Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) and Risk of Acute Kidney Injury in Patients With...
Heart FailureThe purpose of this study is to evaluate whether non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) were associated with acute kidney injury (AKI) in patients with heart failure. In addition, the investigators would like to assess the risk of admission for acute decompensated heart failure following exposure to NSAIDs within 30 days.

Utility of NGAL to Diagnose AKI in Critically Ill Children
Acute Kidney Injury in Critically Ill ChildrenAcute Kidney Injury is common in critically ill children and is associated with high morbidity and mortality in pediatric intensive care unit. The serum creatinine is still a gold standard test for diagnosis of AKI, but it rises after 1 to 3 days of injury . However, Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalcin (NGAL) is an emerging biomarker in identifying AKI at an early stages, which may in future help us in promptly instituting reno-protective interventions like avoidance of nephrotoxic exposure and contrast agents, maintenance of euvolemia and perfusion pressure which will not only preventing kidney from further failing, decrease the use of very expensive and complicated renal supportive therapy like continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) as well as in decreasing morbidity and mortality related to AKI.

The Relationship Between Hypoalbuminemia and Development of Acute Kidney Failure (AKI) According...
HypoalbuminemiaAcute Kidney FailureThis study was designed to determine the association between preoperative and postoperative hypoalbuminemia and AKI in older age hip fracture surgeons, to determine which period of hypoalbuminemia contributes more to AKI development, the incidence of AKI according to anesthesia type, the presence of other factors affecting AKI development, the duration of hospitalization and cost- to be investigated.

The Membrane Adsorbing OXiris Filter in Septic Patients With AKI
SepsisAcute Renal FailurePatients with Sepsis / Septic Shock and AKI are submitted to Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy with the oXiris filter . The pro- inflammatory mediators , the endotoxin , interleukin 10 , the main cardiorespiratory indices and renal parameters are evaluated at the entry of the study and at the end of the treatment.

Identification of Genetic Polymorphism Related to Acute Kidney Injury After Liver Transplantation...
The Recipients Undergoing Liver TransplantationSome of the liver transplantation recipients experience postoperative acute kidney injury due to various causes including genetic factors. Prevention of postoperative acute kidney injury is essential for postoperative care in liver transplantation recipients. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between gene polymorphisms and the occurrence of acute kidney injury after liver transplantation by performing genome-wide association study (GWAS).

Evaluation of AKI by Measuring the NephroCheck Test After Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
Acute Kidney InjuryCardiac Disease1 moreBlood and urine samples of over 200 pediatric subjects (over 28 days to 3 years) undergoing complex cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) will be collected at several time points to measure corresponding biomarkers such as serum creatinine, serum urea concentration, or NephroCheck test ([TIMP-2]*[IGFBP7) to evaluate the diagnostic performance of AKI by NephroCheck test .

Vancomycin-Associated Acute Kidney Injury: A Cross-Sectional Study From a Multi- Center in China...
VancomycinStaphylococcal Infections3 moreThe objective of this study was to investigate the current situation of vancomycin (VAN)-associated acute kidney injury (VA-AKI) in China and identify the risk factors for VA-AKI, as well as to comprehensively examine the risk related to concurrent drug use. Further, the investigators assessed the outcomes of patients who developed VA-AKI and the risk factors for these outcomes. Finally, the investigators aimed to provide suggestions for improving the prevention and treatment of VA-AKI in China.

NIRS for the Diagnosis and Prevention of Acute Renal Failure
Renal InsufficiencyAcuteThis prospective study will take place at Hotel Dieu de France hospital in Lebanon. One hundred children undergoing cardiac surgery for congenital heart disease between May 2020 and May 2021 will be included. After obtaining the informed consent of the parents, demographic and surgical information will be collected. Serum creatinine, lactic acid, urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin marker (NGAL), and oxygen (O2) saturation will be measured before the operation. A pediatric NIRS sensor will be placed on the right side below the costo-vertebral angle overlying the right kidney and continuous regional oxygen saturation (rSO2) will be recorded every 5 to 10 minutes throughout the operation until 24 hours after surgery. The children will be divided into 2 groups; 50 each. Grp 1: No clinical intervention was performed based on NIRS values. Grp 2: several maneuvers are performed such as an increase in cardiac output, temperature, hemoglobin to optimize the value of NIRS > 80%. All patients will receive standard standard care during the study period and continuous infusion of furosemide (0.5-1 mg / kg / 6 hours) within the first 24-48 hours postoperatively will be administered to all patients. Creatinine and lactic acid will be measured immediately postoperatively and then once a day until D2 and D7. The urinary NGAL marker will be dosed immediately postoperatively and then at 2h, 6h, 12h and 24h with hourly monitoring of diuresis and NIRS until 24h postoperatively.

Renal Resistive Index and Cardiac Output Changes During Resuscitation Predict the Occurrence of...
Critically IllAcute Kidney Injury1 moreRecord the renal resistive index and hemodynamic parameters ( record the cardiac output and stroke volume if the patient's next to kin agree to undertake a PiCCO monitoring ) before and after resuscitation for severe sepsis or septic shock patients, to determine whether the changes of resistive index or hemodynamic parameters, especially the cardiac output can be a better parameter to predict AKI

Does Urinary TIMP2 and IGFBP7 Can Identify High Risk Patients of Progression From Mild and Moderate...
Acute Kidney InjurySeptic ShockSeptic shock is one of the leading causes of death in patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU). Acute kidney injury (AKI) occurs in almost 50% of septic patients and is associated with significant mortality. Progression to the last stage (KDIGO stage 3) of AKI is an important step in the disease, as it usually requires initiation of RRT. Renal biomarkers are unable to accurately identify those patients who will progress to severe AKI (KDIGO 3). However, identification of patients at risk of progression to severe AKI could help the clinician to initiate optimal therapy including RRT. A new urine test, the Nephrocheck™ corresponding to the product of the urinary concentrations of 2 markers of renal tubule injury (TIMP2 and IGFBP7) has been validated. The Investigator have already performed two previous studies including septic shock patients (AKICHECK and BIOOCHECK). those previous datas will be reanalysed to examine whether the new urinary biomarkers TIMP2 and IGFBP7 can predict progression within 24 hours and 72 hours from mild and moderate (KDIGO 1 or 2) to severe AKI (KDIGO 3) in patients with septic shock. -All the datas required will be collected from two previous studies (AKICHECK and BIOCHECK) performed in 3 centers: Amiens medical ICU, Melun medico surgical ICU and Montpellier Medical ICU.