of treatment, Pilates is a method that has good results for the management of this dysfunction. However, it is not known exactly which approach Pilates can bring better results for this population. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to compare the effects of two types of Pilates method interventions on non-specific chronic low back pain. A blinded randomized clinical trial, will be held. 28 patients divided randomly into two groups will be assessed, the Mobilization Pilates (MP) and the Stabilization Pilates (SP). Both groups will be formed by individuals of both sexes and aged 21 to 41 years with chronic low back pain. Both groups will receive 10 sessions of Pilates Methods twice a week, with each session taking an average of 50 minutes, therefore the MP will focus on a lumbo-pelvic mobilization exercises approach and the SP will focus on lumbo-pelvic stabilization exercises approach. At the beginning and end of the 5 weeks the individuals are evaluated to verify the presence of pain and disability with VAS of pain and Oswestry Questionnaire, and also with the Functional Movement Screen. Data will be analyzed statistically.

Low Back Pain and Comorbid Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Low Back PainPosttraumatic Stress DisorderThe aim is to test whether the psychotherapeutic intervention Somatic Experiencing targeting Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms will have an additional positive effect on the outcomes of guided physiotherapy against chronic back pain development.

Bowen Therapy for Chronic Non-specific Low Back Pain
PainBackThere is emerging evidence that Bowen Therapy may improve musculoskeletal pain. While it can be an effective treatment strategy to enhance pain modulation; studies on the clinical effect are scarce. The aim of this study is to examine the effectiveness of Bowen therapy for people with chronic LBP on measures of pain, function, pain-related self-efficacy, and health related quality of life. Parallel-group randomized controlled trial (RCT) study will be employed. Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS) will be adopted as a screening test upon the randomization. A cutoff of more than 30 points will be used to represents clinically relevant level of catastrophizing. 46 participants with informed consent who meet the eligibility criteria of study are recruited and randomly assigned to one of two groups i.e. Bowen Therapy group and Sham Bowen Conventional Therapy group. Permuted block randomization is applied to control the key confounding variable of catastrophizing which is significantly associated with pain and disability in chronic LBP. Sequentially numbered, opaque, sealed envelopes (SNOSE) is used to ensure the allocation sequence before the group allocation. Double blinding of participants and outcome assessor will be adopted. Measurements are collected at the baseline (Week 0), post-intervention (Week 6) and at a 4-week follow-up (Week 10). The primary outcomes are pain as measured by Percentage of Pain Intensity Difference (PID) and pain relief scale (PRS). The secondary outcomes are measuring the physical functioning, self-efficacy in pain and HRQoL using Owestry Disability Index (ODI), Pain Self-efficacy Questionnaire (PSEQ) and SF-12 (HK) respectively. Intervention is provided weekly for 6 sessions lasting 30-40 minutes per treatment session. The experimental group will receive Bowen therapy according to ISBT Bowen Therapy®. The control group will receive a usual OT therapy with the same number of treatment session, treatment time, including back care advice and functional rehab training.

The Role of Balneotherapy in Older Adults With Chronic Low Back Pain
Chronic Low Back PainOlder Adults2 moreThe effectiveness of balneotherapy in relieving chronic low back pain has been scientifically proven. This project aims to study in what extent a Balneotherapy program in São Pedro do Sul Thermal Baths influences chronic low back pain of individuals aged 65 and above, and in what order of magnitude it happens, on which domains (functional, psychological, biophysical and socioeconomic) and it's repercussions. For that, the investigators intended to carry out a project subdivided into two tasks. The first, and the most complex, with a holistic approach, will be carried out by a randomized controlled study (RCT) with focus on the various biopsychosocial domains of patients with chronic lumbar pain. Concerning the second task, another RCT will be carried out aiming for statistically significant changes in the lumbar thermographic maps before and after treatment, as well as the theoretical framework of all the findings.

Remotely Delivered Yoga Program for Chronic Low Back Pain
Low Back PainThe purpose of this research is to integrate the meditative components of integrative restoration (iRest) yoga nidra with simple and safe movement sequences derived from established yoga postures and physical therapy interventions for chronic nonspecific low back pain and to use telemedicine technology to facilitate the intervention in a diverse socioeconomic and racial/ethnic population. This project will first systematically adapt the iRest yoga intervention for the incorporation of movement using a consultative and iterative process followed by a pilot intervention to assess the acceptability and preliminary efficacy of this program for pain, back related function and to address body-mind regulation and biopsychosocial-spiritual well-being. Hypothesis: a yoga intervention emphasizing meditative movement and relaxation will be safe for remote delivery and effective for biopsychosocial-spiritual outcomes for people with chronic low back pain.

PREFerred Neurostimulation MODdalities - PREFMOD Study
Chronic Low-back PainThis is a prospective 3x3 crossover study with randomized treatment order, comparing the short-term efficacy of conventional-spinal cord stimulation (CON-SCS) with subcutaneous stimulatio, high frequency-spinal cord stimulation (HF-SCS), and Combination Therapy, in patients with chronic intractable back pain (with or without leg pain).

Influence of Cryotherapy Combined to TENS Burst in Patients With Non-specific Chronic Lombar Pain...
Chronic Low Back PainThe purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of TENS Burst combined Cryotherapy on painful sensation, functional capacity and quality of life of patients with non-specific chronic pain. Study hypothesis: The TENS Burst combined with Cryotherapy offers a better response in the pain sensation, functional capacity and quality of life of patients with non-specific chronic low back pain when compared to the application of these resources in isolation.

An Alternative Technique for Lumbar Medial Branch Radiofrequency: Comparison With the Empirical...
Low Back PainLumbar Facet Joint Pain1 moreIn spite that variable techniques for lumbar MBRF exists, the tunnel vision technique is widely recommended for exact radiofrequency needle placement. However, this method uses the concept of a steep caudocephalad axial tilt of the fluoroscopy beam, which result in unusual appearance of vertebral structures and a long distance from skin to the target site. In our institution, therefore, the investigators have used a modified method that is easy and safe to place RF needle parallel to the lumbar medial branch in oblique fluoroscopic view. Accordingly, our objectives were to evaluate our modified technique for lumbar MBRF, comparing with the tunnel vision technique, and additionally to assess complications with respect to these two techniques.