A Clinical Investigation to Assess the Performance of Natural Rubber Latex Condoms in Couples
Control of PregnancyPrevention of Sexually Transmitted InfectionsThis investigation is designed to evaluate the performance rate of a new natural rubber latex (NRL) male condom.
The OPENS Trial: Offering Women PrEP (Aim 1)
Human Immunodeficiency Virus TransmissionSexually Transmitted DiseasesTo address the significant barriers to PrEP implementation for those who were assigned female at birth and self-identify as a woman and address racial inequities in HIV prevention in the United States (US), a novel approach that accounts for multilevel influences is necessary. This study is one part of a multi-component project and involves a patient-level intervention in one public health family planning clinic in Duval County Florida, where the majority of patients are women of color. The area has one of the highest HIV incidence rates among women in the US. The investigators developed a tablet-based decision support tool that helps users learn about HIV vulnerabilities and HIV prevention strategies to inform how they consider options for reducing their likelihood of acquiring HIV. Participants will be randomized to use the HIV decision support tool before their visit or standard counseling (without the use of the tool) and will be surveyed about the use of the tool, experiences with HIV prevention counseling, and intentions about the use of HIV prevention. A subset of participants, all individuals who self-identify as a woman and as Black or Latina, will also complete a post-clinic visit interview. The investigators will follow-up with participants at three months following their initial visit to see if they have initiated the HIV prevention method(s) they chose at their visit. The main outcomes will include a quantitative and qualitative assessment of PrEP or other HIV prevention use, decisional certainty, and satisfaction with information about HIV prevention options. Hypotheses: Women who use the HIV prevention decision support tool will be more likely to have initiated PrEP within 3 months compared to women who received standard counseling at the time of their initial appointment. The HIV prevention decision support tool will increase women's knowledge of PrEP and other HIV prevention methods compared to women who received standard counseling at the time of their initial appointment. The HIV prevention decision support tool will increase participants' decisional certainty in their choice of an HIV prevention method compared to women who received standard counseling at the time of their initial appointment.
'HI-4-TU' Study: Health Improvement for Teen Ugandans Study
PregnancyHuman Immunodeficiency Virus1 moreThis randomized clinical trial is an adolescent focused implementation science study directed at improved social support and prevention of both HIV/STI's and subsequent unplanned pregnancies. The study population is pregnant adolescents who are attending antenatal care in Kampala, Uganda The acceptability and effectiveness of two enhanced peer lead, reproductive health promotion interventions compared to routine health care will be studied. The study participants will be individually randomized to one of three arms.
Interventions for Enhancing Adherence to Syphilis Treatment and Follow-up: Study Protocol for the...
SyphilisThe SIM study is a single-centre, randomized, controlled trial with a 12-month follow-up period. The aim is to determine which of the 3 methods of follow-up is the most effective in promoting patient treatment compliance. The recruitment of participants will be done by invitation, and tests will be performed in a mobile unit in locations accessible to large populations. The goal is to perform 10,000 quick tests, with results confirmed by venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL) tests. Patients with a confirmed diagnosis according to VDRL test results will be randomized in one of three monitoring arms: follow-up by telephone, follow-up via a game in a smartphone app, or conventional follow-up by a health professional. All analyses will follow the intention-to-treat principle.
Contraceptive Awareness and Reproductive Education
ContraceptionSexually Transmitted Diseases1 moreThe purpose of this study is to increase the initiation and continuation of highly effective contraceptive use while incarcerated and upon release, as well as decrease unsafe sexual activity.
Improvement of STI Detection in Adolescent Emergency Department Patients
Sexually Transmitted InfectionsThe goal of this trial is to test a novel means of collecting patient-entered sexual health information for the provision of clinical decision support to increase the testing and detection of sexually transmitted infections (STI) in adolescent emergency department (ED) patients at high risk for STIs.
Health and Justice: A Continuum of Care for HIV and SU for Justice-Involved Young Adults (PHASE...
HIV/AIDSHIV Infections4 moreThis research study proposes to embed HIV testing outreach workers from a young adult focused medical and HIV treatment program into an alternative sentencing program to deliver a new service delivery model (Link2CARE) that integrates evidence-based protocols for justice-involved young adults to: a) promote HIV and STI testing, and HIV and SU risk screening, b) provide onsite intervention, and c) cross-system linkage to HIV, STI, and SU care. Phase 1 has already been completed. In phase 1, the intervention components were adapted for use among justice involved young adults and the resulting protocols were piloted with justice involved young adults, finalizing the resulting 4-session Link2CARE intervention. In phase 2, we will test Link2CARE among N=450 justice-involved young adults enrolled at the alternative sentencing program and conduct process evaluations with N=15 alternative sentencing program staff.
Peer Intervention Latino Immigrant MSM
HIV InfectionsSexually Transmitted DiseasesThis study evaluates a peer intervention with HIV/STI self-testing kits to increase HIV/STI testing and PrEP uptake among Latino immigrant men who have sex with men. Half of participants will receive the "Listos" intervention (peer counseling, PrEP information, and HIV/STI testing kits) and half will receive the active control intervention (peer only group with no HIV/STI testing kits).
Brazilian HIV/Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Prevention for Adolescents With Mental Health...
HIVSexually Transmitted Infection1 moreAdolescents with mental health (MH) disorders (MHD) have higher rates of HIV/STI sexual risk behaviors than those in the general population. In Brazil, among youth seeking HIV testing, those testing positive had more MH problems than HIV-negative youth; HIV/STI sexual risk reduction is not regularly implemented within MH care for adolescents. Our NIMH-funded RCT in Rio de Janeiro (Rio; R01MH065163; PI: Wainberg) promises to provide such intervention for adults with MHD. A comparable evidence-based HIV/STI prevention intervention for adolescents is not available in Brazil; this application targets this need. Using quantitative and qualitative methods we will explore the contextual influences on sexual risk behavior of Brazilian youth ages 13-24 with MHD to inform intervention adaptation. The investigators will then pilot-test the family-based (parent-adolescent dyad) intervention HIV, STI and pregnancy prevention intervention with a sample of male and female youth age 13-24 years (n=144) with MHD who are in MH treatment in four community-based sites in preparation for the RCT.
High Risk Crack Use Settings and HIV in El Salvador
HIVSexually Transmitted DiseasesThis project will first increase the accessibility and acceptability of rapid HIV testing in health clinics located in or near four low-income communities in San Salvador, El Salvador. The investigators will use crack users' social networks and small incentives, as recommended by the CDC, in collaboration with the Salvadoran Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance (MSPAS) to encourage crack users to receive HIV testing. The second part of the intervention consists of training 8 Peer Leaders to recruit and lead a Peer Network Intervention among 400 crack users to change norms supporting HIV protective behaviors. The intervention will include monthly meetings open to crack using and non-crack using community residents to reinforce HIV risk reduction skills, and discussion of other topics related to HIV such as illicit drug use and interpersonal violence and community-wide HIV awareness events. Our hypothesis is that these two intervention features will singly, and in combination, reduce HIV risk behaviors among Salvadoran crack users.