Thinking Skills at Work: Cognitive Remediation Therapy for Patients With Serious Mental Illness...
Schizophrenia and Related DisordersPsychotic DisorderThe purpose of this study is to help people with serious mental illness get and keep the job they want by improving their thinking skills, using cognitive remediation therapy. For people with serious mental illness, the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Program is an effective approach to help people become employed. Despite its general success, still only 55% of clients find employment. Most of that success occurs in the first three months; after six months, the chances of finding competitive work are quite low. Among those who fail to find employment with IPS, cognitive dysfunction is often a significant problem. The proposed study will target IPS clients who have not found work after 3 months of employment-support services: our hypothesis is that, after three months with no success, the addition of cognitive remediation to IPS will improve employment rates (compared to those who continue to receive IPS alone). The proposed randomized controlled trial will use a single-blind study design, focused on IPS clients who are slow to (or may never) find employment success. Specifically, the proposed study will have two treatment arms: a) cognitive remediation added to continued IPS services, and b) continued IPS services alone. The study will collaborate with IPS workers at 11 Mental Health and Substance Use (MHSU) clinics to identify clients who are non-responders in the first 3 months, and seek their consent to participate in the study. They will be randomized to either TAU (continuation with IPS and other standard treatments), or TAU plus cognitive remediation. The CRT will consist of computerized cognitive exercise practice, strategy coaching, and teaching coping/compensatory strategies for 12 weeks. Clients will be assessed at 3-time points: prior to the start of cognitive remediation ("baseline"), end-point (3-month), and 6 months after the endpoint evaluation. Primary outcome measures will include success at gaining a competitive job, total hours of competitive employment, and neuropsychological measures of cognition.

Cannabidiol Treatment in Patients With Early Psychosis
SchizophreniaSchizoaffective DisorderCannabidiol (CBD) is a component of herbal cannabis that is present in varying concentrations in cannabis extracts. CBD has been shown to produce central effects including hypnotic, anticonvulsive, anxiolytic and neuroprotective effects.The investigators hypothesize that treatment with CBD will result in: 1) Improvement evidenced by a reduction in scores on the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale for Schizophrenia (PANSS), 2) Improvement evidenced by a reduction in the Clinical Global Impression of Severity scale (CGI); Secondary Hypothesis: 1) Greater improvement in functioning as measured on the "Patient Assessment of Own Functioning Inventory: (PAOFI) and the Quality of Life Scale (QLS) In this 2 period cross over design, subjects will be randomized in a 1:1 ratio to receive either: Order 1: CBD (Period 1) followed by placebo (Period 2) or Order 2: Placebo (Period 1) followed by CBD (Period 2) under double-blind conditions. The 2 study periods will be separated by a washout of at least 2 weeks. During each period subjects will receive study medications (CBD [total 800mg/day] or placebo) for a period of 4 weeks.

Targeted Cognitive Training in Clinical High Risk (CHR) for Psychosis
Clinical High Risk for PsychosisThis project is a randomized-controlled trial to test the efficacy of computer-based targeted cognitive training (TCT) versus a placebo intervention of commercial computer games in adolescent/young adults at clinical high risk (CHR) for psychosis. TCT is designed to optimize learning-induced neuroplasticity in vulnerable neurocognitive systems. A main aim is to test the hypothesis that this neuroscience-guided TCT intervention will improve neural function, and that these neural improvements will improve cognition and functional outcome. CHR participants will be randomly assigned to 40 hours of TCT or placebo computer games completed within 10 weeks. TCT consists of 20 hours of training in cognition, including processing speed, memory, attention, and cognitive control followed by 20 hours of training in social cognition including affect recognition and theory of mind. Neuroimaging, cognition, social cognition, clinical symptoms, and functional status will be assessed at baseline, after 20 hours/5 weeks of cognitive training (mid-intervention), and after 20 hours/5 weeks of social-cognitive training (post-intervention). Cognition, social cognition, symptoms, and functioning will also be assessed at a 9 month follow-up (i.e. 9 months after intervention completion). We predict that TCT will lead to improvements in neurocognitive function and functional status. The results of this study will provide important information about a benign, non-pharmacological intervention for improving cognition and functional outcome in CHR individuals.

