Biopsychosocial Education and Chronic Low Back Pain
Chronic Low Back PainThe purpose of this study is to examine whether the biopsychosocial educational program could improve patients' health-related quality of life at 3-6-12-18-24-30 and 36 - month follow up.

A Random Controlled Test (RCT): Acupuncture Treatment on Nonspecific Low Back Pain (NLBP)
Low Back PainHypothesis: Acupuncture procedure of He's Santong Methods could be an option to treat nonspecific low back pain.

Treatment of Chronic Low Back Pain: A Trial Comparing Traditional Back School and Individual Therapist-Assisted...
Chronic Low Back PainRheumatologists are discussing, whether rehabilitation of patients with low back pain (LBP) can be improved. At present patients with LBP start treatment as soon as possible, this also applies for patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP) - pain lasting over 12 weeks. At Glostrup University Hospital department of Physical Medicine/rheumatology we use a method (method A) where an interdisciplinary team gives the patients a treatment composed of various topics. This includes among other things education, physical team training, exercises in swimming pool, stretching exercises, and occupational therapy. A different method (method B) originates from the Rehabilitation centre in Karlslunde led by Teddy Oefeldt. Here they focus strictly on dynamic training of muscles in the back and the buttocks. A therapist, who in the beginning partly carries the patient through the exercises, assists this training. In both methods, individually considerations are taken, but to a greater extend in method B. The treatment will extend over a three months period. A few earlier investigations have compared these two methods, but they have not been systematized to such a degree, that they gave any final conclusions. Therefore, we initialized an investigation including a larger number of patients, where the two methods are compared from the results the patients achieve after 3, 6, 12 and 24 months. 286 consecutive patients were included and randomized to one of the two methods. Those, who did not wish to participate in the investigation, were treated according to the department's normal procedure (Method A)

Investigation of the Putative Correlation Between Involuntary Psoas Activity During Passive Flexion...
Lower Back PainPassive flexion of the trunk (relative to the legs) may be accompanied by contraction of the psoas muscles, even when the subject has been told not to contract any muscles. The psoas contraction is involuntary and cannot be controlled by the subject. This lack of passivity might be concomitant with lower back pain: the impairment may be present when lower back pain is present and/or absent when lower back pain is absent. The study's primary objective is thus to determine the sensitivity and/or specificity of a clinical test for impaired hip flexor passivity in cases of lower back pain during passive flexion of the trunk (from the supine position,). The secondary objective is to show that a negative test (after administration of correcting measures) is correlated with a decrease in pain (i.e. pain intensity and the functional repercussions of pain).

The Effects Of Equal Breathing On Pain Pressure Thresholds
Chronic Low Back PainRecent research has found that there is moderate evidence for the use of breathing exercises for treating chronic, non-specific low back pain. Researchers have found that there were significant improvements in pain and quality of life in those suffering with low back pain who completed a breathing program intervention. Researchers also found that healthy individuals had higher pain thresholds and tolerance following deep and slow breathing exercises. There are numerous formats of breathing interventions, some interventions that have been used with individuals with chronic, non-specific low back pain include: deep breathing, yoga breathing, resisted inspiration, and breathe holding. There is moderate evidence to suggest the use of these interventions for managing chronic low back pain Another common breathing format is Equal-Ratio Breathing. This format requires an individual to inhale and exhale with the same duration while gradually increasing the duration of both. This breathing format can be easier for patients to perform given the simplicity of the equal inhalation to exhalation ratio. This research is being done because Equal-Ratio Breathing has yet to be studied in individuals with chronic low back pain.

Effect of Mulligan Mobilization in Chronic Non-Spesific Low Back Pain
Chronic PainFifty five participants diagnosed with CNSLBP, will randomized into three groups. Group I (18 subjects) will receive 15 sessions of Conventional Physiotherapy program (CPP) 5 times per week, Group II (19 subjects) will receive 9 sessions of SNAGs, and Group III will receive CPP plus SNAGs. Outcome measures are pain, ROM, spinal mobility, fear avoidance behaviour and function. Measurements will record before, after and 6 month after the end of the treatment.

Low-back Pain During Pregnancy and Its Psycho-social Implications
Pregnancy RelatedLow Back Pain1 morePregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain (PPP) and pregnancy-related lumbar pain (PLBP) are two distinct symptoms, which can occur together as lumbar-pelvic pain.The primary objective is to measure the impact of osteopathic manipulative treatment on pregnancy-related lumbar and pelvic pain. The secondary objective is to study the interaction between pain and psycho-social factors during the gestational period.

Comparison of a Multiple Thrust Instrument to a Single Thrust Instrument in Treating the Low Back...
Low Back PainThe purposes of this study are to determine if there is a difference between two treatment methods of spine joints that are not moving as they should as determined by tenderness over the spine and activity of the muscles along side the spine with movement. The hypothesis is that there will be no difference between the two types of treatment.

Acupuncture on GB26 to Treat Chronic Low Back Pain
Chronic Low-back PainThis study evaluates the effecacy of acupoint GB26 based acupuncture treatment in patients with chronic low back pain. Half of the participants will partake in a 2-week acupuncture intervention, while the other half will receive a placebo treatment. The investigators hypothesize that acupuncture on GB26 reduces disability and pain more than the control intervention.

Effectiveness of a Psychoeducative Intervention on Patients With Cronic Low Back Pain
Back Pain Lower Back ChronicOne of the treatment modalities currently available in this hospital to treat this type of patients with low back pain who present with chronic pain are the group sessions that are carried out to provide information to the patient about the anatomy, biomechanics and ergonomics and are complemented with sessions of physical exercise. Based on the latest publications on treatment of this type of patients, The investigators have seen that this intervention is insufficient, and that it could be improved by combining education based on Therapeutic Neuroscience Education (TNE)). The present study proposes implementing this program to a randomly assigned group of patients participating in the group sessions aimed at patients with lumbar pain called "Back-pain Protocol" that are currently relized in the Physiotherapy Area of a hospital; and compare the results of this intervention with those obtained in another group that will only carry out the sessions with the traditional method that is currently used.