Efficacy of Pramipexole Extended Release in the Treatment of Essential Tremor
Essential TremorAim of the study is to perform a double-blind, crossover, placebo-controlled multicenter study evaluating the efficacy of pramipexole on essential tremor.

Pre-lemniscal Radiation Deep Brain Stimulation for ET
Essential TremorThe hypothesis is that prelemniscal radiation (RaPRL) deep brain stimulation (DBS) is more effective for axial (head/neck/voice) tremor, and perhaps, appendicular tremor control in essential tremor patients.

Efficacy and Safety of F-18 FPCIT PET in Parkinson's Disease and Essential Tremor Patients
Parkinson's DiseaseThe purpose of this study is to determine whether F-18 FPCIT is effective and safe radiopharmaceutical for the objective diagnosis of Parkinson's disease.

Clinical Profile in Patients With Essential Tremors
Essential TremorEssential tremors are no longer a single motor disorder but disorder of movement associated with non-motor symptoms and the aim of this study is to explore the clinical profile of patients with essential tremors including motor and non-motor features and their relationship. and to identify clinical predictors of these features.

The Trans-cutaneous Effects on Physiological Tremor Entertainment During tACS
TremorLimbTranscranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) is a noninvasive neuromodulation method that works by passing alternating electric current between electrodes where at least one of them is attached to the head. This has been shown to have effects on the motor system, cognition and behavior. The exact mechanism by which tACS causes such effects is not fully understood. Some studies suggests a contribution from the stimulated peripheral nerves present in the scalp rather than direct brain effects. To test this hypothesis two arms will be done. First, 12 subjects (arm 1) will be stimulated using focused 4x1 montage with gel-filled cup-electrodes over the motor cortex and the effects will be compared between anesthetized and non-anesthetized scalp. The effects of anesthetizing the scalp will be tested on three different stimulation amplitudes off (0 mA), low (0.5 mA) and high (2.5 mA). Then, 10 subjects (arm 2) will be stimulated over the contralateral arm to exclude any direct brain stimulation effects and to test if peripheral nerve stimulation can entrain the tremor. Three outcome measurements will be measured during the experiments which are: tremor entrainment, sensation intensity and sensation threshold.

Chronic Versus Intermittent Deep Brain Stimulation for Essential Tremor
Essential TremorThe proposed study is a randomized, single blind trial of intermittent versus continuous stimulation among essential tremor (ET) patients with a chronic history of continuous stimulation.

Cerebello-thalamo-cortical Coupling in Essential Tremor
Essential TremorEssential tremor (ET) is a frequent and disabling disorder with progressive worsening of postural tremor of the upper limbs that impairs most of the manual activities of every day life (feeding, drinking, etc.). Although the pathophysiology of essential tremor (ET) is not fully elucidated, tremor is associated with abnormal activity within different brain regions, in particular the thalamus and the cerebellum. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the ventral intermediate nucleus of the thalamus (VIM-Thal) reverses the symptoms of tremor but is an invasive procedure. Transcranial stimulation of the cerebellum may represent a non-invasive therapeutic option for ET patients. Here, the investigators propose to test the efficacy of cerebellar stimulation in 15 ET patients previously operated for DBS of the thalamus. To further understand how this treatment provokes tremor reduction, the investigators will analyse the brain neuronal activity in 13 others ET patients candidate to thalamic DBS by using combined electrophysiological recordings of the thalamus (with the electrodes implanted), the cerebellum and the cortex with magnetoencephalography.

Demand-driven Management of Essential Tremor
Essential TremorThis study evaluates the effectiveness of tremor control using various strategies for implementing demand-driven thalamic deep brain stimulation (DBS) for essential tremor. Therapeutic stimulation at the Vim nucleus of the thalamus will be initiated and modulated using signals derived from external sensors (e.g. EMG, accelerometer) and cortical or thalamic electrodes.

Mapping the Target for the MRgFUS Treatment of Tremor
TremorEssential1 moreThe purpose of this investigation is to determine the optimal DRT/VIM target location and its safety margins based on MR-SISET imaging features by comparing with postoperative lesions and clinical outcomes in patients with tremor who will undergo the MRgFUS tremor therapy.

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) for Dystonia and Tremor
DystoniaTremorThe study will include subjects diagnosed with Dystonic Tremor (DT), Essential Tremor (ET), and healthy controls in the age range of 21-80 years. Electroencephalography (EEG) will be used as the primary outcome measure. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) will be used over the motor cortices or cerebellar cortices as an intervention that is expected to have short-term (less than an hour) electrophysiological effects.