Macro and Micro Haemodynamic Responses to Shock in the Renal and Systemic - MICROSHOCK - RENAL
Acute Kidney InjurySeptic ShockAn observational study of the state of the renal and systemic circulations in patients with early septic shock. Both macro and microvascular parameters will be assessed using echocardiography, sublingual incident dark field video-microscopy and renal contrast enhanced ultrasound. Patients will be categorised by KDIGO degree of kidney injury at Day 7 and stratified. Haemodynamic and perfusion based variables over time for these groups will be compared to assess the impact of changes in same on the development of AKI. Lab based work to quantify renal injury biomarkers will also be undertaken.

Risk of Acute Kidney Injury After Intravenous Contrast Computed Tomography Scans
Acute Kidney InjuryContrast-induced NephropathyIntravenous iodinated contrast media is commonly used to enhance diagnostic yield of computer tomography (CT) scans in clinical medicine. However, the perceived risk of contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) frequently limits its use. While CIN is often self-limiting, it can cause significant morbidity by prolonging admissions and rendering an at-risk individual dialysis dependent. CIN has long been observed and described in clinical studies. There is ample data on CIN after administration of intraarterial contrast, but evidence is less compelling when it comes to intravenous contrast. Increasing studies have called into question the actual risk of intravenous contrast media. Expert panels are suggesting that the risk could have been overstated, leading to contrast being withheld when indicated. There is paucity of local data on this particular issue. More real world data on the actual incidence and risk factors of AKI will be helpful to clinicians. The investigators plan to conduct a single center, retrospective study, to determine the incidence and risk factors of post contrast AKI in contrast enhanced CT scans.

Analysis of Clinical Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Acute Dialysis Therapy at Intensive Care Units...
Acute Kidney InjuryAcute kidney injury is more frequent and the mortality rate would be as high as 50-60% when the renal replacement therapy was needed. Many studies about the timing of start and discontinuation of dialysis, dialysis dose, dialyzer, anticoagulation and dialysates were initiated but the results were still controversial. In addition, more new biomarkers were found to predict the outcome of acute kidney injury and these biomarkers may play an important role for the dilemma of aforementioned studies. This observational prospective study has two objectives: To find the predictors of outcome for the acute kidney injury with renal replacement therapy and determine the appropriate method. To find the relationship between new biomarkers and acute kidney injury and determine whether it can be a factor for the monitor of the response of the renal replacement therapy.

Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin: Biomarker of Acute Kidney Injury After Cardiac Surgery...
Early Acute Kidney InjuryThe following objectives were used for comparison: 1)primary objective: Evaluate the urinary excretion of NGAL as a marker of early development of acute kidney injury in patients undergoing cardiac surgery.

Regional COVID Epidemiology in England (RECEDE)
Acute Kidney InjuryThe COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the unwanted variation in outcomes as evidence by Public Health England's report on increased mortality in regions of the country. For example, UHDB, in East Midlands, has reported a high crude mortality as compared to other Trusts in the region.8 There may also have been variation in the incidence of complications of COVID-19 in the form of AKI, which may have influenced mortality. Variation in outcomes may be because of various factors - differing population demographics, underlying health conditions in the population, deprivation, physician preference and knowledge and ethnic diversity. Unwanted variation is care that is not consistent with a patient's preference or related to [their] underlying illness. It is important to understand the reason for unwanted variation in outcomes associated with COVID-19 to minimise patient harm and reduce morbidity and mortality.

Acute Kidney Injury and Renal Outcomes for COVID-19 Patients in Intensive Care Units
on Occurrence of Acurate Kidney Injury During Intensive Care UnitAbnormalities of Urinary AnalysisThe actual COVID-19 epidemy is an unprecedented healthcare problem. Although acute respiratory distress syndrome is the main organ failure, acute kidney injury (AKI) has appeared to be more frequent and more severe than expected. Some data suggested a potential direct renal tropism of the virus, or undirect injury by "cytokine storm". The aims of this study are: To describe incidence, severity and mortality associated with AKI during covid-19 infection in ICU To identify specific risk factors for AKI To explore pathophysiologic mechanism of AKI during COVID-19 infection

The Impact of Sleep-disordered Breathing on the Incidence of Postoperative Acute Kidney Injury in...
Valvular Heart DiseaseSleep-disordered breathing has a prevalence of 30~80% in patients with heart diseases. Various studies have revealed a correlation between the incidence and various diseases such as heart failure, hypertension, diabetes, and cerebral infarction. Postoperative acute kidney injury after heart surgery is one of the major complications with incidence with 40~50%, however, there has been no preventive method or treatment yet. Recently, several studies have been published that have shown a correlation between sleep-disordered breathing and renal impairment. In general, sleep-disordered breathing can be regulated easily with continues positive expiratory pressure, which means that early diagnosis and treatment of sleep-disordered breathing might help to reduce the incidence of postoperative acute kidney injury and improve patients' prognosis. In this study, the investigators investigate the impact of sleep-disordered breathing (diagnosed by oxygen desaturation index ≥5) on the incidence of postoperative acute kidney injury in patients undergoing valvular heart surgery.

Ioxaglate Versus Iodixanol for the Prevention of Contrast-induced Nephropathy in High-risk Patients...
Acute Kidney FailureContrast media-induced nephropathy following diagnostic and therapeutic cardiac catheterization.

Outcomes of Acute Kidney Injury in Critically Ill Patients
Acute Kidney Injurythis study to evaluate the frequency of acute kidney injury in critically ill patients in intensive care units.

Impact of Renal Replacement Therapy on Coagulation Profile of Patients With Acute Renal Failure...
Acute Renal FailureHemorrhage1 moreRenal failure and high plasmatic level of urea have been associated with an increased risk of hemorrhage in surgical patients. There is only sparse data on the impact of renal replacement therapy on homeostatic parameters. The aim of this study is to describe potential changes in homeostatic parameters before and after renal replacement therapy.