SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Study of Next Generation Non-Invasive Passive Detection Technologies
COVID-19SARS-CoV-2 Virus4 moreThe goal of this observational study is to evaluate new non-invasive passive surveillance technologies, Level 42 AI imPulse™ for the detection of COVID-19 in asymptomatic and symptomatic individuals over age of 18 undergoing COVID-19 screening and testing at BAMC Ft Sam Houston, TX; with and without COVID-19. The hypotheses are: (H1) The imPulse™ Una e-stethoscope has at least a similar discriminative and detection ability among symptomatic and asymptomatic COVID-19 carrier versus those not infected compared to gold standard RT-PCR. Based on these promising studies, we will operationalize and deploy the imPulseTM Una e-stethoscope and other associated technology form factors into DoD use-cases. (H2) In the mid to long-term, this approach will also be explored as a diagnostic system to explore pursue the physical (structural and mechanical) properties of cells and tissues that maintain normal cell behavior (motility, growth, apoptosis), and the critical importance of the ability of cells to sense and respond to mechanical stresses, which will be operationally critical for assessment of both traumatic and unconventional exposures in austere environments. Participants will: Be consented; Be screened for COVID-19 symptoms according to BAMC's current screening procedures; Have study data collected; Complete a COVID-19 symptoms questionnaire; imPulseTM Una e-stethoscope examination will be conducted; Participants will be compensated for completing all study requirements. (Active-Duty personnel must complete the study procedures while off-duty in order to receive compensation.)

Sedative Effect and Safety of Remimazolam Besylate in ARDS Patients
Respiratory Distress SyndromeThe incidence and mortality of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) are high. Patients with ARDS often need mechanical ventilation. Rational use of sedation and analgesia can improve the tolerance of patients with mechanical ventilation and reduce the lung injury caused by mechanical ventilation. Currently, the main sedative drugs used in clinical practice are midazolam, propofol and dexmedetomidine, but they all have disadvantages. It is urgent to find a sedative drug that can achieve rapid and sufficient sedation, does not inhibit breathing, leads to rapid recovery after drug withdrawal and does not increase incidence of delirium. Remimazolam besylate is a newly marketed ultra-short-acting GABAa receptor agonist, which is not metabolized by liver or kidney and is easily hydrolyzed by non-specific esterase in vivo. It has rapid effect, short recovery time, continuous infusion with almost no accumulation, little influence on respiration and circulation, and can be antagonized by flumasini. Compared with the above traditional sedatives, it has obvious advantages, especially suitable for sedation in ICU patients. There are few studies on remimazolam besylate used for sedation in ICU patients. At present, there is a lack of evidence-based medical evidence for the application of remazolam besylate in ICU patients. Its efficacy and safety, potential advantages and dominant population, application dose and combination of drugs still need to be further explored and clarified. The objective of this study was to investigate the sedative effects and advantages of remimazolam besylate versus midazolam in patients with ARDS requiring invasive mechanical ventilation. The successful undergoing of this study will provide practical basis for clinical sedation in patients with ARDS mechanical ventilation.

China Extracorporeal Life Support Registry
Cardiogenic ShockCardiac Arrest3 moreExtracorporeal life support (ECLS), also known as extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), is an extracorporeal technique of providing effective cardiac and respiratory support to patients with lungs and/or heart failure. There was a growth in ECLS cases, centers, and center scale in China during the past decade. This multi-center registry was conducted by Chinese Society of Extracorporeal Life Support. The objectives were to investigate China statistics of ECLS and to evaluate the short-term and long-term outcomes of patients with ECLS.

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome(ARDS) in Neonates
ARDSNRDSAcute respiratory distress syndrome in neonates has been defined in 2015. Earlier identification and successful intervention into the potential pregnancy associated risk factors for the conversion from NRDS to ARDS is one of the most important components of ARDS prevention.

Medium vs Low Oxygen Threshold for the Surfactant Administration
Respiratory Distress SyndromeThe aim of this study will be to assess the better fraction inspired oxygen (FiO2) threshold for the surfactant treatment in preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) randomized to receive exogenous surfactant at 25% or 35% of FiO2 threshold. The pulmonary gas-exchanges will be evaluated by oxygen saturation (SpO2) to FiO2 ratio (SFR) and will be used to define the better FiO2 threshold for the surfactant treatment.

Comparison of Prone Position and Standard Electrocardiogram in COVID-19 Patients
COVID-19 Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeCardiovascular Diseases2 moreProlonged prone position ventilation reduces the 30-day mortality in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and in COVID-19 infection. A large number of patients with COVID-19 suffered from new-onset cardiac disease, therefore, ECG is crucial. However, there is limited data on the effects of prone position on the ECG in COVID-19 patients.

