The Impact of Oligo-Fucoidan in Cancer Cachexia and Sarcopenia
CachexiaFucoidan also ameliorates tumour and chemotherapy-induced muscle atrophy and -related cachectic symptoms in vivo and in vitro. To evaluate the effect of fucoidan in cancer cachexia or sarcopenia in cancer patients.

STAY-STRONG Study of Exercise Training During Chemotherapy
LymphomaB-Cell10 moreThis study evaluates the effectiveness of a supervised progressive resistance training program in patients malignant lymphomas with the primary outcome being lean body mass. The study is designed as a a single center, two-armed, parallel-group, investigator-initiated clinical randomized controlled superiority trail evaluating the effectiveness of a 4-month supervised progressive resistance training intervention compared to usual care.

MIndfulness-based Physical Exercise Program (MIPE Program) on Sarcopenia
SarcopeniaThe goal of this pilot randomized controlled trial (RCT) is to assess the feasibility, acceptability, and the preliminary effects of the MIndfulness-based Physical Exercise (MIPE) intervention among community-dwelling older people with sarcopenia. The main questions are: 1) is the MIPE intervention feasible and acceptable in older adults with sarcopenia? 2) is the MIPE intervention effective to improve the adherence to physical exercise intervention, alleviate the symptoms of sarcopenia and enhance the psychological well-being of older adults with sarcopenia? To answer these questions, a MIPE intervention protocol was developed by Delphi approach and end-users' evaluation. This pilot RCT will be conducted to assess the feasibility, acceptability, and the preliminary effects of the MIPE intervention. In the parallel-group, pilot RCT, 60 community-dwelling older people aged 60 years or older diagnosed with sarcopenia will be randomized into either the intervention group receiving the MIPE intervention 2 sessions weekly over 12 weeks or the control group receiving health educations. Each session of the MIPE intervention will last about 70 minutes, including 20-min mindfulness-based intervention, 40-min physical exercise (10-min warm-up, 20-min RE, and 10-min cool down) and 10-20-min sharing and discussion. The feasibility, acceptability and preliminary effectiveness on sarcopenia symptoms and psychological well-being of the MIPE program will be assessed.

The Effect of a Combined Personalized Nutritional Intervention and a Personalized Graded Activity...
SarcopeniaThis project aims to improve physical performance in older patients who are at risk for sarcopenia, by offering a personalized combined nutritional intervention with a physical activity training program. The intervention starts at hospital admittance and is continued after discharge in the home care setting, supported by an e-health application.

Effects of Low-volume HIIT Versus MICT on Physical Performance in Older Adults With Possible Sarcopenia...
SarcopeniaBackground: Sarcopenia is an age-related geriatric syndrome characterized by progressive loss of muscle mass and function. Before the diagnosis of sarcopenia, a "possible sarcopenia" stage has been proposed recently, characterized by low muscle strength or poor physical performance, even with normal muscle mass. The definition of "possible sarcopenia" emphasizes the importance of early intervention. Due to the lack of effective pharmaceutical treatments, exercise is recommended as the most available intervention for sarcopenia. High-intensity interval training (HIIT), a time-efficient aerobic training, has gained increasing popularity for its benefits in physiologic outcomes such as muscle strength and physical functions in other populations. However, the benefits of HIIT have not been well-studied following older adults with possible sarcopenia. In the present study, we aim to investigate the effects of a 7-week HIIT and moderate-intensity continuous aerobic training (MICT) on physical performance in older individuals with possible sarcopenia. We hypothesize that HIIT will confer physical benefits over MICT (i.e., traditional endurance exercise) and will be generally well-tolerated in older adults. Method: The participants will be randomly allocated into the HIIT or MICT group (1:1 ratio). The participants will receive the training 3 times per week over seven weeks. HIIT consists of 5 bouts of interval training intensity with 1-minute-high intensity (76-90% HRmax) and 1-minute recovery per session (total 15 minutes with warm-up and cool-down). MICT will adopt an intensity of 65-70% HRmax training that lasts less than 30 minutes per session (total 25 minutes with warm-up and cool-down). Evaluation will be performed at baseline, after 4 weeks, and 7 weeks of the intervention. The primary outcomes include 10-meter walking test and the five-time chair stand test. The secondary outcomes include grip strength, the functional stretch test; the Exercise Enjoyment Scale and the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale for affective valence. Discussion: This is the first study to investigate the effects of low-volume HIIT on physical performance and affective valence in older adults with possible sarcopenia. This study will provide critical evidence to guide early prevention and intervention of exercise regimens for possible sarcopenia.

