Utilization of HIV Clinical Services in Rural India
HIV InfectionsSexually Transmitted InfectionsThis community-based clinical trial based in two districts of rural Maharashtra, India compares utilization of an intervention model of "fully-decentralized," or rural primary clinic-based, HIV testing and care services, with a control model of the Indian government's partially-decentralized HIV services, offering rural referral clinic testing and urban-based HIV care.

Enhancing Nutrition and Antenatal Infection Treatment for Maternal and Child Health in Ethiopia...
Low BirthweightPreterm Birth5 moreThe ENAT study will test the impact of packages of antenatal interventions to enhance maternal nutrition and manage pregnancy infections on the outcomes of infant birth size, gestational length, and infant growth in the first 6 months of life. Approximately 5,280 pregnant women will be enrolled into the study from 12 health centers in the Amhara region of Ethiopia. Routine antenatal care will be strengthened in all health centers, and six health centers will be randomized to additionally provide a nutritional intervention including daily multiple-micronutrient or a fortified balanced-energy protein supplement for malnourished women. Women across all 12 health centers will be individually randomized to receive one of three infection management interventions in pregnancy: 1) enhanced infection management package (screening-treatment for urinary tract infections and sexually transmitted infections, presumptive deworming); 2) presumptive azithromycin (2g at <24 wks and a second dose at least 4 weeks later); or 3) placebo. The women and their infants will be followed until 6 months postpartum. Outcomes of interest include birth size (weight, length), gestational age, maternal weight gain in pregnancy, maternal anemia, antimicrobial resistance, and infant size at 6 months.

Use of Abbott RealTime CT/NG to Detect Chlamydia Trachomatis [CT] & Neisseria Gonorrhoeae [NG] in...
Chlamydia InfectionGonococcal Infection1 moreJulius Schachter, PhD, (Department of Laboratory Medicine, University of California, San Francisco) and Susan S. Philip, MD MPH (Department of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco) are conducting a study to evaluate the Abbott RealTime CT/NG polymerase chain reaction [PCR] assay (which is a nucleic acid amplification test [NAAT]) for detecting two sexually transmitted bacteria, Chlamydia trachomatis [CT] and Neisseria gonorrhoeae [NG], using urine samples and swabs from the throat and rectum of men who have sex with men [MSM]. Using this test on these swabs is experimental because it has not been approved by the Food & Drug Administration.

Individual and Contextual Factors That Influence Sexual Decisions
Binge DrinkingUnsafe Sex2 moreFor decades, men who have sex with men (MSM) have carried the heaviest burden associated with the HIV epidemic in the United States. Although MSM represent a minority (i.e., approximately 4%) of the male population in the United States, in 2010 MSM accounted for 78% of new HIV infections among males. Furthermore, the estimated number of new HIV infections attributed to male-to-male sexual contact is currently rising. In order to improve interventions to decrease transmission of HIV among MSM, it is important to have a better understanding of predictors of risky sexual behavior. Alcohol use is among the most reliable predictors of risky sexual behavior. Unfortunately, studies of alcohol use and risky sex among MSM have mainly relied on survey-based methods that cannot advance our understanding of the causal mechanisms linking acute alcohol use to HIV risk behavior. This study will utilize an "alcohol/placebo/nonalcohol" design to examine the mechanisms underlying the association between the acute effects of alcohol (i.e., pharmacological and expectancy) and risky sexual decision making in MSM. Focal mechanisms include sex-specific delay discounting (SSDD), and the core constructs of the Cognitive Mediation Model. The alcohol/placebo/nonalcohol design involves three conditions. In the alcohol condition (target BrAC = 0.080g%), the participant will be told he is receiving alcohol and will receive beverages of 1:4 parts vodka and tonic water with dashes of lime juice and mint, all mixed in his presence. In the placebo condition (target BrAC = 0.000g%), the participant will be told he is receiving alcohol but will receive beverages of 1:4 parts flat tonic water (served from a vodka bottle) and tonic water, with a minimal amount of vodka "floated" on the surface (using a lime juice bottle) to provide the smell and taste of vodka, with lime juice and mint, all mixed in his presence and served in glasses with vodka-soaked rims. In the true control (or nonalcohol) condition, the participant will be told he is receiving no alcohol and will be given water (poured in his presence) in a volume comparable to the other conditions. This 3-group design will enable us to test the pharmacological effects of alcohol while accounting for potential expectancy effects. Participants (Target N = 150-180) will be randomly assigned to one condition; all will undergo the same protocol, which will be completed within one experimental session. The study protocol consists of baseline assessment, followed by beverage administration, followed by post-drinking assessment of SSDD and sexual decision making, followed by debriefing.

