Randomised Crossover Trial of DBS of Differential PSA Regions in Parkinson's Disease and Tremor...
Parkinson's DiseaseTremorThe posterior subthalamic area holds promise as a target region for deep brain stimulation in tremor and Parkinson's disease. Using the magnetic resonance-directed implantable guide tube surgical technique, subregions of the posterior subthalamic area can be individually targetted on a single electrode lead trajectory. The hypothesis is that the caudal zona incerta may provide improved control of movement disorder symptoms than the more commonly stimulated dorsal zona incerta.

The Efficacy of Botulinum Toxin in Disabling Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Tremor
Multiple SclerosisTremorThe incidence of tremor in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) has been estimated to affect up to 2/3rds of patients. Over half of the tremors involve the upper limb and frequently lead to further disability. Medical treatment of MS tremor is generally unrewarding, although carbamazepine, clonazepam, glutethimide, hyoscine, isoniazid, ondansetron, primidone, and tetrahydrocannabinol have been reported to have some beneficial effect but published evidence of effectiveness is very limited. The investigators' experience to date suggests that many of the upper limb tremors may potentially be responsive to Botulinum toxin injection therapy. Aims: 1. The investigators aim to determine the efficacy of commonly used doses of BOTOX on the patients with symptomatic unilateral or bilateral arm tremor due to MS; and any side effects associated with this treatment.

Pregabalin in the Treatment of Essential Tremor
Essential TremorPregabalin is approved for the treatment of nerve pain as well as an additional therapy in the treatment of seizures. In December 2004, Pfizer gained Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for use of pregabalin in nerve pain associated with diabetes and shingles; making it the first FDA-approved treatment for both of these nerve pain states. Tremor is uncontrolled trembling in part of the body. Essential tremor (ET) is associated with purposeful movement(e.g., holding a glass to drink, shaving, writing and buttoning a shirt). It occurs most often in the hands and head and also may affect the arms, voice box (larynx), trunk, and legs. ET is caused by abnormalities in areas of the brain that control movement. It usually does not result in serious complications. ET affects approximately 5 million people in the United States. Incidence is highest in people over the age of 60. ET usually develops gradually during middle age or later in life. Symptoms may remain mild or become more severe over time. Stress, fatigue, anxiety, and hot or cold weather can worsen the disorder. Severe tremor may cause difficulty doing activities of daily living, such as: Brushing hair and teeth Holding a glass without spilling Performing self-care (e.g., getting dressed, shaving, putting on makeup) Using eating utensils Writing and drawing The purpose of this pilot/feasibility study is to examine the tolerability and efficacy of Pregabalin in patients with ET. In other words, can patients diagnosed with ET tolerate high dose of pregabalin? Will the pregabalin be considered as an efficient medicine in the treatment of ET?

Efficacy of Levetiracetam in Essential Tremor
Essential TremorEssential tremor poses one of the greatest therapeutic challenges to neurologists. This study will examine the effectiveness of the drug, levetiracetam or keppra, for the treatment of essential tremor.

Octanol to Treat Essential Tremor
Essential TremorThis study will evaluate the effectiveness of 1-octanol, a substance similar to alcohol but less intoxicating, for treating essential tremor. Essential tremor is an involuntary shaking, usually of the hands, for which there is no satisfactory treatment. It affects about 1.4 percent of the general U.S. population, with the figure climbing to nearly 4 percent among people over 40. Results of two previous NIH studies have shown 1-octanol to be promising as a potential new treatment. This study will test the effectiveness of 1-octanol on essential tremor at doses lower than those given previously. Patients 21 years old and older with essential tremor may be eligible for this study. Participants are admitted to the NIH Clinical Center for two treatment periods of 1 week each, with a 1-week break at home between treatments. Before beginning treatment, participants undergo a medical history, physical examination, blood and urine tests, and an electrocardiogram (EKG). In addition, tremors are measured using accelerometry, a procedure in which a small device, mounted on a piece of cardboard, is taped to the patient's hand for about 30 minutes. Patients are randomly assigned to one of two groups. One group takes 2 to 4 capsules of 1-octanol 3 times a day for 1 week, followed by a 1-week "washout" period (no treatment), and then 2 to 4 capsules of placebo 3 times a day for 1 week. Following the same dosage schedule, the second group takes placebo the first week, followed by the washout period and then 1-octanol treatment. Blood pressure and pulse are measured at 15, 30, and 60 minutes after the first dose of the day and then 3 times a day each day of hospitalization, EKG and blood draws are done every other day during hospitalization, and blood is drawn again 1 week after the end of the study. Patients evaluate their tremor daily according to a tremor scale and are also rated according to an alcohol intoxication scale.

A Safety/Efficacy Trial of Zonisamide for Essential Tremor
Essential TremorThe purpose of this pilot study is to obtain information whether the medication zonisamide reduces tremor in persons with essential tremor and is well tolerated.

Novel Therapies for Essential Tremor
Essential TremorThis clinical research program is designed to evaluate medications as new treatments for essential tremor. Essential tremor is a common condition with few available therapies.

Treatment of Pendular Nystagmus in OPT
Pendular NystagmusOculopalatal TremorPendular nystagmus corresponds to an enduring to and fro eye oscillation without resetting quick phases. The most common causes of acquired pendular nystagmus (APN) are multiple sclerosis (MS) and focal brainstem lesions (oculopalatal tremor, OPT). Based on pathophysiological hypothesis, pharmacological treatments of acquired nystagmus have been thoroughly proposed over different publications of cases, series, reviews or expert opinions. Acquired pendular nystagmus underwent the most rigorous treatment trials, leading to the proposal of gabapentin or memantine as valuable drugs. Whether gabapentin and memantine are effective in APN associated with OPT remains unclear, since none of the previous studies has evaluated the effect of these medications in a group of OPT patients. However, this is an important issue in prospect to a clinical use of these medications. In the current study, the investigators aim is to evaluate the effect of gabapentin and memantine on the mean velocity, amplitude and frequency of pendular nystagmus, as well as on visual acuity and vision-specific health-related quality of life score, in a group of OPT patients

Treatment of Fragile-X Associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS) With Allopregnanolone
Fragile X-associated Tremor/Ataxia SyndromeThe purpose of this study is to examine the safety and efficacy of Allopregnanolone as a possible treatment for symptoms of Fragile X-associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS).

rTMS Therapy for Primary Orthostatic Tremor
Primary Orthostatic TremorPrimary orthostatic tremor(POT) is a rare progressive functionally disabling tremor disorder. The characteristic features of POT are symptoms of unsteadiness in legs reported by patients when they are standing and improvement of symptoms upon walking and sitting. Due to the limited success of other treatment options there is a clear merit in continuing efforts to explore and investigate novel treatment modalities. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a well-established physiological tool to understand brain function. When repetitious TMS pulses are delivered to a specific target at predefined stimulation parameters, it is referred to as rTMS therapy.The investigators propose a novel approach to investigate the clinical and physiological effects of low frequency rTMS therapy in POT. The overarching hypothesis of this study is that low frequency rTMS therapy delivered to the cerebellum will modulate the cerebellar excitability and result in clinical improvements.In order to determine the physiological effects related to rTMS, the tremor physiology will also be recorded with surface electromyography (EMG). The investigator will also record the changes in cerebellum excitability in response to rTMS using cerebello-cortical inhibition (CBI), a well-established TMS parameter.