Growth Hormone in Decompensated Liver Cirrhosis
Liver CirrhosisFibrosis5 moreGlobally, cirrhosis and liver cancer carries a huge burden and accounts for about 3.5% (2 million) of all deaths every year. Once decompensated, i.e. development of ascites, variceal bleed, encephalopathy, and jaundice, the life expectancy is markedly reduced to a median of two years. The definitive treatment in this stage, i.e., liver transplantation is limited by cost, lack of donors, and life-long immunosuppression. In addition to complications due to portal hypertension and hepatic insufficiency, decompensated cirrhosis is associated with malnutrition, sarcopenia, immune dysfunction, and impaired regeneration. Patients with cirrhosis are growth hormone (GH) resistant, with reduced insulin-like growth factor, which are linked to malnutrition and poor liver regeneration in cirrhosis. Diverse preclinical and clinical investigations in vitro and in vivo, have shown a benefit of GH in GH deficient, elderly and HIV positive patients. GH therapy in cirrhosis has been shown to improve nitrogen economy and to improve the GH resistance in a small pilot study by Donaghy et al. Also, GH therapy of short duration has shown to increase IGF1 levels, IGFBP-3 levels in patients of cirrhosis. GH therapy has also been shown to improve liver regeneration and protein synthesis after hepatectomy in patients of HCC with cirrhosis. However, there is a scarcity of data on clinical impact of long term administration of GH therapy in patients of cirrhosis. Hence, we undertook the present study to study the effect of growth hormone on clinical outcomes, malnutrition, immune cells and liver regeneration in patients with cirrhosis.

Study the Impact of Hirsutella Sinensis Nutrient Supplements Has on Improving Muscle Health and...
SarcopeniaOld Age; Debility1 moreSarcopenia has now been officially recognized as a muscle disease related to aging, which may increase the risk of falls and fractures and both heart and respiratory diseases in the elderly. Sarcopenia causes inconvenience in the elderly, affecting their quality of life and often requiring long-term care or even resulting in death. Moreover, the elderly often encountered malnutrition due to inadequate nutrient intake and scarce nutrient diversity. Furthermore, malnutrition is often one of the leading causes of sarcopenia. Therefore, effective nutritional supplementation is essential to improve or prevent muscle loss for the elderly. Cordyceps sinensis is a well-known valuable traditional Chinese medicine and Hirsutella sinensis was an asexual strain of Cordyceps sinensis. Researchers have found that Hirsutella sinensis can help to increase connection between gastrocnemius muscle fibers and spinal nerve under the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis animal disease model. However, culturing conditions for Hirsutella sinensis are extremely difficult and long, one of the key culturing condition is the temperature, must be maintaining at 16-20℃for 45 days. Fortunately, Grape King Biotech has core technology using liquid fermentation which greatly shortened the cultivation time, thus, providing sufficient and safe products to patients. The investigators designed a randomized placebo-controlled study first to investigate the relationship and clinical impact Hirsutella Sinensis had on muscle mass and function in the elderly. Second, investigate the metabolic impact Hirsutella Sinensis had on muscle mass.

Exercise and Nutrition for Healthy AgeiNg
SarcopeniaThe aim of this randomized placebo-controlled 5-arm clinical trial is to evaluate the effect of combined anabolic interventions compared to single or placebo interventions on physical performance in community-dwelling (pre)sarcopenic elderly (≥ 65 years) and to determine the underlying mechanisms of action. Important secondary outcome measures are muscle mass, muscle strength, compliance to the interventions (exercise program, protein and omega-3 supplementation) and functional, cognitive and nutritional status.

A Study of Perioperative Oral Nutritional Support for Patients Having Surgery for Colon Cancer,...
Colon CancerSarcopeniaThis is a multicenter, unblinded, randomized study. The aim of this study is to research whether preoperative and postoperative oral nutritional supplement (ONS) (Resource 2.5 Compact/fibre compact) used at least 2 weeks prior the surgery and 10 days after surgery can improve the nutritional status of a colon cancer patient and reduce number of complications. The aim is also to investigate whether the oral nutritional support can shorten the hospital stay and improve the patients´ quality of life. The aim is also to find out whether the oral nutritional support can reduce 90-day mortality and improve disease free and overall survival. Consecutive patients diagnosed with primary adenocarcinoma of the colon who are considered for radical surgical procedure are enrolled in this study provided that the inclusion criteria are filled. Patients in the intervention group start oral nutritional support (ONS)2 portions a day for about 2 weeks prior to the operation starting at the time of randomization and continue ONS 10 days after the operation. Control group will continue with their regular diet without ONS until the operation. Both groups keep a food diary for 4 days right after the randomization and both one month and three months after the operation to assess the energy and nutrient intakes. Laboratory markers, NRS 2002, quality of life questionnaire, exercise questionnaire, bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) and handgrip strength as well as body composition on computer tomography scan are assessed prior to any treatment or supplement in order to estimate the patients' well-being and nutritional status prior to surgical operation. Laboratory parameters and QoL questionnaire are repeated right before the operation on admission to hospital as well as about 30 and 90 days after the operation in addition to BIA, handgrip strength to assess the effect of nutritional support. Data on complications, infections, length of stay in the hospital and mortality are collected. Another arm in this research is to discover more information on biological markers in colon cancer and cancer related malnutrition thus providing targets for future treatment and prognostic predictors. Tissue samples are collected during this research at the surgery.

The Effect of Intradialytic Parenteral Nutrition on Nutritional Status and Quality of Life in Hemodialysis...
End Stage Renal DiseaseMalnutrition2 moreProtein-energy wasting (PEW), a hypercatabolic state characterized by loss of muscle mass and fuel reserves, is highly prevalent in hemodialysis patients. Nutritional status and body composition are closely linked to morbidity, mortality and quality of life. Lean tissue mass (LTM) appears to be the best read-out for the association between nutritional status and outcomes. Intradialytic parenteral nutrition (IDPN) is occasionally used with the aim to reduce loss of LTM, but its efficacy has not been established. The goal of this study is to study the effect of IDPN on changes in LTM in hemodialysis patients.