Metabolic Aspects of Citrate Anticoagulation in Renal Replacement Therapy
Acute Renal FailureCritical IllnessCitrate anticoagulation is associated with metabolic side effects which are linked to a portion of citrate reaching systemic circulation. Data on significance of systemic gain of citrate and its relationship to method configuration are missing. Patient might also receive certain dose of lactate as a buffer and a dose of glucose if acid-citrate-dextrose solution is used. The authors test variable methods of indirect estimate of systemic dose of citrate which would allow to quantify the metabolic input without mostly unavailable measurements of citrate levels.

New Citrate Protocol With Baxter in Continuous Techniques
Renal InsufficiencyAcuteThe investigators designed a monitoring and control table of a citrate treatment on a specific monitor. This is the Baxter "Prismaflex" monitor, with 8.2 software version. Dialysis bath liquids marketed by Baxter: Biphozyl are used. Citrate liquid (1:18) Regiocit is used. The dialysis treatment monitor (CVVHD) is programmed, with a blood / citrate pumps at a rate of 1:10 (1 ml / min of blood: 10 ml / h of dialysis fluid) The starting dose of citrate will be 3.5 mmol / l and the calcium compensation will be 100% Working hypothesis: The patient undergoing citrate anticoagulation according to the designed algorithm will respond with ion stability and pH during the treatment, in addition to achieving an effective cleaning process.

A Clinical Decision Support Trial to Reduce Intraoperative Hypotension
HypotensionAcute Kidney InjuryThe purpose of this study is to provide messages to providers if their patient is at high risk of developing intraoperative hypotension based on past medical history and co-morbidities preoperatively and minutes of hypotension intraoperatively.

Risk Factors Related to Postoperative Acute Kidney Injury in Elderly Patients Undergoing Joint Replacement...
Acute Kidney InjuryTotal hip arthroplasty refers to the replacement of the femoral head and acetabulum damaged by disease or trauma with an artificial hip joint, thereby restoring joint activity and original function. Acute kidney injury is a common complication after total hip arthroplasty. Previous studies have shown that the incidence of acute kidney injury after hip replacement is as high as 21.9%. Acute kidney injury has become a global safety issue, and the occurrence of acute kidney injury can lead to an increase in hospital stay, medical costs and increased risk of death.There is currently no global survey of the incidence of AKI, and only a number of studies have been conducted on specific patient groups (eg, inpatients, intensive care units [ICU] patients or children) due to differences in study design and definition of acute kidney injury.

Furosemide Stress Test for the Prediction of Acute Kidney Injury Severity in Acute Heart Failure...
Heart FailureAcute Kidney InjuryThis study is aim to study the changes of serum creatinine levels at 72 hours after admission in patients with acute heart failure who has diuretic resistance compared to those who do not have diuretic resistance from furosemide stress test

Renal Oxygen Saturation and Its Association With Acute Renal Injury
Acute Kidney InjuryChildren1 morePeri-operative renal dysfunction is a major mortality and morbidity cause following cardiac and major vascular surgery. Although several intra-operative strategies are proposed for better outcomes, no effective and fast resulting test is available to be done in operating rooms to assess renal functions. Urine and blood markers as serum creatinine, urine output, fractional excretion of sodium and urea are used for early diagnosis of acute renal injury. Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) assesses tissue oxygenation especially cerebral regional oxygen saturation. The benefit of NIRS followups of cerebral and somatic (liver, kidney, mesentery) oxygenation in pediatric cardiovascular surgery patients are demonstrated by studies.

Acute Kidney InjuryIn this study, we investigate whether the early detection of risk factors in Covid-19 associated acute kidney injury contributes to us in the early initiation of treatment. We predict that if acute kidney damage is detected early in patients with early risk factors, permanent kidney damage will be seen less. In addition, we think that covid-19 patients may have positive contributions to shortening treatment time and reducing treatment costs. In addition, we are investigating whether it has a positive effect on patients' survival. In other words, we are investigating the contribution of risk factors to early diagnosis and treatment, the effect on health expenditures and mortality in patients with COVID-19 with acute kidney damage.

Elimination of Antibiotics During Citrate-anticoagulated Continuous-veno-venous-haemodialysis
Acute Kidney InjuryBacterial InfectionAcute kidney injury (AKI) requiring renal replacement therapy is common in critically ill patients. The major causes of AKI are severe sepsis and septic shock requiring effective antibiotic treatment. Patients with sepsis on ICUs usually are haemodynamically instable so that renal replacement therapy is applied using continuous techniques. In recent years, the efficacy of renal replacement therapies has improved, namely by using regional citrate anticoagulation which improves filter lifetime and filter patency. At present, the extent of removal of antibiotic drugs using citrate-anticoagulated CVVHD in critically ill patients has not been investigated thoroughly. Thus, the investigators want to investigate whether and to what extent antibiotic drugs (piperacillin/tazobactam and imipenem/cilastatin) are removed during citrate-anticoagulated CVVHD per se whether filter patency during citrate-anticoagulated CVVD remains stable during a treatment period of 72 h

Determination of Perioperative Acute Kidney Injury Incidence
Intensive Care Unit SyndromeIn the last few years, acute renal injury (AKI) definition has been significantly changed. In the light of the data obtained from multicenter international studies, acute renal injury was redefined according to RIFLE, AKIN and KDIGO criteria. The common criteria of all three criteria in acute renal failure is the increment of level of creatinine as 0.3 mg/dL or 50 % increment of respective basal value of serum creatinine. In the current study, older than 40 years patients with no specific gender, who will stay at least one night in hospital will be included and cardiovascular and urological surgery patients and patients with known renal insufficiency will be excluded. It was aimed to measure serum creatinine levels in all included patients at baseline and up to 24h after surgery and will be determined acute kidney injury incidence and risk factors according to new criteria.

Algorithm for Oliguria in Septic Shock
Acute Kidney InjuryAcute Kidney Injury (AKI) develops in 88% to 30% of critically ill patients admitted to an intensive care unit and is a strong predictor of mortality.Therefore any management strategy that prevents progression of renal risk to injury or failure has the potential to improve outcomes in these patients.Conventional management of acute oliguria in shock has been to blindly 'push' fluids to improve renal perfusion or to give loop diuretics once fluid loading has been considered as accomplished. However both volume overload and 'blind' attempts at fluid removal can worsen renal injury and have been associated with higher mortality by venous overcongestion and inappropriate hypovolemia. It seems reasonable to assume that a bedside test to visualize volume status and renal perfusion may assist in improving outcomes in this cohort.The investigators developed a goal-directed ultrasonographic protocol to provide immediate hemodynamic information in acutely oliguric patients with shock as well as a management algorithm for guiding therapy. The investigators incorporated IVC diameter measurement, respiratory variation and response to a passive leg raise to assess whether further fluid boluses were required and a measurement of renal perfusion to determine whether diuretics or renal replacement therapy were indicated. The investigators aim to measure the effects of this management protocol on the rates of AKI in the study participants as compared to prior to the implementation of the protocol.The study design is a prospective, observational. Since this is a proof of concept study, the projected sample size is 40 patients. An interim analysis will be carried out after 20 patients are enrolled and a further 20 will be enrolled as necessary