Adult Respiratory Failure Intervention Study Africa
Acute Respiratory Failure With HypoxiaAcute Respiratory Distress Syndrome1 moreThe dearth of Intensive care units in low resource settings portends for poor outcomes amongst patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure (AHRF) . To our knowledge, the effect of CPAP and HFNC on major outcomes has not been assessed in adults with AHRF in resource-limited settings. The aim of this prospective, multicenter, randomized, controlled, trial is to determine whether High-flow oxygen through a nasal cannula (HFNC) or Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) system can reduce mortality among patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure (AHRF) in a limited resource setting as compared with standard low flow oxygen therapy?

Is Fetal Hemoglobin a Key for Improvement of Hypoxia and Saving Last Breath in COVID-19 Patient?....
COVID-19 Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeIn December 2019, a sudden public health incident (the corona virus disease [COVID-19] epidemic) occurred in Wuhan, China. Clinical features of those with pneumonia include fever and cough, and in many cases a sudden and accelerating respiratory distress originated from interstitial pneumonia . Many hypotheses have explained hypoxemia in COVID-19 patients, such as hyperimmune reaction to viral infection and cytokine storm that leads to serious lung tissue and alveolar damage or even direct viral insult . Mortality are as high as 15% in critically ill patients requiring intensive care unit admission and oxygen therapy , suggesting an urgent need to try therapeutic interventions in addition to supportive treatment. There is more than one type of hemoglobin. In adults, Hb A or Adult hemoglobin which is the main hemoglobin in the blood. But there is another type of hemoglobin called fetal hemoglobin. Fetal hemoglobin (hemoglobin F, Hb F, or α2γ2) is the main oxygen carrier protein in the human fetus. and the levels remain high after birth until the baby is roughly 2-4 months old . Hemoglobin F has a different composition from hemoglobin A and higher affinity to oxygen . At birth, hemoglobin F accounts for 50-95% of the infant's hemoglobin and at around 6 months after birth, hemoglobin A becomes the predominant type.The key feature that allows hemoglobin F to bind more strongly to oxygen is by having γ subunits (instead of β, in Hb A for example). 2,3-BPG interacts much more with hemoglobin A than hemoglobin F . A hypothesis for the low incidence of the COVID-19 infection in pediatric is the presence of fetal hemoglobin (HbF) . In a preliminary study about the prevalence of hemoglobinopathies in different countries and the mortality rate of COVID-19, it appears that the mortality is lower in countries with a higher prevalence of hemoglobinopathies . Mice treated with GBT1118 (a compound that enhances the oxygen affinity of hemoglobin) showed a sustained significant increase in SpO2 over 4 h of hypoxia exposure. People with haemoglobinopathies like sickle cell anemia or beta-thalassemia attributed with high amount of fetal hemoglobin, become mostly asymptomatic or have mild symptoms . The volume of umbilical cord blood varies from 50 ml to 140 ml with a mean of 85 ml rich in fetal hemoglobin . Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been widely used in the clinical setting, not only for autoimmune diseases but also for infectious diseases , and their safety and effectiveness have been well elucidated . As a noninvasive treatment, hUC-MSC therapy is a very effective and promising method for clinical application and promotion to treat severe COVID-19 the investigators offer a solution by increasing fetal hemoglobin by cord blood containing fetal blood transfusion in the critical patients as a trial to combat the course of the disease and minimize the morbidity especially in sever cases who suffer from desaturation until suppression of the immune dysregulation and avoidance of the impending death.

Inspiratory Ratio: Predictor of Inspiratory Effort Response to High PEEP in Patients Recovering...
Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeSpontaneous Breathing (SB) can be potentially harmful in patient with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) during the transition phase of passive ventilation to partial ventilatory support. The application of high Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) during SB has shown to ameliorate the progression of lung injury by decreasing the TP and esophageal pressure (EP) swings and the stress / strain applied to the lung. The mechanisms proposed to be responsible for these effects are the activation of Hering Breuer reflex, the recruitment of previously collapsed tissue, the homogenization of lung and the improvement of respiratory system compliance and the impairment in the length - tension relationship of the diaphragm. If all the previously explained mechanisms have an effect on the control of inspiratory effort, a decrease in the intensity of effort is expected during an end-inspiratory occlusion in patients who will respond to high PEEP application. Based on this rationale, the investigators developed an index called "Inspiratory Ratio" (IR) to predict the response of patient's inspiratory effort to the application of high PEEP without need of esophageal manometry.

Clinical Pharmacology of Dexamethasone in Pregnant Women With Preterm Labor
Respiratory Distress Syndrome of NewbornThreatened Premature Labor1 moreThis study through to the pregnant woman blood concentrations of dexamethasone therapy after research, explore the pharmacokinetic data of dexamethasone in pregnant women, Chinese pregnant women dexamethasone pharmacokinetic model, provide a reference for the clinical use of dexamethasone dose, through the biomarkers of dexamethasone to promote fetal lung maturity and other metabolomics, It provides the basis for the effectiveness and safety study of dexamethasone.