Effectiveness of TKTX Cream on Pain and Fear in Children During Venipuncture: A Randomized Controlled...
PainFear of Pain1 moreVenipuncture, the process of obtaining blood samples for diagnostic purposes, is a common medical procedure performed worldwide. However, it can be associated with varying levels of pain and discomfort for patients. Therefore, implementing effective pain management strategies during venipuncture is crucial to ensure patient comfort and improve the overall healthcare experience. This comprehensive overview aims to highlight the significance of pain management during venipuncture procedures. This study will investigate the effects of a pharmacological approach on the pain that children experience during venipuncture in a randomized trial. TKTX topical anesthetic cream is a new commercially available product. In this study, the cream will be used for a shorter period of time than other creams used in previous studies, and it will also be free of side effects as they have been in previous studies with other creams.

The Prevalence of Hypoesthesia Related Keratitis in Ocular Graft Vs. Host Disease (GVHD) Patients...
Ocular GVHDThe Investigators hypothesize that the recalcitrant nature of ocular GVHD may be related to corneal nerve damage and corneal hypoesthesia. The investigators aim to study the prevalence of corneal hypoesthesia in GVHD patients and its correlation with ocular surface changes.

Cybersickness in Different Multisensory Conditions in Virtual Reality
CybersicknessReduced SensationCybersickness (CS) is characterized as a type of visually induced motion sickness, similar to traditional motion sickness, with specific clinical presentations such as dizziness, eyestrain, oculomotor disorders, blurred vision and spatial disorientation. It can be triggered when experiencing virtual reality (VR), and it affects approximately 20% to 80% of individuals who use these resources. Furthermore, the underlying mechanisms of CS are not fully understood and the use of virtual environments that have become increasingly recurrent in several sectors deserves attention, as VR is becoming commonplace in methods and techniques of assessment, diagnosis and treatment. Objective: to analyze cortical electrophysiological activity using electroencephalography (EEGq) in individuals with SC, under the influence of different audiovisual conditions. Methodology: The study is a double-blind randomized controlled clinical trial, the sample for survey satisfaction N= 42 participants, the public were university students from the Universidade Federal do Delta Parnaíba (UFDPar) of both sexes, aged between 18 to 28 years, those who agreed, underwent screening, those who met the criteria and fit, were randomized and allocated to one each of 02 conditions, (C1 - video only) and (C2 - associated with binaural audio), three times in each condition, with a duration of 10 minutes of immersion, with evaluation (pre) before (post) with QEEG and Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ), exposure to virtual content was on regular alternate days, with a 24-hour interval between each virtual exposure, at the end of each condition, there will be a 14-day washout and crossover between the conditions, and after the last intervention, there will be a 7-day follow-up and reassessment with qEEG and SSQ. The study will be carried out under all cleaning and prevention care in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, data collection will be at the Brain Mapping and Functionality Laboratory (LAMCEF) of the Federal University of Delta do Parnaíba, Piauí, Brazil. Results: The condition with binaural stimulation is expected to promote neuromodulation and reduction of CS symptoms, compared to the control condition.

Safety and Efficacy Study of NV-101 in Dental Patients
Soft Tissue Anesthesia (Numbness)The purpose of this study was: to determine if NV-101 accelerates recovery from numbness compared to placebo to evaluate safety of NV-101

Ultrasound Guidance Versus Electrical Stimulation for Continuous Popliteal-Sciatic Nerve Blocks...
Postoperative PainFoot NumbnessResearch study to determine if pain relief following foot and/or ankle surgery is influenced by the technique used to place perineural catheter. The catheters are placed using ultrasound-guidance or nerve stimulation and the method is selected at random using a computer program. This may help to determine if one of these methods is associated with an increased success rate and incidence of foot numbness during the infusion.

Geranium Oil and Its Components for the Relief of Numbness-OB 100
Nerve ConductionNumbnessThis study is designed to evaluate the effectiveness of geranium oil and its components in the relief of numbness and the restoration of sensations.

Comparison of Midline With Lateral Skin Incision in Simultaneous Bilateral TKA
Skin Numbness and Kneeling AbilityThis is a RCT which compare skin numbness, kneeling ability and functional outcome between midline incision and lateral incision in patients undergoing simultaneous bilateral TKA

Post-bariatric Abdominoplasty: Skin Sensation Evaluation
ObesityHypesthesiaThe purpose of this study is to quantify the skin sensation of the anterior abdominal wall of the post-bariatric patients submitted to anchor-line abdominoplasty without flap undermining. Additional purposes were: quantify topographically the abdominal skin sensation of the Normal weight, Morbid Obese and Former Morbid Obese after bariatric surgery (before and after the abdominoplasty - excess skin surgical removal without flap undermining -> Anchor Line Abdominoplasty).

Antiseptic and Analgesic Action Acmella Oleracea Skin: Randomized Clinical Trial
PhythoterapyVenipuncture Site Numbness2 moreContext: Research on natural products with therapeutic, analgesic or antimicrobial purpose should be encouraged to create new drugs. Acmella oleracea, typical plant of the Northern region of the country and popularly known as jambu, has aroused the interest of researchers because of its therapeutic potential. Objective: To evaluate the potential topical analgesic and antimicrobial of Acmella oleracea plant extract from the skin antisepsis in venipuncture procedures. Methods: This is a clinical, randomized, controlled trial with healthy volunteers recruited at the Clinic I of the collection of biological materials sector of the Hospital das Clinicas Samuel Libânio, in Pouso Alegre-MG. The plant extract A. oleracea manipulated with Transcutol® and 70% alcohol were used in the volunteers before the venipuncture procedure as allocation in study groups. Held collection of skin microbiota by the swab technique and the end of the venipuncture procedure was applied to the volunteer, the visual numeric scale (VNS) standard to determine the degree of pain.

A Human Experimental Model for Neuropathic Pain Using Combined Application of Capsaicin and Local...
Ipsi- and Contralateral HypoesthesiaMain of the present study was to develop a model of concomitant C-fibre block and sensitization eliciting spontaneous pain as well applying topical capsaicin and local anesthetics (LA) to examine the sensory alterations after combined C-fiber block and sensitization in both different application orders (sensitization of blocked C-fibers and block of sensitized C-fibers), compared to each of both mechanisms alone. Thereby, we expect stronger sensory changes during the combined substance application than during the monoapplication. We expect also contralateral sensory alterations mirroring the changes on the intervention site after the combined capsaicin and LA application, being stronger than after sensitization alone absent after C-fiber block alone.