Correlation Between the Visual Acuity & the OCT Pattern of Macular Edema Secondary to RVO
Retinal Vein OcclusionCorrelation between changes observed in OCT and VA in patients with retinal vein occlusion whether the patient's VA improves when macular edema improves in OCT or not ??

Influence of Systemic Parameters in Diabetic Macular Edema - LIPSIA Study
Diabetic Macular EdemaMacular Edema1 moreThis study aims to evaluate the influence and prognostic value of systemic factors (such as the cardiovascular and metabolic status) on the treatment response to anti-VEGF therapy in macular edema due to diabetes or retinal vein occlusion.

Retinal Oxygen Saturation, Blood Flow, Vascular Function and High Resolution Morphometric Imaging...
Branch Retinal Artery OcclusionCentral Retinal Artery Occlusion2 moreCanadians fear loss of vision more than any other disability. Vision loss has an enormous impact on quality-of-life and is extremely costly from a societal and economic perspective. In 2001, more than 600,000 Canadians were estimated to have severe vision loss, accounting for 17% of total disability in Canada. One in 9 individuals experience severe vision loss by 65 years of age; however, this increases to 1 in 4 individuals by 75 years. The financial cost of vision loss in Canada is $15.8 billion per year. There is a general perception that vision loss is "normal with aging" but 75% of vision loss is estimated to be preventable. The major causes of severe vision loss are age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), glaucoma, particularly primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG), and diabetic retinopathy (DR). Canada is headed for an epidemic of age-related eye disease and, unless something is done to prepare for this, severe vision loss will have significant consequences in terms of societal and economic costs. Through this proposed Research Program, and in conjunction with our international academic and private sector partners, we will build and develop unique quantitative imaging technologies to permit non-invasive assessment of visual changes, structural changes in the thickness of the retina at the back of the eye and also changes in the amount of blood flowing through the blood vessels that feed the retina with oxygen. This research will add to our basic knowledge in predicting the development of sight-threatening change in patients with the three diseases, and facilitate earlier detection of the problem to help us discover earlier treatments for people with these conditions. The reliability of each imaging technology will be assessed by determining its ability to differentiate between diseased and healthy eyes. Cross-sectional analyses at yearly intervals, as well as change over time analyses, will be undertaken.