Pilates Exercises in Patients With Inhalation Injury
Inhalation InjuryInhalation injury is a composite of multiple insults including: supraglottic thermal injury, subglottic airway and alveolar poisoning, and systemic poisoning from absorbed small molecule toxins. These contaminant insults independently affect each of the pulmonary functions as well as having a direct effect on systemic physiology. Further, anatomic characteristics can predispose patients to inhalation injury. For example, an infant will develop airway obstructions much faster than an adult due to reduced airway diameter. Understanding the contributions of each of these pathologies to the patient's disease is critical to managing inhalation injury.

Inspiratory Muscle Training (IMT) in Adult People With Pompe Disease
Glycogen Storage Disease Type IIPompe Disease (Late-onset)The goal of this multicentre, randomized and controlled cross-over trial is to evaluate the efficacy of a programme of Inspiratory Muscle Training in subjects with Late On-set Pompe Disease (LOPD). The main question is to: verify changes in Forced Vital Capacity, Postural Drop, Maximal Inspiratory Pressure, Maximal Expiratory Pressure, Peak expiratory cough pressure, Maximal Inspiratory Capacity, six- minute walk test and or 6-minute pegboard ring test.- measure changes in some questionnaries investigating dispnoea and quality of life (Short-Form 36, Individualized-Neuromuscular-Quality-of-Life, Maugeri-Respiratory-Failure 28, Borg scale, Dispnoea 12, Mulditimensional Dispnea Profile, modified Medical Research Council, Fatigue Severity Scale, Epsworth Scale, Visual Analogue Scale). Measurement will take place at baseline and after one, three, four, six and twelve months. Participants will undergo a specific treatment consisting of aerobic exercise and Inspiratory Muscle Training with Powerbreathe device or Air-Stacking. Researchers will study if Powerbreathe device is more effective than Air-stacking maneuvres

Inspiratory Muscle Training in Post SARS-CoV-2 Infection Subjects
COVID-19Long-term COVID has been considered a clinical condition in which the patient, after the critical period of the disease, still has systemic symptoms such as muscle weakness, inability to exercise, sleep disorders and it is still unknown what happens to the pulmonary deposition process. of aerosols. In clinical practice, inspiratory muscle training has been used to treat these patients, but the effectiveness of this intervention in reducing these symptoms is still considered a gap in the literature. To evaluate the effectiveness of inspiratory muscle training in individuals who were affected by COVID-19 to improve submaximal aerobic capacity, respiratory muscle strength, sleep quality, pulmonary deposition of the inhaled radiopharmaceutical and quality of life. This is a quasi-experimental study. , in which elderly volunteers over 18 years of both sexes residing in the city of Recife-Pernambuco will participate. The sample will consist of individuals who have been affected by COVID-19, whose severity of the disease will be classified according to the criteria established by the study by Parasher (2020). 6 minutes. The pulmonary deposition of the radiopharmaceutical will be evaluated pulmonary function will be evaluated by scintigraphy while the maximum respiratory pressures will be evaluated by a manovacuometer. Subjective sleep assessment will be assessed using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and the Epworth Daytime Sleepiness Scale (ESS) and objective measurement by actigraphy. Finally, quality of life will be measured by the generic Medical OutcomesStudy 36-Item Short-Form HealthSurvey (SF-36) questionnaire. In the group of post-COVID patients in which the reduction in endurance and inspiratory muscle power are identified, an inspiratory muscle training (IMT) will be performed with a load equivalent to 50% of the MIP (assessed weekly), for eight weeks.

Effectiveness of the Rehabilitation Nursing Consultation for People With Asthma on Symptom Control...
AsthmaRehabilitation4 moreIntroduction Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory airways and is considered a Public Health problem, which lacks a personalized multidisciplinary intervention, to allow the user to develop mastery in the self-management of his disease. The project intends to answer the question: What methods could be used to enhance the use of asthma controller therapy? Methods Randomized and controlled clinical trial. The sample consists of users with asthma at Family Health Units in the municipality of Oliveira de Azeméis. There will be an experimental group that will undergo structured rehabilitation nursing consultations, and a control group that will receive the usual nursing care appropriate for asthma management. Both groups will be subject to two evaluation moments with the CARAT test and the AQLQ-M questionnaire. Results The aim is to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions for people with asthma implemented within the framework of a structured rehabilitation nursing consultation. The investigators expected to observe a clinically significant improvement with regard to disease control, quality of life, and user empowerment.

Effectiveness Verification of Using Hydrogen Inhalation to Improve Fatigue, Pain and Quality of...
Head and Neck CancerQuality of Life3 moreThere are two recruitment methods for this study, which are mainly based on the Co-Principal Investigator Dr. Chih-Jen Huang recommendation of eligible subjects and poster recruitment methods. When the subjects return to the outpatient clinic, those who meet the conditions for admission will be recommended by Dr. Chih-Jen Huang. If they agree to participate in the trial, they will sign the informed consent form, and instruct the subjects to use their mobile phones to scan the QR code of the relevant introduction of the trial first, and complete the test. The first questionnaire measurement before hydrogen inhalation; if the subjects are recruited by the poster, they can contact the host of Tongtong through the QR code on the poster or the contact number, and sign the consent form for the first time during the return visit. Questionnaire measurement.

