Over Active Bladder Instillation Study - Botox
Overactive BladderUrinary Urge Incontinence3 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine whether women with overactive bladder (OAB) who receive direct instillation via a catheter of a Botulinum-A Toxin (Botox) with Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) solution experience significantly better improvement of their OAB symptoms when compared to a similar group of women with OAB who receive instillation of DMSO only.

The Effects of the Drugs Used in Hypotensive Anaesthesia on Cochlea
Anesthesia; Adverse EffectReflex3 moreThe aim of this study is to find the Effects of Anesthetics Used in Hypotensive Anesthesia on Stapes Reflex and Distortion Product Auto Acoustic Emission.

A Study Evaluating Oxybutynin in Patients With Neurogenic Overactive Bladder Associated With a Neurological...
Detrusor HyperreflexiaThis study will evaluate the efficacy and safety of an anticholinergic drug treatment administered by transdermal patch to treat overactive bladder in adults who have spinal cord injury.

Safety and Efficacy Study of Transdermal Oxybutynin to Treat Overactive Bladder With a Neurological...
Detrusor HyperreflexiaThis study will evaluate the safety and effectiveness of an anticholinergic drug treatment administered by transdermal patch to treat overactive bladder in children who have a neurological condition (e.g. spina bifida) that contributes to their overactive bladder.

Botulin-A Toxin Instillations and Overactive Bladder
Overactive BladderDetrusor Instability1 moreThe primary objective of this pilot study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of direct instillations of Botulinum-A toxin/DMSO into the bladder via a catheter system as a means of treating women with symptoms of overactive bladder and secondary urinary incontinence. In doing so, we will focus on estimating the percentage of women who experience an improvement in their urinary incontinence symptoms at one month and three months following this novel instillation technique.

Neuromodulation in Lower Limb Amputees
AmputationPhantom Limb Pain1 moreThe goal of this study is to investigate the role of transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation on spinal cord excitability in lower limb amputees. In this study, the investigators will quantify the spinal cord excitability determined by 1) reflexes and electromyography, and 2) phantom limb pain using self-reported pain assessments. The investigators will assess these measures of spinal excitability in lower limb amputees before and after transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation.

Botulinum-A Toxin Injection for Detrusor Hyperreflexia in Spinal Cord Injury: A Non-Surgical Approach....
Overactive BladderUrinary IncontinenceThe purpose of the study is to determine whether Botulinum-A toxin injected in the bladder muscle will help prevent the frequency and degree of urinary incontinence in Spinal Cord Injured and Multiple Sclerosis patients. The proposed mechanism would be that the Toxin would allow the bladder to hold more urine at a lower pressure as determined by Urodynamics. The research will answer the question whether the dosages 300 units vs 400 units are either equally vs not equally effective in helping urinary incontinece and bladder storage.

The Reflex Mechanism Underlying Neuromuscular Effects Of The Whole Body Vibration
ReflexAnkle1 moreThis study was conducted to determine whether the spinal reflex mechanism underlying the neuromuscular effects of whole body vibration (WBV) is tonic vibration reflex. Local and whole body vibration reflex latencies were measured in young adult healthy volunteers.

Optimal Interstimulus Interval For Consecutive H-Reflex Responses In Patients With Spasticity
Muscle HypertoniaReflex1 moreThis study evaluates the optimal interstimulus interval for consecutive H-reflex responses in patients with spasticity.

Reliability of Methods for Determining the Vibration Threshold
ReflexAbnormalIt is known that whole-body vibration (TVV) has beneficial neuromuscular effects such as muscle strength increase. These beneficial effects are explained by the muscular reflex response induced by TVV. Reflex latency measurement is frequently used in clinical and neurophysiological research. The latency of the reflex response induced by TVV is defined as the period between the onset of the vibration stimulus and the onset point of the spike in the EMG signal. The current research aimed to determine whether the cumulative average method is reliable for estimating the EST.