Misoprostol for Spinal Stenosis
Lumbar Spinal StenosisLow Back PainThis single-group cross-sectional cohort study will enroll approximately 25 patients at the North Texas VA Health Care System (VANTHCS) who have previously received off-label prescriptions of misoprostol for lumbar spinal stenosis for any duration and who are willing to provide verbal and informed consent. Patients will answer a questionnaire regarding pain and functional improvement especially in reference to misoprostol treatment. Patients will also be selected to have their walking tolerance (claudication distance) measured in an outpatient clinic setting to determine the severity of their lumbar spinal stenosis symptoms after having received misoprostol.

The SPINUS I Study: Spinal Fusion for a Single Level SPECT/CT Positive Lumbar Degenerative Disc...
Degenerative Disc DiseaseBack Pain1 moreThe aim of the present study is to find out whether fusion of a sinlge level SPECT/CT positive degenerative disc disease leads to a significant improvement of pain and disability.

Technical Efficacy of a Direction Specific Radiofrequency Device in the Performance of Lumbar Medial...
Low Back PainThe purpose of this study is to document the effectiveness of the Nimbus Multi-tined Expandable Electrode (MEE) Probe in carrying out the heating and ablation (cutting) of the small medial branch nerves that carry pain information from the facet joints. Subjects will be selected, by way of clinical evaluation and response to medial branch blocks, to undergo this procedure of radiofrequency ablation/neurotomies of the medial branches to the specific painful facet joints of the low back in order to relieve pain. This will be carried out with an FDA-approved device using a standard technique that has been accepted throughout the world. The difference in this study is that we will make use of MRIs to image the lesion that is produced and a special EMG study to look at the muscles in the back to document the effectiveness of the device in creating the intended lesion. No other study of this kind has been produced to look at this or any other radiofrequency device in the treatment of low back pain.

Manipulation Effects on Abdominal Muscles
Low Back PainThe purpose of this study is to understand how different physical therapy interventions affect the use of certain abdominal muscles in patients with low back pain.

Back Pain Outcomes Using Longitudinal Data (BOLD)
Low Back PainThe overall objective of BOLD is to establish a large, community-based registry (at least 5000 subjects) of patients aged 65 years and older presenting with new episodes of healthcare visits for back pain. BOLD's primary aim is to create an infrastructure that allows for the conduct of prospective, controlled studies comparing the effectiveness of diagnostic and treatment strategies for back pain in older adults.

Radiofrequency Nerve Ablation Versus Sham to Treat Chronic Low Back Pain Caused by Sacroiliac Joint...
Sacroiliac Joint DysfunctionTrial will enroll qualified subjects at a 2:1 ration to receive radiofrequency ablation or sham. At six weeks follow up they will be unblinded; sham subjects will then be given option to receive treatment. Subjects will be followed after procedure for data collection for economic outcomes and efficacy of treatment.

Prevalence of Low Back and Pelvic Pain in Pregnant Women
Low Back PainPelvic PainThe purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence of low back and pelvic pain in Spanish pregnant women. The results should allow for the identification of factors associated with a greater risk of having it during pregnancy. Once risk factors are identified, other studies can assess the effectiveness of measures to reduce this pain.

The Effectiveness of the Logic Back™Support.
Low Back PainPostureBack pain and chair use are the second most important health factors for the aging workforce. Besides personal suffering, postural discomfort in the workplace reduces performance and productivity, both of which can be improved by raising comfort levels. In an attempt to improve comfort and reduce injury risk, ergonomic chairs are commonly equipped with lumbar supports in an attempt to support a "neutral" spine. However, people often alter their position when such a device is in place as they arch their back to conform to it. The Logic Back support offers a simple means to alter posture and reduce associated strain on the lower back during seated tasks by supporting the "Effortless Neutral Position" or the natural curvature of the low back. Although it has been used clinically by many practitioners, its effectiveness has yet to be shown by scientific study. The current work will help to understand if and why the Logic Back is effective and how it can become a low-cost solution to reduce the discomfort of those suffering from low back pain. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the Logic Back and the "Effortless Neutral Position" in improving comfort and functional performance during seated tasks, as compared to a standard, ergonomic chair.

Diagnostic Criteria in the Diagnosis of Spinal Spondyloarthropathies in Patients With Chronic Low...
Spinal SpondyloarthropathiesAxial SpondyloarthritisThis is a multi-national, multi-site, observational study to determine which of two strategies, when used by referring physicians is superior in the diagnosis of axial spondyloarthritis (AS) by rheumatologists.

Nutrition and Exercise Intervention Study
HypertensionDyslipidemia2 moreThe purpose of the present study was to clarify the effects of increase in physical activity on incidence and surrogate marker of cardiovascular diseases. The working hypothesis of the present study was that the physical activity to satisfy the Japanese guideline of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare is effective for the primary prevention of the lifestyle-related disease.