An Observational Study of Avastin (Bevacizumab) and Interferon Alpha 2a in Patients With Metastatic...
Renal Cell CancerThis prospective observational study will evaluate the efficacy and safety of Avastin (bevacizumab) in combination with interferon alpha 2a in patients with previously untreated metastatic renal cell cancer. Data will be collected from each patient for up to 4 years.

A Norwegian Observational Trial Evaluating the Treatment of Advanced Renal Cell Cancer Patients...
Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (mRCC)This is a Norwegian prospective registration, observational study of patients with advanced renal cell cancer on Afinitor treatment after failure of one Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor (TKI) ( e.g. sunitinib or sorafenib). The goal is to document the treatment algorithm of these patients in Norway and the efficacy and tolerability of Afinitor® in a pure 2.line setting.

Incidence, Prevalence, and Symptom Burden Associated With Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma in Commercially...
CarcinomaRenal CellInformation on the prevalence of advanced/metastatic renal cell carcinoma and its symptom burden is limited in commercially insured patients (age >= 18 years and < 65 years). Additionally, limited information exists on economic burden of adverse events associated with treatments for advanced/metastatic renal cell carcinoma. An objective of the current study is to estimate the incidence, prevalence, and symptom burden associated with advanced/metastatic RCC in a US "real-world" setting. Another objective is to quantify the economic burden of severe adverse events with agents used in management of first line advanced/metastatic RCC (sunitinib, sorafenib, bevacizumab, and pazopanib). This study will employ a retrospective cohort design. Analyses of health insurance claims data from a large commercially insured population will be employed in the current study. Study subjects will consist of all persons, aged ≥18 years, with evidence of advanced RCC between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2009; these persons will be identified based in part on case-ascertainment algorithms. Analyses will be directed at estimating annual rates of incidence and prevalence of advanced/metastatic RCC, as well as symptom burden and costs of common severe adverse events associated with treatments used in management of advanced/metastatic RCC (sunitinib, sorafenib, bevacizumab, and pazopanib).

Nexavar Post-marketing Surveillance for Renal Cell Carcinoma in Japan
CarcinomaRenal CellThis study is a regulatory post-marketing surveillance in Japan, and it is a local prospective and observational study of patients who have been administered with Nexavar for unresectable or advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC). The objective of this study is to assess safety and effectiveness of Nexavar under real-life practice conditions. This study is an all case investigation of which the enrollment period is 15 months, and all patients who received Nexavar will be recruited and followed one year since starting Nexavar administration.

Retrospective Analysis Of Progression Free Survival And Overall Survival In A National Cohort Of...
Renal Cell CarcinomaNon-interventional study. Data obtained by patient chart reviews. Retrospective analysis of progression free survival, time to treatment failure and overall survival in a national cohort of patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma treated in Denmark from 2006-2010 Safety, prognostic factors, predictive factors and co-morbidity assessed by Charlson Comorbidity Index. The following drugs will be evaluated: Sunitinib, Sorafenib, Temsirolimus, Everolimus, Aldesleukin, Interferon-alfa-2b.

An Observational Study of Avastin (Bevacizumab) in Combination With Interferon Alpha-2a as First-Line...
Renal Cell CancerThis observational study will evaluate the safety and efficacy of Avastin (bevacizumab) in combination with interferon alpha-2a as first-line treatment in patients with advanced and/or metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Data will be collected from each patient as per routine clinical practice of the Investigator (maximum of 52 weeks, until disease progression /unacceptable toxicity or withdrawal of consent) and/or based on the local label.

Biomarkers in Patients With Kidney Cancer or Cancer of the Urothelium and in Healthy Participants...
Bladder CancerKidney Cancer2 moreRATIONALE: Studying samples of blood and urine from patients with cancer and from healthy participants in the laboratory may help doctors identify and learn more about biomarkers related to cancer. PURPOSE: This laboratory study is looking at biomarkers in patients with kidney cancer or cancer of the urothelium and in healthy participants.

Sunitinib Treatment on Tissue Sodium Accumulation (TSS2)
Renal Cell Cancer MetastaticHypertension1 moreHere, it is investigated how sunitinib, a tyrosine kinase-inhibitor targeting vascular endothelial growth factor receptors, might influence sodium homeostasis in the skin and if this is related to a well-described treatment side-effect of sunitinib, hypertension.

Study Of Cabozantinib Treatment In Patients With Unresectable, Locally Advanced Or Metastatic Renal...
Locally Advanced or Metastatic Renal Cell CarcinomaTo understand the epidemiology, treatment patterns and outcomes of patients with metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (mRCC). Data from mRCC patients who received cabozantinib versus non-cabozantinib Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor (TKI) (a type of targeted cancer drug) immediately after Check Point Inhibitor (CPI) treatment (a type of immunotherapy that blocks proteins that stop the immune system from attacking the cancer cells) in US community oncology practices will be analyzed.

Safety and Effectiveness of Nivolumab in Recurring Kidney Cancer Participants
Kidney CancerRenal CancerA non-interventional, medical record review of clinical data collected from Japanese participants with recurring kidney cancer