The Effect of an Anti-obesity Drug, Semaglutide, as Treatment in New-onset Idiopathic Intracranial...
Idiopathic Intracranial HypertensionIntracranial Pressure4 more50 patients with verified new-onset Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension are randomly allocated to standard weight management (dietician counselling) or trial intervention consisting of subcutaneous injections with Semaglutide for 10 months combined, in the initial 8 weeks following diagnosis, with a Very Low Calorie-Diet (max 800 kcal/day)

Assessing the Efficacy and Safety fo DEXTENZA, Sustained Release Dexamethasone 0.4 mg Insert(s)...
VitrectomyMacular Pucker1 moreAssessing the efficacy and safety of DEXTENZA, sustained release dexamethasone 0.4 mg inserts following 27 gauge vitrectomy with internal limiting membrane peel

B-Complex: A Nutraceutical SANS Countermeasure
Optic Disc EdemaEndothelial DysfunctionIn this project, the investigators propose to test effectiveness of a daily nutraceutical supplement containing bioactive B vitamins to mitigate optic disc edema in astronauts. The proposed countermeasure is intended to maximize functioning of the one-carbon metabolic pathway to provide enough substrate and cofactors to overcome any genetic differences that may impact the efficiency of enzyme function. By optimizing the pathway, this will 1) optimize endothelial function by increasing eNOS coupling and nitric oxide synthesis and 2) optimize collagen firmness and elasticity in the sclera and lamina cribrosa, and 3) minimize changes in total retinal thickness during and after flight. The protocol includes assessments of ocular health and function, along with determinants of vascular endothelial function, advanced glycation end products, and nutritional status and one carbon biochemistry. These additional measures will be critical for the further definition of the causes of optic disc edema in some astronauts after long-duration space flight, and in understanding the effect of the countermeasure. Finally, the supplemented subjects in this study will be compared against total retinal thickness data from previously flown astronauts known to have not taken supplements during their missions.

Suprachoroidal Injection of Triamcinolone Acetonide in Resistant Diabetic Macular Edema and CRVO...
Retinal EdemaProspective interventional study on 60 eyes of resistant diabetic macular edema and central retinal vein occlusion that will receive suprachoroidal injection of Triamcinolone Acetonide (SCTA).

High Resolution Optical Coherence Tomography
Retinal DiseaseRetinal Detachment14 moreComparison of high-resolution optical coherence tomography (High-Res-OCT) to conventional imaging modalities for the diagnosis of eye diseases

Precise High Resolution MRI to Increase Accuracy and Gain Confidence to Diagnose Patients With Optic...
Optic DiskMagnetic Resonance ImagingThe presence of optic disc swelling at the fundus is a non-specific clinical sign that can occur in many ophthalmologic, neuro-ophthalmologic or encephalic pathologies. The diagnostic range is vast, including inflammatory pathologies of the optic nerve, infiltrative or compressive orbital pathologies, idiopathic or secondary intracranial hypertensions, not to mention the pseudo optic disc swelling found in drüsens. MRI is increasingly being used as a first-line examination to obtain an etiologic diagnosis in a patient with optic disc swelling. It allows a rapid diagnosis to be made in cases of inflammatory pathology or compressive or infiltrative pathology. It can provide very suggestive elements in the case of intracranial hypertension. It appears to be potentially useful in diagnosing ischemic optic neuropathy or in directing towards an etiological diagnosis of Giant Cell Arteritis. The development of new high-resolution MRI sequences has made it possible to obtain extremely fine resolutions of a few hundred microns in the plane. Apart from a few clinical cases and small series, there is no precise evaluation of the interest of these new sequences in the positive and etiological diagnosis of ophthalmological, neuro-ophthalmological and encephalic pathologies responsible for the presence of optic disc swelling. The objective of our study is therefore to evaluate the diagnostic contribution and the gain in diagnostic confidence provided by these new sequences in the context of pathologies manifesting as optic disc swelling.

Anakinra to Treat Patients With Neonatal Onset Multisystem Inflammatory Disease
Nervous System MalformationsArthropathy3 moreThis study will evaluate the safety and effectiveness of anakinra (Kineret) for treating patients with neonatal-onset multisystem inflammatory disease (NOMID), also known as chronic infantile neurological, cutaneous and arthropathy (CINCA) syndrome. This disease can cause rash, joint deformities, brain inflammation, eye problems, and learning difficulties. Immune suppressing medicines commonly used to treat other pediatric rheumatologic diseases do not suppress NOMID symptoms and, if used long-term and in high doses, can cause harmful side effects. Anakinra, approved by The Food and Drug Administration for treating rheumatoid arthritis in adults, blocks a substance called IL-1 that may be an important factor in causing the inflammation in NOMID.

Treatment of Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) With Anti-VEGF and Focal Laser
Diabetic Retinal EdemaLong-term follow-up of patients with diabetic macular edema (DME) treated with intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) combined focal laser and identification of prognostic morphological characteristics.

Efficacy of Biweekly Ranibizumab (0.5 mg) for Exudative Macular Degeneration Retinal Edema Refractory...
Exudative Age Related Macular DegenerationThis is a 24 week open label study to assess the efficacy of bi-weekly ranibizumab for patients with retinal fluid due to exudative macular degeneration refractory to monthly therapy.

Ozurdex for Macular Edema Post Membrane Peeling
Epiretinal MembraneCellophane Maculopathy2 moreAn epiretinal membrane is scar tissue on the retina that can cause blurring and distortion of vision and lead to swelling, or macular edema. Despite surgery to remove the scar tissue(membrane peeling), residual swelling of the retina may continue to interfere with vision. In this study the investigators will inject an implantable steroid device into the back, fluid-filled portion of the eye. Steroids have been found to decrease the swelling in the retina. Ozurdex™ is an implantable steroid. Once implanted, Ozurdex™ is slowly dissolved by the vitreous gel that fills the eye, releasing the steroid. The steroid drug delivery system in this study, known as Ozurdex™ has been FDA-approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for decreasing swelling due to another condition in the eye. This study will help to find out whether or not this device Ozurdex™ is also effective for reducing the swelling of the retina in patients who have already had surgery to remove scar tissue on the retina.