Evaluation of a Cross-sectional Coordinated, Severity Stepped, Evidence-based Care Model for Mental...
Delivery of Health CareThis study evaluates a cross sectional, severity stepped, evidence-based care model for patients with mental disorders (RECOVER). RECOVER is a consortium of well-known institutions for the treatment and integrated care of patients with mental disorders, patient associations, relative associations, research institutions, health care insurances and authorities from the care region Hamburg, Germany. This project aims to evaluate the RECOVER care model with treatment as usual (TAU) regarding cost-effectiveness (costs, efficiency and cost utility) for patients with mental disorders. The following questions are examined: Does RECOVER reduce psychiatric health care costs compared to TAU? Does RECOVER improve patient relevant outcomes (i.e. symptom remission, response, daily functioning and quality of life)? Is RECOVER cost effective compared to TAU? (from a payer's and societal perspective) A total sample of 890 patients with mental disorders will be assessed at baseline (before treatment) and randomized into the RECOVER care model or get TAU. Follow-up assessments are conducted after 6 month and 12 month. As primary outcomes, cost reduction, improvement in symptoms (i.e. amount of remission and response to treatment, daily functioning and quality of life) and cost-efficiency-ratios will be measured. In addition, several secondary outcome parameters will be assessed. Impact: The present randomized controlled trial (RCT) evaluates the cross-sectional, severity stepped, evidence-based approach of the RECOVER model in patients with mental disorders. With its focus on effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, the study aims to improve the health care system in Germany.

Developing Clinical Tools to Communicate Genetic Risk for Individuals Who Are Clinical High Risk...
PsychosisWhile great strides are being made in identifying early signs that place people at a 'high risk state' for different illness conditions, at the same time, advances are being made in the identification of genes associated with 'high-risk states'. This study proposes to develop two innovative clinical tools that could greatly facilitate dissemination of a beneficial genetic malleability framing to high-risk youth in order to encourage increased treatment engagement and uptake of healthy behaviors. The impact of genetic information assumes special importance in the 'high-risk state' because achieving the best possible outcome is more likely if individuals actively choose to engage in beneficial treatment and health-promoting behaviors.

Video Games Among People With Schizophrenia
Cognitive FunctionSchizophrenia and Disorders With Psychotic FeaturesThe investigators aim to establish a research project to test the impact of gaming by carrying out a digital gaming interventions, monitoring its cognitive and clinical outcomes, while concurrently performing a multimodal brain imaging experiment.

Cannabis and Schizophrenia: Self-Medication and Agonist Treatment
SchizophreniaDual Diagnosis3 moreThe first aim of this study is to determine whether a brain reward center (BRC) deficiency in patients with schizophrenia (SCZ) and cannabis use disorder (CUD) will be normalized when patients are given cannabis or dronabinol. The second aim will serve to further assess the effects of dronabinol on symptoms and medication side effects in this population.

Neural Inhibition as a Mechanism of Nicotine Dependence Among Persons With Schizophrenia
SmokingNicotine Dependence4 moreCigarette smoking decreases life expectancy, causes devastating health complications, and costs society billions of dollars each year. These untoward consequences are especially pronounced among persons with schizophrenia (SCZ) because approximately 80% to 95% of this group smokes cigarettes. These high prevalence rates underscore the need for research investigating the determinants of smoking in patients with SCZ. Several researchers have observed that nicotine improves specific symptoms of SCZ including negative symptoms, negative affect, and cognitive deficits. This has led to the hypothesis that patients with SCZ smoke in an attempt to self-medicate. However, the mechanism(s) by which nicotine has its positive effect on symptoms remains unclear. The current proposal posits that neural inhibition (NI) is a physiological mechanism of this effect, while variation in the alpha-7-nicotinic receptor subunit gene (CHRNA7) represents the genetic underpinnings of these processes. The proposed study will assess NI and symptom improvement after acute administration of nicotine to both smokers and nonsmokers with SCZ. In addition, NI and CHRNA7 variation will be tested as predictors of patients' ability to reduce/quit smoking following smoking treatment. These data may lead to the development of new pharmacological strategies for treating the symptoms of SCZ and new methods for assisting these patients to quit smoking.

Effects of TAK-063 on Preventing Ketamine-Induced Brain Activity Changes as Well as Psychotic-Like...
Ketamine-Induced Brain Activity ChangesPsychotic-like SymptomsThe purpose of this study is to determine whether ketamine-induced brain activity changes are modulated by TAK-063 administration using neuroimaging battery tests.

Evaluation of A Statewide Program to Prevent Early Mortality and to Promote Fitness in Persons With...
SchizophreniaBipolar Disorder1 moreThe goal of this project, which has not changed, is to evaluate the statewide implementation of a two-component intervention (health promotion plus academic detailing) with respect to consumer outcomes and changes in provider prescribing. The intervention, called In SHAPE, is delivered to people with serious mental illness (SMI) by two community mental health clinics (CMHCs). These CMHCs are compared to two CMHCs delivering usual-care to individuals with SMI. The specific aims of this study are: Evaluate person-level and provider-level outcomes including: (a) consumer health behaviors, health indicators, mental health indicators, and acute health service utilization, (b) provider prescribing practices and program fidelity, and (c) program costs. Evaluate system-level outcomes including: (a) consumer health behaviors and health indicators, (b) provider prescribing and program fidelity, and (c) acute services use.

Task Sharing for the Care of Severe Mental Disorders in a Low-income Country
SchizophreniaBipolar Disorder2 moreTask sharing mental health care through integration of mental health into primary health care (PHC) is advocated as a means of narrowing the treatment gap for mental disorders in low-income countries. In Ethiopia, it is estimated that only around 10% of people with severe mental disorders (SMDs) ever receive evidence-based treatment for their condition, largely due to scarcity of specialist mental health services. A task-sharing model of mental health care in PHC would be more affordable and accessible to the majority of persons with SMD who do not currently receive evidence-based mental health care. Furthermore, task sharing mental health care with PHC is about to be scaled up in Ethiopia in line with the National Mental Health Strategy. However, the effectiveness of the task sharing model of mental health care for people with SMD has not been evaluated systematically in a low-income country. In this study we propose to investigate non-inferiority of a task sharing model of mental health care in PHC compared to a less accessible, but more specialist, psychiatric nurse-led model of care. The specialist model of care has been demonstrated to be acceptable and associated with improved clinical outcomes for persons with SMD engaged in the service in Ethiopia thus making this an appropriate comparison model against which to evaluate non-inferiority of the task sharing model.

The Potential Efficacy of the Chinese Health Improvement Profile- A Pilot Clustered Randomised Controlled...
Severe Mental IllnessSchizophrenia3 moreThe investigators programme of research will evaluate an existing physical health care screening intervention with the aim of helping Community Psychiatric Nurses (CPN) to improve the physical health wellbeing of people with a SMI. This pilot clustered randomised controlled trial aims to establish the potential efficacy and acceptability of the Chinese Health Improvement Profile (CHIP) in improving the physical health of people with severe mental illness.

Parallel Group, Multiple Dose Pharmacokinetics Study of Five Antipsychotic Medications in Psychiatric...
Psychotic DisordersSchizophrenia2 moreThe purpose of this study is to gather information about the steady-state plasma concentrations of aripiprazole, olanzapine, quetiapine and their relevant metabolites, at various dose levels and at different time points after dosing. In addition, comparison of capillary drug concentrations vs. venous drug concentrations will be performed for aripiprazole, olanzapine, paliperidone, quetiapine, risperidone and their relevant metabolites.