Comparison of Two Methods to Estimate the Lung Recruitment
Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeAcute Lung InjuryIn this study the investigators aim to compare two common methods to estimate the lung recruitment in ALI/ARDS patients.

Discovery of New Early Detection Biomarkers of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeThe goal of this project is to find a series novel biomarkers by differential proteomic techniques that can improve the early diagnosis and develop a more efficient therapy to enhance ARDS patient survival rate.

Respiratory Mechanics Registry for ARDS Patients
Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeThis registry was proposed to investigate the epidemiology of respiratory mechanics in patients with ARDS through collecting data from a QI project which was constituted with systematic assessments of respiratory mechanics and gas exchange.

EVLWI Exhibits Pulmonary and Systemic Permeability in Sepsis Related ALI/ARDS
Sepsis Related Acute Lung Injury/Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeTo investigate the possible mechanisms of pulmonary and systemic permeability change including cytokine, extravascular lung water index (EVLWI), and oxygenation parameters in patients with sepsis related acute lung injury (ALI)/acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).

NIV NAVA Versus NIV-PS in Pediatric Patients - Pilot Study
Acute Respiratory FailureThis pilot study will be an observational no randomize study in which the NiNAVAped protocol will be applied solely to the NIV NAVA arm.

Effect of Corticosteroid Treatment on Prognosis in ARDS Secondary to Covid-19
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Secondary to Covid-19Study conducted on hospitalized patient in critical ill units in Nancy and Metz to evaluate if early corticosteroid treatment in first seven days after admission improve patients outcome in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome secondary to Covid-19 compared to later corticosteroid therapy or no treatment. Also comparison of acquired infection with or without corticosteroid treatment during hospitalisation.

Role of Lung Ultrasonography in Prediction of the Seveity and the Need for Surfactant Administration...
Lung UltrasoundWe aim to identify the diagnostic role of a lung ultrasonography (LUS) score to predict the severity and the need for surfactant therapy in newborns with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), and to compare it with a chest X-ray score.

Cerebral and Renal Oximetry Study in Preterm Patients Who Require Surfactant Administration
Respiratory Distress Syndrome of PrematurityRespiratory distress syndrome of prematurity (RDSP) is an acute respiratory condition that occurs in preterm infants due to pulmonary surfactant deficiency. Exogenous surfactant administration is a crucial therapeutic measure in the management of RDSP, being the 'less invasive surfactant administration technique' (LISA) the gold standard, according to the latest reviews. Oximetry based on near-infrared spectroscopy is a non-invasive monitoring modality that provides continuous information on the degree of regional hemoglobin saturation present in the underlying tissue, mainly in the venous compartment. It is thus, a reflection of the balance between oxygen supply and demand of oxygen to the tissues. We intend to perform a prospective analysis of newborns under 32 weeks of gestational age who require surfactant administration, as we wish to study cerebral and renal perfusion by oximetry in the group of patients who receive surfactant by LISA and in the group of patients who receive surfactant via endotracheal tube (patients intubated at birth for stabilization), since there are few data published in the literature. Our main hypothesis is that the administration of surfactant by LISA technique does not negatively influence cerebral and renal oximetry. Our secondary hypothesis is that patients requiring intubation at birth will present greater hemodynamic and respiratory instability in the first 72 hours of life, with a greater decrease in cerebral and renal oximetry with the administration of surfactant, compared to the group that does not require intubation at birth.

The ECOVITA Study - Validation of LUS Score in SARS-CoV-2 Disease, i.e COVID-19
Respiratory Distress SyndromeLung Ultrasound (LUS) has been revealing an extremely useful tool to identify and monitor complications from Sars-COV-2 disease. Recently, a research group has proposed a score, named LUS Score, able to optimize the use of this diagnostic technique. LUS Score is computed analyzing chest posterior and lateral spaces, considering the number of artefacts generated by the inflammed interstitium (B lines), the characteristics of the pleural line and the presence or not of consolidation areas. The comparison between LUS and chest tomography (CT), the current gold standard for the diagnosis of interstitial pneumonia by COVID-19, has confirmed from the preliminary data, the reliability of such technique. Hence, the validation on a really large sample size of the ultrasound tool performed by dedicated personnel with high expertise, may allow the validation both in the clinical practice and in emergency and ordinary wards.

The Critical Care Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Madrid
COVID-19ARDS1 moreDescription of the adaptation of ICUs in the region of Madrid to que surge in demand of critical care due to COVID-19