An Outreach Collaborative Model for Early Identification and Treatment of Mental Disorder in Danish...
DepressionAnxietyDepression and anxiety are prevalent mental disorders among the working population with potentially high personal and financial cost. The aim of the study is to test the applicability of an outreach collaborative model for early identification and treatment of clinical and sub-clinical mental disorders among Danish employees. applicability was examined by I) investigating the fractions of identified and treated clinical and subclinical cases, II) describing the distribution and characteristics of cases identified and III) investigating the effect of allocated treatment. A longitudinal study design with four assessments over 16 months are applied. Six medium-large companies will be included, both public and private cooperations. Self-reporting questionnaires probing for psychopathology will be distributed to all employees in the six consecutively enrolled companies at the four time points. Employees meeting the screening criteria at T1 will be assessed diagnostically. Subjects diagnosed with a clinical mental disorder will be allocated to outpatient psychiatric treatment, and subjects with subclinical conditions will be allocated to preventive cognitive behavioural therapy. Follow-up is conducted 6 and 12 months after initiation of treatment. Participation in the study is voluntary at all levels. Written informed consent will be obtained from participant selected for diagnostic interview and treatment.

Tobacco Intensive Motivational and Estimate Risk
Severe Mental DisorderSmoking Cessation1 moreRandomized, open label, prospective study with a 12-month follow-up period. The primary objective evaluates the effectiveness of an intensive anti-smoking programme that informs patients of their individual risk of lung damages and the possibilities of prevention. The main measurement will be having given up smoking in month 12, measurement of self-reported abstinence on the 7 previous days and confirmed by a CO-oximeter test< 10 ppm, between the intervention and control group. A total of 9 urban and rural mental health centres will participate in the study. The intervention group will undergo spirometry and presence and the degree of respiratory obstruction will be assessed. Participants will be given individual information to generate a motivational message about the possibilities of prevention and the information will be maintained for three months by sending text messages (SMS) to their mobile phones. The efficacy of the method and the pulmonary damage variables will be evaluated: smoking cessation at the end of follow-up will be confirmed by cooximetry, and the COPD diagnosis and the severity of the staging for disease will be assessed

Safety and Efficacy of Virtual Reality Mindfulness in Patients With Psychosis
Schizophrenia Spectrum DisordersSchizophrenia3 moreThis study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Virtual Reality Mindfulness in Patients With Psychosis.

Physical Co-morbidity, Poor Health Behaviour and Health Promotion in Verona Patients With Functional...
Psychotic DisordersBipolar DisordersThe study evaluates the efficacy of health promotion strategies on diet and physical activity in patients with psychosis. Half of the participants will receive an intervention protocol based on education and behavioural change, while half will not receive it.

Evaluation of the In SHAPE Fitness Intervention for Adults With Serious Mental Illness
SchizophreniaBipolar Disorder2 moreFew studies targeting obesity in serious mental illness have reported clinically significant risk reduction, and non have been replicated in community settings or demonstrated sustained outcomes after intervention withdrawal. The researchers sought to replicate positive health outcomes demonstrated in a previous randomized effectiveness study of the In SHAPE program across urban community mental health organizations serving an ethnically diverse population.

Effectiveness of a Physical Activity and Diet Program in Patients With Psychotic Disorder (CapiCor)...
Schizophrenic DisordersSchizoaffective Disorders1 moreThe aim is to evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention based on a program of physical activity and diet coordinated between primary care teams (PCT) and Mental Health Centres (MHC) to modify the weekly physical activity (PA) amount, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference in patients with severe mental disorder diagnoses. To assess changes in cardiovascular risk, quality of life and lifestyles, secondarily. Methods: A randomized clinical trial with a control group, of one year of follow-up, carried out in four MHC Barcelona and Santa Coloma, and PCT of reference. The investigators studied patients aged 18 - 65 years old, diagnosed with schizophrenia, schizoaffective or bipolar disorder, with antipsychotic medication and a low level of PA. 240 patients will be selected in each group (difference to be detected in the BMI:> 1.89 kg/m2; common SD: 6.2, 30% loss). Intervention: group educational PA program (basically walking) of 24 sessions over 12 weeks, and diet (8 sessions in the first 8 weeks) by nurses and specialists in PA. Key measurements: level of PA (IPAQ questionnaire), physical examinations: BMI, waist circumference, blood pressure, cardiovascular risk, quality of life (SF-36), smoking habits, dietary habits (PREDIMED questionnaire), analytical parameters: cholesterol , triglycerides, blood glucose. Evaluations will be masked and conducted at 0, 3, 6 and 12 months. Analysis of variance for repeated measures to adjust for differences attributable to the effect of the intervention for potential confounders: pharmacological treatment, care level of intervention and mental state.