Phase 4 COPD and Suboptimal Inspiratory Flow Rate
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseStudy is a randomized, double-blind, double-dummy, parallel-group study evaluating efficacy and safety of revefenacin vs. tiotropium in adults with severe to very severe COPD and suboptimal PIFR.

Effects of Inspiratory Muscle Training on the Severity of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Individuals...
StrokeObstructive Sleep Apnea1 moreThe prevalence of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is high in individuals after a stroke. There are few studies evaluating the effects of inspiratory muscle training (IMT) in individuals with OSA and the findings regarding the possible effect on Apneia/Hipopneia Index (AHI) reduction are still controversial. This study will test the hypothesis that training of the inspiratory muscles is effective in improving severity of OSA, sleep quality and daytime sleepiness in individuals after stroke participating in a rehabilitation program. Methods: For this prospective, sigle blinded, randomized clinical trial, people after stroke will be randomly allocated into either experimental or control groups. The experimental group will undertake training of the inspiratory muscles with the PowerBreath Medic Plus regulated at 75% of the subjects' maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) values, five times/week over five weeks 5 sets of 5 repetitions with 1 set increasing each week. Both groups will participate in the rehabilitation program and will receive the same dose of physiotherapy, speech therapy and aerobic exercise sessions. At baseline and post intervention after the cessation of the interventions, researchers blinded to group allocations will collect all outcome measures. Study outcomes: Primary outcome will be OSA severity measured using the Apnea/Hypopnea Index (AHI). Secondary outcomes will include inspiratory endurance and pressure, functional independence, sleep quality and daytime sleepiness

Effects of Inspiratory Muscle Training After Covid-19 (ReCOV)
Covid-19Respiratory Complication1 moreInitially, it was suspected that Covid-19 would primarily affect the airways, but several studies have now shown that it is a disease with multisystem manifestations. Covid-19 has the potential to affect physical, cognitive, and psychological functions in multiple ways. It has been clear that a significant proportion of patients with Covid-19 develop long-term symptoms. The term post-acute Covid-19 syndrome (PACS) is now used to describe the wide range of prolonged symptoms following the infection. Patients who have been in hospital for Covid-19 for a long time may need specialized rehabilitation, however, also non-hospitalized patients with mild symptoms may need specific rehabilitation to be able to meet the complex symptoms and problems that may arise. Previous studies on the recovery and rehabilitation after other coronavirus shows the importance to develop tailored interventions so that these patients receive appropriate rehabilitation The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of inspiratory muscle training on adult patients with PACS and decreased respiratory muscle strength. A randomized controlled trial will be used. A total of 90 adult patients with PACS and 80 % or less of predicted value in inspiratory muscle strength (maximal inspiratory pressure) will be eligible for enrollment. Patients will be randomized either to an intervention group or a control group. The intervention will consist of inspiratory muscle training performed twice daily for 8 weeks. This will be combined with an 8-week physical exercise training program. The control group will perform the same physical exercise training according to standard care. All measurements will be performed at baseline and after 8 weeks. Primary outcome is maximal inspiratory pressure. Secondary outcomes are: Maximal expiratory pressure, pulmonary function, physical capacity, physical activity, respiratory status and symptoms, health-related quality of life, work ability, fatigue, self-reported outcome measure of physical function and voice function. Covid-19 has the potential to affect physical, cognitive, and psychological functions in multiple ways and lead to a negative impact on quality of life in the long-term perspective. Therefore, development of a rehabilitation program with specific tailored interventions will be necessary to improve physical and psychological function, as well as health-related quality of life and work ability.

Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training for Lowering Blood Pressure and Improving Endothelial Function...
AgingBlood Pressure2 moreHigh blood pressure (BP) is the major modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and related health conditions, particularly among postmenopausal (PM) women. In adults age ≥50 years this risk is primarily driven by above-normal systolic BP (SBP ≥120 mmHg), as diastolic BP plateaus, then decreases in older adulthood. Although SBP is lower in premenopausal women vs. age-matched men, SBP reaches, then surpasses men after age 60. As such, >75% of PM women in the U.S. have above-normal SBP, which, in turn, is responsible for a 2-fold increase in risk of hypertension and corresponding increases in risk of CVD, chronic kidney disease and many other disorders. A key process linking high SBP to CVD and related conditions is vascular endothelial dysfunction, mediated by excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS)-induced oxidative stress and reductions in nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability. As the number of PM women is rapidly growing, further increases in SBP-related CV disorders are projected without effective intervention. Aerobic exercise (AE) is a first-line, standard-of-care therapy for lowering BP. In PM women with baseline SBP ≥120 mmHg, AE reduces casual (resting) SBP by ~3 mmHg (back to baseline ≤4 weeks post-training), whereas 24-hour SBP is typically unchanged. However, only 25-30% of PM women meet guidelines for 150 min/week of moderate-intensity AE, citing the extensive time requirement, facility access and travel disruptions as major barriers. Another, far less recognized, limitation is that AE training consistently improves endothelial function in midlife/older men, but not in estrogen-deficient PM (PMe-) women, i.e., in >95% of the 60+million PM women in the U.S. Thus, establishing new lifestyle therapies that induce and sustain reductions in SBP and increases in endothelial function in PMe- women with above-normal SBP is an important public health goal. High-resistance inspiratory muscle strength training (IMST) is a time-efficient (5 minutes per session) lifestyle intervention consisting of 30 inspiratory maneuvers performed against a high resistance. Preliminary data suggest 6-weeks of IMST performed 6 days/week reduces SBP by 9 mmHg in adults with above-normal SBP (i.e., greater than 120 mmHg) at baseline. Importantly, this reduction in SBP is equal to or greater than the reduction in blood pressure typically achieved with time- and effort-intensive healthy lifestyle strategies like conventional aerobic exercise. In addition, IMST improved endothelial function in the PMe- women in a small pilot study. To translate these promising preliminary results towards clinical practice, this randomized clinical trial is being conducted to directly compare the efficacy of a longer, clinically relevant treatment duration of IMST (3 months) against home-based, moderate-intensity (standard-of-care) AE in PMe-women. The primary outcome will be the change in casual SBP (IMST vs. AE). Changes in 24-hour SBP and endothelial function will serve as secondary outcomes. Effects on NO bioavailability, ROS/oxidative stress, and the role of "circulating factors" will provide insight into mechanisms of action. The sustained effects on SBP and endothelial function also will be assessed. Accordingly, a randomized, blinded, sham-controlled, parallel group design clinical trial will be conducted to assess the efficacy of 3-months of IMST (75 percent maximal inspiratory pressure) vs. brisk walking (40-60% heart rate reserve; an established healthy lifestyle strategy) for lowering SBP and improving endothelial function in PMe- women age 50 years and older with above-normal SBP. It is hypothesized that IMST will lower SBP and improve endothelial function by decreasing oxidative stress and increasing nitric oxide bioavailability. It is also expect that adherence to the intervention will be excellent (over 80 percent of all training sessions completed at the appropriate intensity). To test this hypothesis, 90 PMe- women age 50 years and older who have SBP >/= 120 mmHg will be recruited. Participants will undergo baseline testing for casual (resting) SBP, 24-hour ambulatory SBP and endothelial function. Innovative mechanistic probes including pharmaco-dissection with vitamin C, analysis of biopsied endothelial cells, and high-throughput metabolomics, will be performed to assess oxidative stress and nitric oxide bioavailability at baseline. After baseline testing, subjects will be randomized to perform either 3-months of high-resistance IMST or brisk walking. Subjects will train 6 days/week. Following 3 months of training, subjects will redo all the tests that were done during baseline testing to assess training-induced changes in SBP, physiological functions, and underlying mechanisms. Subjects will then cease training for 6 weeks before returning to the lab for follow-up testing to determine the persistent effects of IMST.

Inspiratory Muscle Training and COPD
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseSubjects with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) frequently develop considerable deterioration in exercise capacity in association with weakness and deconditioning of the respiratory muscles, which can be corrected with specific therapies. While pulmonary rehabilitation is a central component in the rather complex manangement of COPD, there is currently a lack of centers able to provide appropriate rehabilitation services in the Czech Republic. The main objective of this study will be to fully evaluate the utility of the Test of Incremental Respiratory Endurance (TIRE) as an at-home inspiratory muscle training method in subjects with COPD, while comparing the effectiveness of this novel training approach to the outcomes of more traditional ispiratory muscle training protocols. This prospective, randomized controlled trial will include 2 treatment groups and 1 sham intervention group in a 1:1:1 ratio. All participants will undergo a certain type of IMT regardless of group assignment, which will be perfomed via two different devices. The trial will comprise of an 8-week at-home training period with remote supervision followed by 4 months of unsupervised, independent inspiratory muscle training. Study outcomes will include measures of inspiratory muscle strength and endurance, pulmonary function, COPD-specific symptomatology, functional exercise capacity, surrogate markers of mortality risk, mental health status and health-related quality of life of participants. While investigators acknowledge the value of standard inspiratory muscle training protocols which use Threshold devices, investigators believe that the TIRE training has the potential to provide additional clinical benefits since it is able to modulate all aspects of muscular performance, including strength, endurance and work capacity. Investigators hypothesize that, as a home-based stand-alone rehabilitative therapy, TIRE will be superior to standard IMT in improving COPD-related measures.