The Mechanism of Extracellular Vesicles Containing Mitochondrial DNA in ARDS Lung Injury Caused...
ARDSHumanThe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) remains a common and morbid complication of critical illness. Sepsis contribute to a lot of ARDS cases, but mechanisms by which non-pulmonary insults such as extrapulmonary sepsis propagate lung injury remain unclear. Most eukaryotic cells release small anuclear membrane-bound vesicles into the extracellular environment in either physiological or pathophysiological conditions, often called extracellular vesicles (EVs) .Through their cargo containing bioactive molecules such as proteins, mRNAs, and microRNAs and their interaction with target cells, EVs are recognized as important mediators of cellular communication. Mitochondrial contents are clearly present in EVs, and mitochondrial cargo within EVs have been shown to stimulate the production of proinflammatory cytokines, further enhancing LPS-induced inflammation. Among the mitochondrial contents, mtDNA was present at higher levels in EVs.Therefore, we hypothesis, EVs containing mtDNA play an important role in the occurrence and development of ARDS caused by extrapulmonary sepsis.

The Association Between LPCAT1 Genetic Polymorphism and Stress Biomarkers in Neonatal Respiratory...
Neonatal Respiratory DistressAims of the Research Primary: Measure the levels of stress biomarkers in full and preterm neonates with normal and complicated pregnancies and to study the influence of delivery mode on their cord blood concentrations. Test the association between LPCAT1 genetic polymorphism and the levels of these biomarkers in neonates suffering from RDS. Study the relation between LPCAT1 genetic polymorphism and the risk/severity of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome. Secondary: 1) Help understanding the possible etiology and pathogenesis of neonatal RDS. 2) Help the possibility of early detection, diagnosis and management. 3) Help to decrease mortality and morbidity in selective cases. 4) Understand the individual variability in the susceptibility to development of pulmonary pathologies.

Comparison for the Effect of Neuromuscular Blocking Agents Versus Sedation Alone on Severe ARDS...
COVID-19 Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeSedation Complication1 moreMany questions about management of COVID-19 are still not answered. So, we recruit this study aiming to evaluate improvement of oxygenation in COVID-19 patients with severe ARDS, to improve morbidity and mortality of ICU covid patients, to participate in understanding of real hidden pathophysiology of COVID-19.

Description of Respiratory Mechanics in Patients With SARS-CoV-2 Associated ARDS
Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeCOVIDThe aim of this observationnal study is to describe respiratory mechanics and lung recruitement in patients with SARS-CoV-2 Associated Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome who underwent invasive ventilation on endotracheal tube, admitted to the medical ICU of Angers university hospital . Statics measurements of respiratory system compliance were performed at 2 differents levels of PEEP (15 cmH2O and 5 cmH2O). The recruited volume is computed as the difference between the volume expired from PEEP 15 to 5 cmH2O and the volume predicted by compliance at PEEP 5 cmH2O . The recruitment-to-Inflation (R/I) ratio (i.e. the ratio between the recruited lung compliance and CRS at PEEP 5 cmH2O) is used to assess lung recruitability. A R/I ratio value higher than or equal to 0.5 was used to define highly recruiter patients.

Ruxolitinib for the Treatment of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Patients With COVID-19 Infection...
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2It is an observational, cohort, retrospective, monocentric, non-profit study. The primary objective is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of ruxolitinib in acute respiratory distress syndrome in patients with SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 with rapid deterioration of respiratory parameters in the last 12 hours.

Effects of Positive End-expiratory Pressure and Tidal Volume on Fluid Responsiveness of Acute Respiratory...
Respiratory Distress SyndromeAdultFluid responsiveness (FR)refers to the ability of heart to increase its stroke volume in response to volume load.Low tidal volume and high PEEP exerts contrast effect on the prediction of fluid responsiveness, the aim of this study is to compare the relative predicting power of the dynamic preload indicator (PPV, SVV), passive leg raising test, and pleth variability index (PVI) on the fluid responsiveness of acute respiratory distress syndrome ventilated with various PEEP levels or various tidal volumes.

Transpulmonary Gradient After Cardiac Surgery Under Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome After Cardiac Surgery Under Cardiopulmonary BypassGet a better understanding of the pathophysiological processes of acute respiratory failure following cardiopulmonary bypass to initiate timely therapies targeted on a cell line. Demonstrate that there is a relationship between increased transpulmonary gradients of inflammation biomarkers (sRAGE, sICAM-1, SPB, PAI-1, ROS) and pulmonary vascular resistance on the one hand and alveolo-capillary gas exchange on the other hand after cardiac surgery under cardiopulmonary bypass.

Implementation of Lung Protective Ventilation in Patients With Acute Respiratory Failure
Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeARDS6 moreThis is a quality improvement study with the purpose of observing and measuring the effects of implementation of a proven standardized lung protective ventilation protocol in the new electronic medical record system iCentra across all Intermountain Healthcare hospitals. Approximately 14,000 records will be accessed for this study from a database of mechanically ventilated patients established for quality improvement purposes. The investigators hypothesize that implementation of a standardized computerized lung protective ventilation protocol across all Intermountain Healthcare hospitals will be feasible, will decrease initial tidal volumes to the target 6 ml/kg PBW, and will improve outcomes. The objectives of this study are to: Determine if the implementation of lung protective ventilation (with a 6 ml/kg PBW tidal volume ventilation protocol on initiation of mechanical ventilation) improves outcomes in patients with acute respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation Determine if the implementation of lung protective ventilation (with a 6 ml/kg PBW tidal volume ventilation protocol on initiation of mechanical ventilation) improves outcomes in the sub-group of patients with the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) Measure compliance with the implementation of a computerized lung protective ventilation protocol at 12 Intermountain Healthcare hospitals

Tetracycline to Limit the Innate Immune Response in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Adult Respiratory Distress SyndromePneumonia1 moreThe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a severe form of respiratory failure with a mortality rate of approximately 40%. Despite advances in its supportive treatment such as lung protective ventilation or restrictive fluid management, no effective pharmacotherapy exists to treat ARDS. Emerging preclinical data indicates that excessive activation of the inflammasome-Caspase 1 pathway plays a key role in the development of ARDS. Tetracycline has anti-inflammatory properties via inhibiting inflammasome-caspase-1 activation. Since not much is known about the activation of the inflammasome in clinical ARDS, the purpose of this study is i) to investigate the the inflammasome-caspase-1 activation in clinical ARDS and ii) inhibit the innate immune response of alveolar leucocytes obtained by tetracycline from patients with ARDS

Peer Support for Post Intensive Care Syndrome Self-Management
Critical IllnessSepsis9 moreA prospective, 2-arm, single-blind, randomized controlled clinical feasibility trial design is planned. Forty CCI survivors will be randomized (1:1) to either the PS-PICS (peer support) intervention or usual care (control) group.