A Study of Preferences of Participants and Oncologists for the Characteristics of the Treatment...
Renal Cell CarcinomaThe purpose of this observational study is to determine patients' and professionals' preferences for the characteristics (attributes) of the treatment for Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) in Spain and Portugal.

Retrospective Study on Referral Patterns for High Risk Patients Post Nephrectomy
Renal Cell CarcinomaThis study aims at estimating the proportion of patients diagnosed with locoregional renal cell carcinoma who are at high risk for recurrence following nephrectomy, describe referral patterns, and characterize treatment in this population. Outcomes including estimation of the incidence of recurrence and disease-free interval following nephrectomy will be reported overall and among the subgroup off patients receiving adjuvant systemic therapy with sunitinib following nephrectomy.

Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy for cT1 Tumors
Renal CancerRenal Neoplasm11 moreThe aim of the study is to evaluate trifecta and pentafecta outcomes for laparoscopic partial nephrectomy (LNP) in patients with clinical T1N0M0 renal tumor.

The Association of Marital Status With Kidney Cancer Surgery Morbidity
MarriageKidney Neoplasms2 moreRetrospective cohort study

An Expanded Access Program to Axitinib is Available for Patients With Advanced Forms of Kidney Cancer...
Clear Cell Kidney CancerKidney Cancer1 moreKidney cancer belongs to a heterogeneous group of tumors and is the most common oncourological disease; up to 80% of cases are clear cell carcinoma.

Three-dimensional Virtual Imaging to Improve the Accuracy of Standard CT-based Nephrometric Scores:...
Kidney NeoplasmsCarcinoma1 moreSTUDY DESIGN: prospective multicentric observational SAMPLE SIZE OF THE STUDY: The estimated number of patients to enroll in the multicenter study is at least 270 patients (statistically calculated referring to the results of a monocentric analysis including 101 patients with the same design, already performed by the Coordinator Center). NUMBER OF CENTERS INVOLVED: Considering a total number of patients enrolled of at least 270, number of Centers to be involved: 5. STUDY PROCEDURES: 3D virtual model rendering CT-scan images sent in DICOM format to MEDICS (Turin, Italy) after anonymization. Dedicated online platform available to upload the anonymized CT images, after registration. CT imaging processing by bioengineers and 3DVM building within 72 hours 3D-PDF download from the same online platform Nephrometric score assessment All CT-scans and their 3DVMsevaluation in order to assess surgical complexity, as classified by the PADUA nephrometry score and its relative PADUA risk category. For each Center: assessment of the PADUA score on the basis of the CT-scans (2D-NS) by one urologist; assessment of the PADUA score on the basis of the 3DVMs (3D-NS) by another urologist. Surgical intervention and pathological assessment Dedicated expert surgeon for each Center performing NSS to all patients with the same surgical technique. Dedicated uro-pathologist for each Center performing the histopathological evaluations of the specimens.

Tumor Collection From Routine Nephrectomy for Subjects With Advanced Stage RCC
Kidney CancerRenal Cell Carcinoma1 moreStandard treatment for kidney cancer is to remove the tumors from the body with surgery. The purpose of this clinical trial is to collect, preserve, and store excess kidney cancer tumor specimens that would normally be discarded after surgery.

Perfusion CT Monitoring to Predict Treatment Efficacy in Renal Cell Carcinoma
Metastatic Renal Cell CancerThis pilot clinical trial studies perfusion computed tomography (CT) in predicting response to treatment in patients with advanced kidney cancer. Comparing results of diagnostic procedures done before, during, and after targeted therapy may help doctors predict a patient's response to treatment and help plan the best treatment.

Evaluation of the Cost and Effectiveness Sunitinib Compared to Interferon-Alfa in Finland
NeoplasmsRenal Cell CarcinomaPatient receiving sunitinib according the clinician's independent decision as first-line treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC) will be asked for informed consent. Treatment with sunitinib will start and end solely on the treating clinicians and the patients independent discretion. Consenting patients will prospectively answer standardized quality of life questionnaires (15D, EQ-5D) during the treatment. Data on health care resource utilisation will be collected prospectively (outpatient visits, hospital stays, concomitant drugs, investigations, sick-leaves, travels). In addition, after treatment failure anti-cancer drugs, hospital stays and date of death will be recorded. The health economic data during sunitinib treatment and the length of the sunitinib treatment will be compared with the corresponding previously published data collected retrospectively from patients with the same condition treated with IFN-alfa. Stepwise regression analysis will be used to explore whether patient and tumor characteristics explain potential variation in treatment duration and costs that is not explained by the treatment. Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) data will be presented as descriptive data and compared to age-standardized general population. At least four major Finnish oncology centers have consented to participate in this study. The inclusion time will be approximately 24 months, and the study time approximately 48 months. Eighty patients will be included.

Investigating Patient Satisfaction With Oral Anti-Cancer Treatment
Clear Cell Renal Cell CarcinomaProspective non-interventional non-controlled multicenter observational study to evaluate aspects of pharmaceutical care in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma treated with an oral anti-cancer drug. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the patient perspective in the treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma with an oral anti-cancer drug. The following aspects will be investigated: Intrinsic desire for information about treatment. Patient satisfaction with treatment information. Patient satisfaction with treatment. Medication adherence. Health-related quality of life. The role of different health care professionals in the treatment of RCC with oral drugs This study should reveal information necessary for the development of pharmacotherapeutic care concepts that meet the needs of cancer patients treated with an oral anti-cancer drug over a long period.