Nexavar Post-marketing Surveillance for RCC in Japan: Early Access Program
CarcinomaRenal CellThis study is an early access program of 'Nexavar post-marketing surveillance (PMS) for renal cell carcinoma (RCC) in Japan' which is a regulatory, local prospective and observational study for patients with unresectable or advanced RCC under real-life practice conditions. The objective of this study is to assess safety and effectiveness of Nexavar at some limited sites which joined to clinical trial of Nexavar, before available of it in the market. The enrollment period is 2 months, and patients who received Nexavar will be recruited and followed one year since starting Nexavar administration. The data of this study will be integrated into the Nexavar PMS and the data will not be analyzed and reported alone.

A Trial to Evaluate the Characteristics of Patients Treated for Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma With...
CarcinomaRenal Cell2 moreEvaluation of the efficacy and safety of Nexavar ® in advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) and calculation of related medical costs.

Gabapentin and Risk of Pancreatic Cancer and Renal Cancer (GPRD)
Renal Pelvis CancerRestless Legs Syndrome8 moreHigh doses of gabapentin are associated with pancreatic acinar cell tumors in rats, but there has been no post marketing pancreatic carcinogenicity signal with gabapentin as reported by spontaneous reports in the Adverse Events Reporting System or in the published literature. In a published case-control screening study of the association of gabapentin with 55 cancers, the only cancer that met the screening criteria for possibly increased cancer risk with gabapentin exposure was renal (including renal pelvis) cancer. This association was judged to be likely due to or substantially accentuated by confounding by cigarette smoking, hypertension, and lifestyle (Cancer Causes Control 2009;20:1821-1835). The primary objective of this study is to determine whether exposure to gabapentin is associated with an increased risk of developing pancreatic cancer or renal cancer in the United Kingdom (UK) General Practice Research Database (GPRD). Almost all members of the UK population are registered with a General Practice, which centralizes the medical information not only from the general practitioners themselves but also from specialist referrals and hospital attendances. Over 487 General Practices contribute data to the GPRD. The study cohort from which cases and controls are drawn is all subjects in the GPRD 1993-2008. Gabapentin was approved in the UK in May 1993. Entry into the study cohort begins Jan 1, 1993 for all those who are registered in GPRD before that time, and at the time of registration if later than Jan 1, 1993. Patients with a first diagnosis of the respective cancer 1995-2008 are risk set matched with up to 10 controls within the same General Practice for age at cohort entry (within two years), sex, and year of entry into the study cohort (within one year). For cases, the index date is the date of first diagnosis of the respective cancer. The index date for controls is set as the date at which the follow-up time from cohort entry is the same as the case. The index date is chosen so as to give the control equal follow-up time to that of the case for ascertainment of use of gabapentin. Cases and controls will be required to have at least 2 years of follow-up in the study cohort before their index date. Data on gabapentin prescriptions are obtained for cases and controls from study cohort entry to the index date. Crude and adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CI) will be produced from conditional logistic regression models, with additional analyses evaluating for latency and dose-response. For pancreatic cancer, covariates are smoking, body mass index, diabetes, epilepsy, neuropathic pain, and chronic pancreatitis. For renal cancer, covariates are smoking, body mass index, diabetes, hypertension, diuretic use, epilepsy, and neuropathic pain.

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Imaging Before and During Everolimus Treatment for Renal...
Metastatic Renal Cell CarcinomaEverolimus indirectly inhibits angiogenesis by reducing VEGF production. VEGF can be non-invasively visualized and quantified with serial 89Zr-bevacizumab PET imaging in patients. The investigators hypothesize that a decline in VEGF early during everolimus treatment in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma predicts treatment efficacy. 89Zr-bevacizumab PET scans will be performed at baseline, after 2 and 6 weeks of everolimus treatment in 14 adult patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in Predicting Response to Sunitinib Malate in Patients With Locally...
Renal Cell CarcinomaStage III Renal Cell Cancer1 moreRationale: Diagnostic procedures, such as MRI, may help doctors predict a patient's response to treatment and help plan the best treatment. Purpose: This clinical trial is studying MRI in predicting response to sunitinib malate in patients with locally advanced or metastatic kidney cancer.

Study of the Immunoresponse in Patients Treated With a Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor
Renal Cell CarcinomaGISTIn this study the researchers investigate the influence of the tyrosine kinase inhibitors sunitinib and sorafenib, on the normal humoral and cellular immuno response to influenza vaccination in patients with metastases of renal cell carcinoma or a GIST.

Regulatory Post Marketing Surveillance Study on Nexavar®
CarcinomaHepatocellular2 moreThis surveillance are to identify problems/questions regarding adverse events, factors that are considered to affect on safety and efficacy in the clinical practice of using Nexavar

Special Investigation For Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) Of Sunitinib Malate (Regulatory Post Marketing...
CarcinomaRenal CellThe objective of this surveillance is to collect information about 1) adverse drug reaction not expected from the LPD (unknown adverse drug reaction), 2) the incidence of adverse drug reactions in this surveillance, and 3)factors considered to affect the safety and/or efficacy of this drug.

Patient Characteristics in Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma and Daily Practice Treatment With Nexavar...
CarcinomaRenal Cell2 moreRenal cell carcinoma accounts for roughly 3 % of all cancer. It is a rather aggressive cancer type, which means that patients who present with an advanced disease have a rather poor prognosis. When this study has been started the standard therapy for patients has been cytokines, which might be accompanied by significant toxicities or might fail the therapeutic goal. In these cases sorafenib can be a feasible therapeutic option. This non-interventional study has been created and is being conducted to collect clinical data on the patients' therapy with sorafenib in an everyday treatment schedule. The main goal of this study focuses on patient characteristics and tumor status in RCC treated with sorafenib as well as the treatment duration and safety of sorafenib under everyday treatment conditions.

DNA Analysis of Blood and/or Tissue Samples From Patients With Primary Kidney Cancer Receiving Sorafenib...
Kidney CancerRATIONALE: Studying samples of blood and/or tissue in the laboratory from patients with kidney cancer receiving sorafenib may help doctors learn more about changes that occur in DNA and identify biomarkers related to cancer. It may also help doctors predict how well patients will respond to sorafenib. PURPOSE: This research study is looking at the DNA in blood and/or tissue samples from patients with primary kidney cancer receiving sorafenib on clinical trial MRC-RE05-SORCE.