A Non-interventional Retrospective Study to Describe Early Clinical Experience With Cabozantinib...
Advanced Renal Cell CarcinomaClinical experience with cabozantinib is limited in the UK and Ireland and there is anecdotal evidence of there being variability between clinicians in terms of where cabozantinib is used in the treatment pathway. The present study aims to collate and report the experiences of a sample of National Health Service (NHS) Trusts that enrolled patients onto the managed access programme. The study will describe the positioning of cabozantinib in the treatment pathway, associated clinical outcomes and characteristics of patients with advanced RCC receiving cabozantinib in this early clinical experience setting. The results will provide valuable information for collective learning on how to prescribe and manage cabozantinib and its optimal positioning in the patient pathway. Overall, the findings will contribute to a better understanding of how best to manage patients with advanced RCC in routine practice.

CarcinomaRenal CellObservational, retrospective, multicentre study in spanish patients with metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (mRCC) treated with sunitinib as a first-line treatment (treatment with previous cytokine therapy is accepted) according to clinical practice who obtained a complete response (CR) to treatment in one of these 2 situations: Complete response (CR) obtained exclusively with first-line sunitinib treatment (sunitinib CR). Response obtained after a period of time on treatment with sunitinib in which local treatment was also performed (surgery of the residual metastasis/metastases, radiofrequency ablation or radiotherapy) to achieve the total macroscopic disappearance of the disease, according to the opinion of the physician responsible for the patient (CR + local treatment).

Validation of a Predictive Nomogram of Response or Resistance to Targeted Therapies in Metastatic...
Metastatic Clear Cell Renal Cell CarcinomaThe purpose of this study is to validate of a predictive nomogram of response or resistance to targeted therapies in metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma

Evaluation of the Efficacy of Radiofrequency in the Treatment of Renal Tumors
Renal Cell CarcinomaMulti-institutional registry on a cohort of 310 patients with biopsy-proven renal cell carcinoma treated by Radiofrequency ablation. All patients will be included consecutively and retrospectively in all centers to obtain the required number of patient followed during 5 years.

KIDSTAGE- Staging of Kidney Cancer Using Dual Time PET/CT and Other Biomarkers
CarcinomaRenal CellKidney cancer is a highly malignant disease with 950 new cases every year in Denmark. Diagnosis and treatment of kidney cancer patients presents many challenges because that early stages of the disease are often asymptomatic and the disease is thus often at advanced stage or even metastatic when discovered. Metastasis is a predictor of bad prognosis, because the presence of metastases excludes the possibility of curative treatment (surgery). Systemic (medical) treatment is used for metastatic disease. It is of increasing importance to monitor how patients are responding to the treatment and switch to a different product if the tumor is not responding. Improved methods for detection of metastatic lesions would be of great advantaged for the clinicians in order to select the optimal treatment strategy for the patients. In the present study we aim to identify tumor markers in the blood and more specific we want to investigate whether circulating tumor-DNA can be used as a biomarker for monitoring the development of the disease during and after treatment. We want a better understanding of the tumor's heterogeneity and development. Furthermore we want to evaluate the diagnostic value of dual time FDG- PET/CT for the detection of bone and lymph node metastases in patients with kidney cancer

To Examine the Effects of Axitinib Dose Reduction and Interruption for Adverse Event Management...
Renal Cell CarcinomaTo assess how dose reductions or treatment interruptions related to axitinib can be implemented to manage and resolve adverse events occurring among patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma treated with first-line axitinib in combination with avelumab or pembrolizumab

Cellular Immunity and Renal Cell Cancer
NK Cell Mediated ImmunityNK Cell Cytokine Production1 moreRenal cell cancer (RCC) is one of the most important urogenital tumors because of it's high mortality and increasing incidence. RCC, which accounts about 3% of all malignant tumors in the adults, is the most lethal urogenital cancer. The high mortality rate stimulate investigator groups to study RCC pathogenesis including immunological part. It is interesting that immunotherapy was firstly started in patients with metastatic RCC using IL-2 and interferon gamma. The first results were promising but the exact mechanism of acting was not found. In the RCC, as in the others tumors, immune cells (T lymphocytes, NK and NKT cells) are responsible for main antitumor effect. Their effect was caused by cytotoxic activity on the tumor cells. In the investigation investigators will determine patterns of aggregation of tumor infiltrating immune cells in the blood, healthy kidney and carcinomatous tissue. But, presence of this cells not implicated that this cells are active. Their activity will be determined by proofing cytotoxicity of different subgroup of immune cells. In that way investigators will present different patterns of aggregation of tumor infiltrating immune cells and their cytotoxicity which will direct that this cells are active with antitumor effect. Correlation of collected data with classical prognostic factors in the patients with RCC as tumor staging, tumor grading (Fuhrman) and histological subtype will help to determine some immunological factors as possible new prognostic factors. For conclusion, the results of this study will allow better understanding of RCC pathogenesis, specially their immunological part and become a foundation for the future investigations.

Clinical Outcomes For Patients With Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (mRCC) Who Received Sunitinib...
Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (mRCC)The study aims to assess clinical outcomes in mRCC patients treated with sunitinib in second-line following IO therapy in real world clinical practices.

The Vascular and Metabolic Effects of Sunitinib in Patients With Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma...
HypertensionRenal Function2 moreRationale: The introduction of angiogenesis inhibitors, like sunitinib and bevacizumab, has improved the outcome of patients with several types of cancer remarkably. However, their application is hampered by side effects, such as development of hypertension with consequences for renal and cardiac function. Moreover patients treated with angiogenesis inhibitors may suffer from weight loss, and insulin sensitivity during treatment appears to change. The treatment with angiogenesis inhibitors, will improve life expectancy of patients with various cancer diagnoses and therefore the clinical relevance of both short term and long lasting adverse events will translate into reduced quality of life. In addition, premature withdrawal of angiogenesis inhibitors due to side effects may result in lower response, shorter duration of response and possibly a shorter survival. Therefore, adequate treatment of above mentioned side effects in patients treated with angiogenesis inhibitors is of relevance for the response rate, the duration of progression free survival and overall survival and for quality of life. Mechanistic insight in the pathogenesis of these side effects will help optimizing treatment. Objective: The primary objective of the study is to investigate the effect of sunitinib on endothelial function, insulin sensitivity, renal function and renal blood flow. Study design: Single-centre non randomized observational study Study population: 30 Patients (>18 years old) starting with sunitinib as treatment for metastatic renal cell carcinoma.

Relationship of Ochratoxin A to Upper Urologic Cancers
Transitional Cell CarcinomaRenal Cell Cancer1 moreThis pilot study will explore the relationship of Ochratoxin A (OTA) levels in patients with upper tract transitional cell (TCC), renal cell, and testicular cancers by measuring levels of OTA in serum and tumor samples. Dietary exposure will also be analyzed.