Management of Shock in Children With SAM or Severe Underweight and Diarrhea
Shock HypovolemicShock4 moreDiarrhea is one of the leading causes of under-five childhood mortality and accounts for 8% of 5.4 million global under-5 deaths. The coexistence of sepsis and hypovolemic shock in children with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) having diarrhea is common. At Dhaka hospital of icddr,b, the death rate is as high as 40% and 69% in children with severe sepsis and septic shock respectively with co-morbidities such as severe malnutrition. The conventional management of SAM children with features of severe sepsis recommended by WHO includes administration of boluses of isotonic saline followed by blood transfusion in unresponsive cases with septic shock; whereas the Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC) guideline recommends vasoactive support. To date, no study has evaluated systematically the effects of inotrope(s) and vasopressor or blood transfusion in children with dehydrating diarrhea (for example, in cholera) and SAM having shock and unresponsive to WHO standard fluid therapy. This randomized trial will generate evidence whether inotrope and vasopressor or blood transfusion should be selected for severely malnourished children having hypotensive shock and who failed to respond to WHO standard fluid bolus.

Azithromycin for Severe Acute Malnutrition in CMAM, Nigeria
Severe Acute MalnutritionThis randomized controlled trial is designed to determine the effect of administration of azithromycin compared to amoxicillin as part of the treatment of uncomplicated severe acute malnutrition (SAM) in children aged 6-59 months on weight gain and nutritional recovery. The investigators will randomize children presenting to Taimaka-run nutritional programs at health centers in Gombe State, Nigeria to a single dose of oral azithromycin or a short course of oral amoxicillin upon admission into the program. Apart from the administration of antibiotics, all children will receive standard outpatient treatment for uncomplicated SAM as specified in the guidelines of the government of Nigeria, which includes therapeutic feeding with ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF). Enrolled children will be followed weekly at each routine clinic follow-up visit up until nutritional recovery. All enrolled children will return for a final study visit at 8 weeks following enrollment. Anthropometric and vital status data will be collected at each follow-up visit. Weight gain and nutritional recovery over the 8-week study period will be compared by arm as a primary outcome and at 12 weeks as a secondary outcome.

High-protein Quantity and Quality RUTF in Improving Linear Growth Among Children With Severe Wasting...
Severe WastingSevere Acute MalnutritionThis is a proof-of-concept trial that aims to compare the efficacy of an 8-week treatment with higher-protein-Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Foods (RUTF) with standard RUTF in improving levels of markers of growths, height, nutritional recovery, and lean mass deposition among children with severe wasting. The study will also assess the safety and acceptability of the high-protein RUTF in comparison to the standard RUTF. The study will be conducted at four outpatient therapeutic programs in the Blantyre district of Malawi.

Effectiveness of Alternative Diets During the Stabilization Phase on Children With Complicated SAM...
Severe Acute MalnutritionKwashiorkor2 moreSevere acute malnutrition (SAM) is a life threatening condition and is defined by 1) a weight-for-height Z-score more than three standard deviations (SD) below the median based on the 2006 World Health Organization (WHO) growth standards, 2) a mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) of less than 115 mm or 3) by the presence of nutritional edema. Signs such as edema, mucocutaneous changes, hepatomegaly, lethargy, anorexia, anemia, severe immune deficiency and rapid progression to mortality characterize a state commonly coined as "complicated SAM". Kwashiorkor is one of the forms of complicated SAM commonly distinguished by the unmistakable presence of bipedal edema. SAM results in high mortality rates of up to half a million child deaths annually. Undernourished children are at higher risk of mortality ranging from three times more risk among children with moderate malnutrition to 10-times in SAM children compared to well-nourished children. Children with complicated SAM require inpatient treatment in specialized centers. The "Rehabilitation and Nutritional Education Center" (CREN) is a specialized center in Burkina Faso receiving on average 10 SAM children per day. Recovery rate is lower than international standards; and adverse events and mortality remain strikingly high. Our main objective is to assess the underlying risk factors affecting the effectiveness of the nutritional therapeutic treatment protocol for complicated SAM children under 5 years of age who have been referred to the CREN, at the Centre Hôspitalier Universitaire Souro, Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. The specific objective is to assess the effectiveness of alternative dietary regimens during the stabilization phase on well-specified clinical and biochemical outcomes in children with complicated SAM. Dietary regimens differ by their carbohydrate profile and content, and by their different micronutrient composition including vitamin A, iron and zinc.

Strategies to Reduce Mortality Among HIV-infected and HIV-exposed Children Admitted With Severe...
HIV-1-infectionMalnutrition1 moreThis study to investigate whether empiric use of an antibiotic with greater antimicrobial sensitivity (ceftriaxone) than standard-of-care (ampicillin plus gentamicin) will reduce mortality among HIV-infected/HEU children admitted to Mwanamugimu Nutrition Unit, Mulago Hospital, Kampala, Uganda.

Eggs for Gut Health
Moderate Acute MalnutritionStunting2 moreThe goal of this clinical trial is to test egg powder supplementation in children with moderate acute malnutrition in Sierra Leone. The main question it aims to answer is: - Will provision of 15g of whole egg powder per day during and after treatment for moderate acute malnutrition (for 24 weeks total) improve small intestinal permeability and linear growth among 6-30 month old Sierra Leonean children compared with daily corn powder supplementation?

The TISA Trial - Senegal
Severe Acute MalnutritionThis study evaluates the addition of a simple, scalable "WASH kit", including household water treatment products, a safe water storage container, and hygiene promotion, to the standard national protocol for outpatient treatment of uncomplicated severe acute malnutrition among children aged 6-59 months of age in northern Senegal.

Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition in SCD, in Northern Nigeria
Sickle Cell AnemiaSevere Acute MalnutritionExcept for children with HIV, all recommendations for treatment of childhood malnutrition are for children < 5 years of age. The overall goal of this randomized controlled nutritional feasibility trial is to identify whether families of children with sickle cell anemia (SCA) > 5 years of age agree to participate over a 12-week period. The investigators will also establish a safety protocol for monitoring potential complications associated with treating severe malnutrition in children > 5 years of age with and without SCA, in a low-resource setting.

Rice Bran-based Supplemental Foods for the Treatment of Childhood Malnutrition
Severe Acute MalnutritionThe purpose of this study is to assess the efficacy of treating children with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) with a locally produced ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) with or without rice bran.

Trial of High-Dose Vitamin D in the Treatment of Complicated Severe Acute Malnutrition
Severe Acute MalnutritionThis double-blind randomized placebo-controlled controlled trial will test the hypothesis that administration of high-dose oral vitamin D supplementation to children in Lahore, Pakistan, who are recovering from complicated severe acute malnutrition will safely accelerate weight gain (primary outcome) and enhance neurodevelopment, muscle mass accumulation, resolution of systemic inflammation and antimicrobial immune function (secondary outcomes).