A Study of JK08, an IL-15 Antibody Fusion Protein Targeting CTLA-4, in Patients With Unresectable...
CancerTumor6 moreThis is a Phase 1/2, open-label, multi-center, first-in-human, dose escalation and cohort expansion study evaluating multiple doses and schedules of subcutaneously administered JK08 in patients with unresectable locally, advanced or metastatic cancer.

Hippocampal Sparing Whole Brain Radiation Versus Stereotactic Radiation in Patients With 5-20 Brain...
Brain MetastasesThis research study is studying two different types of radiation as treatment for brain metastases (tumors in the brain that spread from a cancer that originated elsewhere in the body)

Focused Ultrasound and RadioTHERapy for Noninvasive Palliative Pain Treatment in Patients With Bone...
Bone MetastasesBone Neoplasm7 moreThe FURTHER study aims to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of MR-HIFU (alone or in combination with EBRT) compared to EBRT alone, the standard-of-care, as a palliative treatment option to relieve CIBP. This multicenter, three-armed randomized controlled trial will be performed in six hospitals in four European countries, and will include a total of 216 patients with painful bone metastases.

Signal TrAnsduction Pathway Activity Analysis in OVarian cancER
Recurrent Ovarian CancerSignal Transduction Pathway Deregulation1 moreThe purpose of this prospective, parallel-group, cohort study is to implement phenotype-guided targeted therapy based on functional signal transduction pathway (STP) activity in recurrent ovarian cancer patients using a novel mRNA-based assay. Existing targeted drugs with tolerable toxicity profiles are used to investigate the therapeutic value beyond their approved indication, which are deemed beneficial in the select group of patients with a relevant predominantly active functional STP, in order to improve survival and maintain quality of life.

A Dose Exploration Study of Almonertinib for EGFRm NSCLC Patients With Brain/Leptomeningeal Metastasis...
NSCLCBrain Metastases1 moreAlmonertinib is a three-generation epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor(EGFR-TKI), which has shown competitive potential in the second-line treatment against first-generation TKIs. This study aims to explore the efficacy and safety of different doses of almonertinib in the first-line and second-line treatment of brain metastases/meningeal metastases in NSCLC patients.

DNX-2440 for Resectable Colorectal Liver Metastasis
Liver MetastasesLiver Metastasis Colon Cancer9 moreThe purpose of this study is to test an experimental oncolytic adenovirus called DNX-2440 in patients with resectable multifocal (≥ 2 lesions) liver metastasis, who are scheduled to have curative-intent liver resection surgery. Up to 18 patients will receive two sequential intra-tumoral injections of DNX-2440 into a metastatic liver tumor prior to surgery for liver resection, to evaluate safety and biological endpoints across 3 dose levels (dose escalation). Upon conclusion of the dose-escalation phase, the selected safe and biologically appropriate dose will be administered using the same schema for an additional 12 patients with colorectal cancer liver metastasis (expansion cohort) using established biologic endpoints.

Dose-Escalated Spine SbRT for Localized Metastasis to the Spinal Column
Spine MetastasesMetastasis SpineThis study is being done to determine the feasibility and tolerability of a novel regimen of spine stereotactic radiosurgery (SSRS). SSRS delivers high doses of radiation to tumors of the spine using precision techniques. In standard medical care, conventional SSRS is delivered in only 1 or 2 treatments. When this treatment is delivered in only 1-2 treatments, a high dose is used which can increase the side effects of treatment. This study aims to test an alternative technique of delivering SSRS over 5 treatments. By delivering the radiation therapy over multiple treatments, the dose of radiation is less per treatment.

Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy for Oligo-Progressive Disease REfractory to Systemic Therapy...
Head and Neck CancerMetastatic Cancer1 moreA registry-based randomized phase II trial. A total of 46 patients with metastatic head and neck cancer on systemic therapy with oligoprogression to 1-5 extracranial lesions will be randomized using a 1:1 ratio to standard of care (begin next-line systemic therapy, best supportive care, continue current systemic line, based on treating physician decision) vs. receive stereotactic ablative radiotherapy to all oligoprogressive lesions while continuing their current systemic therapy.

NBTXR3 Activated by Radiotherapy for Patients With Advanced Cancers Treated With An Anti-PD-1 Therapy...
RadiotherapyImmunotherapy9 moreThe 1100 study is an open-label, Phase I, dose escalation and expansion prospective clinical study to assess the safety of intratumoral injection of NBTXR3 activated by radiotherapy in combination with anti-PD-1 therapy.

Stereotactic Magnetic Resonance Guided Radiation Therapy
Pancreas CancerLung Cancer11 moreThis is a master prospective Phase I-II trial evaluating feasibility and efficacy of stereotactic magnetic resonance (MR) guided adaptive radiation therapy (SMART) in patients with cancer. The phase 1 study will evaluate the feasibility and safety of delivering SMART in patients with cancer. Phase 2 will evaluate efficacy of SMART with specific reference to tumor control and improvement in patient reported outcome measures