dorsaVi Back Pain and Movement Registry
Low Back PainThis study will compare patients with low back pain (LBP) to age and gender matched controls to determine if there are differences between the two groups related to: range of movement, secondary outcomes (level of disability, quality of life, evidence of depression, anxiety or stress), movement patterns and demographic characteristics. The first phase will include a baseline and 3 month follow-up assessment of the LBP patients and controls, including demographic characteristics, outcome measures, and a physical assessment. The second phase is an ongoing phase with continued interim assessments of LBP patients only, at 6 and 12 months.

Effect of Back School and Supervised Walking in Sedentary Women With Chronic Low Back Pain
Chronic Low Back PainDo Back School and/or supervised walking improve reported pain and spine flexibility in sedentary women with chronic low back pain (LBP)?

Information or Physical Activity for Chronic LBP
Low Back PainThe purpose of this study is to compare a specific fear-reducing information with symptom-based exercise

Clinical Evaluation of the ReLeaf Analgesic Infusion Catheter & Wound Drain
Low Back PainThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the clinical performance of the ReLeaf infusion catheter & wound drain in patients following lumbar spinal fusion surgery. One half of the patients will receive continuous local analgesic fusion during the post-operative period while the other half will received continuous local saline.

A Trial on the Effect on Low Back Pain Related Disability of Different Health Education Programs...
Low Back PainThe primary purpose of this study is to compare, in retired persons living in the Balearic Islands, the effectiveness on low back pain related disability of three educational programs. All consist of a group talk and the handout of a booklet, each one different in its content.

Tolerability, Safety and Activity of a Muscle Relaxant Molecule IDN5243 in Patients With Low Back...
Low Back PainThis is a prospective cohort study, open-label, uncontrolled proof of concept trial. The trial objective is to evaluate the analgesic tolerability, safety and activity of IDN 5243 (3-glycosyl-3-O-demethylthiocolchicine derivative)administered intramuscularly at 4 mg b.i.d. for 5 days in the morning (8.00-10.00 AM) and in the evening (6.00-8.00 PM) in subjects with Low Back Pain (LBP).

Virtual Reality and Pain Perception During Exercises for Patients With Chronic Non-specific Low...
Chronic Low Back PainImmersion in a virtual reality environment has been shown to reduce pain during a variety of painful medical procedures, such as wound care for burn patients and dental care. Often, serious games are used to distract patients from this painful procedures. Recently, serious games have also been developed for patients with low back pain. Because patients with low back pain frequently experience pain during exercises, the investigators hypothesize that exercising with serious games can reduce the pain intensity and the time spent thinking of pain during exercises. To test this hypothesis, the investigators will conduct a randomized controlled trial where two groups will be compared: the experimental group will perform one session of exercises with serious games, while the control group will perform one session of the same exercises without the serious games.

KLOS Study - Korean Medicine Registry for Low Back Pain Patients, a Prospective, Observational,...
Low Back PainBack Pain3 moreThe Purpose of this trial is to define the characteristics of the in/outpatients with low back pain in traditional Korean medicine rehabilitation clinic. This information will create a registry that will help us to compare similarities and differences in patients and their symptoms. The more patients the investigators are able to enter into the registry, the more the investigators will be able to understand the low back pain and learn better ways of caring for patients.

Reliability and Responsiveness of One Questionnaire Used on a Low Back Pain Population
Low Back PainThe purpose of this study is to determine the reliability and responsiveness of the Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (PSEQ) in a chronic low back pain (CLBP) population referred to The Danish Rheumatism Associations´ rehabilitation centre Sano Aarhus.

The Impact of Unilateral Lower Limb Amputation on Spinal Loads
Low Back PainThe prevalence of low back pain among persons with unilateral lower limb amputation is significantly higher than the rate experienced by the general public. Chronic pain, including low back pain, limits functional independence and negatively impacts quality of life. As such, this project will investigate the role of a biomechanical casual pathway in the development of low back pain; to do this, the investigators will explore the relationship between the adopted neuromuscular patterns post-amputation to perform activities of daily living and the risk of developing spinal tissue damage.