Peer Navigators to Address Obesity-Related Concerns for African Americans With Serious Mental Illness...
ObesityMental DisorderPeople with serious mental illness such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder experience high rates of physical illness and die earlier than people without serious mental illness (WHO, 2005). Health differences seem to be worse among African Americans (Weber, Cowan, Millikan & Niebuhr, 2009). High rates of obesity among this group contribute to health and wellness concerns (de Hert et al., 2011), with African American women at higher risk of obesity than men. Behavioral weight loss interventions (BWLIs) may promote diet and physical activity that lead to weight loss, but healthy food and safe physical activity options are less available in low-income neighborhoods. Peer navigators have been found to be effective in addressing health differences, and may help people living in low-income communities find healthy food and activity resources (Fischer, Sauaia, & Kutner, 2007). In addition, traumatic experiences are common among persons with serious mental illness as well as African Americans, and may impact weight. Through this project, investigators will test two interventions designed to address overweight and obesity among African Americans with serious mental illness. The first is a BWLI designed for persons with serious mental illness and adapted to meet the needs of African Americans. This program has 8-month intervention phase and 4-month maintenance phase. The intervention includes group weight management classes, group physical activity, individual visits to address barriers to meeting weight goals, and weigh-ins. The second intervention is a peer navigator program that assists people with serious mental illness in meeting their health needs in the community. Two-hundred and seventy (270) research participants will be recruited and randomly assigned to one of three conditions: BWLI program, BWLI program plus peer navigator, and treatment as usual (integrated physical and mental health care). Investigators will evaluate these interventions over a 12-month period, and will track weight change, health behaviors, physical and mental health, recovery, and quality of life. Investigators also seek to understand the impact of gender and trauma on outcomes. Investigators hypothesize that peer navigators will improve outcomes over the BWLI program alone. Findings will advance knowledge and services to reduce racial disparities in obesity and comorbid health conditions for African Americans with serious mental illnesses.

VIA Family - Family Based Early Intervention Versus Treatment as Usual
Early InterventionChild of Impaired Parents10 moreThis RCT aims to investigate the effect of an early family-based intervention (VIA Family) focusing on reducing risk and increasing resilience for children in families where at least one parent has a severe mental illness.The study is a randomized clinical trial including 100 children age 6-12 with familial high risk.The children and their parents will be assessed at baseline and thereafter randomized and allocated to either Treatment as Usual or VIA Family.

A Study to Compare Disease Progression and Modification Following Treatment With Paliperidone Palmitate...
SchizophreniaPsychotic DisordersThe purpose of the study is to compare effectiveness of paliperidone palmitate (PP: paliperidone palmitate once-monthly and 3-month injections) versus oral antipsychotic (OAP [that is oral paliperidone extended release {ER}, oral risperidone, or another OAP]) in delaying time to treatment failure. The study will also evaluate changes in cognition, functioning, brain intracortical myelin (ICM) volume following treatment with PP compared with OAP in participants with recent-onset schizophrenia or schizophreniform disorder.

Web-Based Delivery of MOVE! to Veterans With Serious Mental Illness (SMI)
Psychotic DisordersObesity1 moreObesity and physical inactivity have reached epidemic proportions, resulting in increased rates of a variety of chronic diseases, increased risk of death, and substantial health care costs. Individuals with serious mental illness are even more likely to be overweight or obese, which contributes to the high rate of co-morbid medical disease and early mortality found among this population. Specific individual and group-based psychoeducational interventions have repeatedly and consistently been shown to help adults with serious mental illness improve their weight. However, these require substantial time from mental health clinicians, and frequent visits by patients to mental health clinics. This creates challenges for patients who may need to travel to a medical center that provides these services, and who often have limited transportation options. It is likely that these barriers can be addressed with a computerized, web-based intervention focused on diet and exercise education, and tailored for veterans with serious mental illness. Web-based systems can deliver content that is intensive, engaging, and tailored to the needs and preferences of specific patients. Web-based systems can be delivered using computers at community-based outpatient Clinics or other settings in the community. The objective of this project is to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of a web-based intervention to help patients with serious mental illness lose weight.

Telmisartan as an Adjunctive Treatment for Metabolic Problems in Patients With Schizophrenia
SchizophreniaSchizoaffective DisorderThis is a 12-week, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial of telmisartan 80 mg/day as an adjunctive to clozapine or olanzapine therapy, in 70 schizophrenia subjects to examine telmisartan's effect on glucose metabolism, weight, food intake, resting energy expenditure, and body composition. In addition, the study will examine insulin's effects on psychopathology and cognition. Potential subjects will be identified by their clinicians at the Freedom Trail Clinic, or Massachusetts General Hospital. Approximately 70 subjects will be enrolled.

Lifestyle Modification for Weight Loss in Schizophrenia
ObesitySchizophrenia1 moreThe purpose of this study is to find out how effective lifestyle modification group therapy is on reducing body weight when compared to usual care in individuals with schizophrenia and/or schizoaffective disorder.

Smoking Cessation for Veterans With Severe and Persistent Mental Illness
Schizoaffective DisorderSchizophrenia4 moreThe investigators have developed an intervention called Behavioral Treatment of Smoking Cessation in SPMI (BTSCS), an innovative intervention that supplements pharmacotherapy and education with contingency management and a multifaceted behavioral group treatment program that lasts for three months (24 group meetings). BTSCS is designed to address the cognitive, motivational, and social support problems characteristic of people with SPMI. The investigators propose to conduct a randomized trial for persons with SPMI that compares (1) BTSCS: a 6-month manualized smoking cessation program adapted from an effective substance abuse treatment program for this population to (2) StSST: a standard manualized smoking cessation program which reflects current best practices.