Glycosaminoglycan Scores as Monitoring Biomarkers in Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma
CarcinomaRenal CellIn this study, glycosaminoglycan (GAG) profiling in subjects diagnosed with metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) is hypothesized to be useful in monitoring drug response and predict radiological response. To this end, glycosaminoglycan scores based on longitudinal samples of plasma and urine in prospectively enrolled patients will be correlated to radiological response to first-line therapy based on current standard-of-care. A positive correlation indicates that glycosaminoglycan scores can successfully detect patients that are not responding to treatment before the scheduled follow-up in which radiological imaging is performed. Data on the extent of metastasis (number of metastatic sites) will be collected to assess whether glycosaminoglycans correlate accordingly.

Study Evaluating Renal Cell Carcinoma Risk Factors
CarcinomaRenal CellThis is an epidemiological, prospective, multicenter study designed to identify the pre-treatment clinical, molecular and genetic prognostic factors associated with progression free survival in patients naïve to renal cell carcinoma (RCC) treatment.

Correlation of the Clinical Behaviour of Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) After Debulking Nephrectomy...
Renal Cell CarcinomaThe objective of the study is to determine whether a specific immune microenvironment in the primary tumor is associated with a favorable clinical course after nephrectomy and in the absence of adjuvant treatment.

Non-Myeloablative Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation With Matched Unrelated Donors for Treatment...
Acute Myeloid LeukemiaMyelodysplasia9 moreThe primary objective of this study is to examine transplant related mortality (TRM) at 100 days <30%. A TRM of >50% is considered unacceptable. This study also seeks a TRM at 12 months that is <50%, engraftment >90% (defined as donor cells >80% at 6 months), and 1 year overall survival >50%.

Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC)In renal cell carcinoma (RCC) patients, lymph node metastases detection and treatment are the most critical issues in daily clinical decision-making. Indeed, conversely to other oncological settings, a) nodal status imaging, b) sentinel node technique and c) standard lymphadenectomy have been demonstrated inadequate in the staging and management of RCC patients. A novel, accurate, standardized imaging technique is urgently needed in RCC setting to detect macro and micro nodal invasion, to identify those patients who are at higher risk of having nodal metastases, to accurately plan the best management. Recent studies suggested combining 18F-FAZA PET with CT scanning in the detection of cancer-induced hypoxia.The investigators propose to test 18F-FAZA PET-CT in detecting nodal metastases to improve the management of RCC patients.

Plasma Glycosaminoglycans as Diagnostic and Prognostic Biomarkers in Surgically Treated Renal Cell...
Renal Cell CarcinomaIn this study, the investigators profiled plasma glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in a retrospective consecutive series of patients with a radiographic finding of renal mass referred to primary surgery for renal cell carcinoma (RCC). A control group was formed by measuring plasma GAGs in healthy volunteers. The primary endpoints were the specificity and sensitivity of plasma GAGs in the detection of early stage RCC in pre-surgical samples versus healthy individuals. The investigators further analyzed how plasma GAGs varied according to stage, grade, RCC histology, other renal masses, and after surgery. Finally, the investigators estimated whether plasma GAGs could be used for prediction and surveillance of RCC recurrence.

Moesin Expression in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma
Renal Cell CarcinomaRenal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the most frequently occurring primary renal neoplasm. There are several histological variants of RCC that are associated with variable prognostic outcomes. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a phenomenon in which the epithelial cells acquire some mesenchymal criteria as enhanced invasive potential. There are several cell surface molecules that are implicated in EMT. Moesin is one of these molecules that is involved in EMT, which is associated with enhanced invasive potential and poor prognosis. Targeting Moesin by novel therapeutic agents may prevent EMT and improve prognosis of patients with RCC.

RFR Change of Precise Segmental Versus Complete Renal Arterial Clamping During LPN for Clinical...
Renal Cell CarcinomaRenal functional reserve may be better in patients with clinical T1 renal cell carcinoma(RCC) undergoing laparoscopic partial nephrectomy with precise segmental renal artery clamping than those with complete renal arterial clamping.

Glycosaminoglycan Scores as Monitoring Biomarkers in Confined Renal Cell Carcinoma
CarcinomaRenal CellIn this study, a score based on glycosaminoglycan (GAG) profiling in subjects with suspicion of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is hypothesized to distinguish malignant masses when early actionable clinical decisions are desirable. For example to diagnose early recurrence after surgical treatment; to screen population at risk of RCC; or to distinguish benign masses from RCC before surgical treatment. To this end, plasma and urine GAGs will be measured in a prospective cohort of patients referred to surgical treatment for RCC. The resulting GAG scores are then correlated to post-surgical recurrence, to post-surgical definitive diagnosis and and to tumor size if RCC. In a subset cohort of patients at high risk of RCC recurrence, plasma and urine GAGs will be monitored to observe its correlation with disease recurrence.

PROCLAIM Registry to Evaluate the Treatment Patterns and Clinical Response in Malignancy
Metastatic Renal Cell CarcinomaMetastatic MelanomaThe purpose of this registry is to collect information on patients who are receiving treatment with Proleukin in an organized way, and to learn more about patient care during and after treatment.