Effects of Cognitive Remediation on Cognition in Young People at Clinical High Risk of Psychosis...
Prodromal SchizophreniaOnset of psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia, typically occurs during late adolescence or early adulthood often resulting in chronic social and occupational disability. Deficits in cognition and functional outcome often precede the onset of full-blown psychosis although to a lesser degree than observed in schizophrenia. Recent progress in risk identification methodology has enabled reliable detection of persons who appear to be putatively prodromal for psychosis, that is, at clinical high risk (CHR) of developing a psychotic disorder. Since these CHR individuals already evidence cognitive deficits, which increase around the time of conversion, cognition is an excellent treatment target. Furthermore, there is clear evidence, in schizophrenia and in CHR samples, that deficits in cognition are related to poor functional outcome. Thus, treatments targeting cognition may consequently improve functional outcome. The primary aim of the project is to reduce cognitive deterioration and improve cognition among youths at CHR using cognitive remediation and to test the effectiveness of a new cognitive remediation program, the Brain Fitness program, in improving cognition of CHR individuals. A control treatment consisting of video games (VG) will be used. The primary hypothesis is that the BF group will have improved cognition at the end of treatment and 12 months post baseline compared to the VG group. A secondary hypothesis is that improved cognition will be associated with improved functioning. This is a longitudinal, single blind, placebo controlled pilot trial of cognitive remediation in 36 CHR persons. Participants will be randomised to either the BF or VG program, which will be administered over a period of 3 months. Assessments will occur at baseline, post treatment (3 months) and at 12 months after baseline. All subjects will be recruited in year 1 of the project and treatment will be completed by 15 months. The 40 hours of training will occur 4 days a week, for an hour each day, over a period of 10 -12 weeks.

Targeted Vitamin D Treatment of Schizophrenia-Associated Hyperprolinemia
SchizophreniaSchizoaffective DisorderA ten week, blinded trial of vitamin D vs. placebo in 80 patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder who have low blood levels of vitamin D and elevated blood levels of the amino acid proline. The aims of the study are to evaluate an anticipated clinical response to vitamin D supplementation including negative symptoms and cognitive deficits, evaluate safety of vitamin D supplementation for schizophrenia patients and evaluate the relationship of changes in plasma proline levels and efficacy outcomes.

Health Promotion and Fitness for Younger and Older Adults With SMI
SchizophreniaBipolar Disorder1 moreThe goal of this project, which has not changed, is to improve the health and fitness of persons with serious mental illness (SMI) using an innovative model: In SHAPE Lifestyles. Participants are randomly assigned to the In SHAPE program or Health Club Membership and Education only. The three specific aims of this study are to: To compare the treatment groups with respect to improvement in physical fitness outcomes, including: (a) health behaviors (engagement in exercise and diet changes); and (b) indicators of physical fitness. To compare the treatment groups with respect to improvements in mental health outcomes, including negative symptoms, depression, and self-efficacy. To explore differences in the treatment groups with respect to psychosocial functioning, health status, and acute service use, and the effects of selected demographic, clinical, and health behavior variables on primary outcomes.

Psychosis: Early Detection, Intervention and Prevention
Prodromal SchizophreniaPsychotic Disorders2 moreThe primary aim of this application is to conduct a randomized, controlled clinical trial of a specialized mental health service delivery system specifically developed for prodromal psychotic disorders. The intervention is Family-aided Assertive Community Treatment (FACT). The goal of the treatment is prevention of psychosis and disability. This study will assess experimentally the clinical effectiveness of this new type of mental health service. Other domains of outcome include cognitive dysfunction and functional disability.