Mobile Phone Text Messaging Referral
HIVSexually Transmitted Infections2 moreThe study hypothesis is that managed referral of patients at community level (from drug stores) increases uptake of reproductive health (RH) services at dispensary and health centre levels. The intervention is currently being implemented in 2 districts (Magu and Sengerema) in Mwanza Region on the northwest shore of Lake Victoria. It is nested within the IntHEC Community Randomised Trial which aims to evaluate the impact of a complex RH intervention on the uptake and integration of reproductive health services in 2 Regions in Tanzania (Mwanza and Iringa) and Niger (Say and Aguie) respectively. 18 wards per region were stratified according to geographical and economic criteria and randomly assigned to intervention or comparison wards. The SMS intervention is being implemented in 9 intervention wards in Mwanza Region only. 9 wards are followed for comparison.

Sexual Behavior Among Medical Students in Mexico
Sexually Transmitted DiseasesThis study aims to identify factors that influence students to undertake or not sexually transmitted diseases screening tests and to have an actual outlook of how Mexican university students live their sexual life. Moreover, the investigators aim to identify potential epidemiological risks and challenges to achieve adequate prevention and control of sexually transmitted diseases in this population. This is a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted at a private university in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, from December 2019 to April 2020.

Women's Improvement of Sexual Health (WISH) Demonstration Project
Sexually Transmitted DiseaseBacterial Vaginosis2 moreThe current standard of care for urogenital infections in Rwanda is syndromic management. Many urogenital infections are asymptomatic and therefore completely missed, and the management of vaginal discharge syndrome is known to be suboptimal. The primary objective of this study is to evaluate whether it is feasible to improve urogenital infection care in high risk women in Kigali, Rwanda, using point of care (POC) diagnostic testing for HIV, Trichomonas vaginalis (TV), and bacterial vaginosis (BV) in all women; POC testing for Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG), Chlamydia trachomatis (CT), and syphilis in pregnant women and women assessed to be at high risk for these infections using a risk scoring questionnaire; and management of vaginal candidiasis, urinary tract infection (UTI), genital ulcers/inguinal bubos, and lower abdominal pain in women reporting relevant symptoms. The secondary objectives of this study are 1) to evaluate the performance and 2) to obtain the opinions of Rwandan stakeholders.

Evaluation of the Use of the Colli-Pee Device to Collect First-void Urine for Molecular Detection...
Sexually Transmitted DiseasesBacterialStudy objectives: To evaluate the usability of the Colli-PeeTM device to collect first-void urine for nucleic acid detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, Trichomonas vaginalis and Mycoplasma genitalium. To collect feedback on the easiness of use and the willingness of future use of the Colli-PeeTM device.

Sexually Transmitted Infections Among African American Women Who Have Sex With Women
Sexually Transmitted InfectionsHIV InfectionsThe purpose of this study is to determine the rates of sexually transmitted infections (STI) among a group of African American women who have sex with women (AA WSW). The first study hypothesis is that AA WSW are at risk for acquiring and transmitting STI, including the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The second study hypothesis is that AA WSW participate in multiple high-risk sexual activities that may facilitate transmission of STIs, including HIV.

Evaluation of NAATs for Detection of C. Trachomatis and N. Gonorrhoeae From Pharynx, Rectum, Glans...
Sexually Transmitted DiseasesChlamydia1 moreJulius Schachter, PhD, from the Department of Laboratory Medicine at UCSF, and Jeffrey Klausner, MD, from the Department of Public Health, are conducting a study to evaluate a type of test (nucleic acid amplification test) for the detection of two sexually transmitted diseases, Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae, in men who have sex with men (MSM), using urine samples and swabs taken from the throat (pharynx), tip of penis (glans), and rectum. The use of nucleic acid amplification tests on these swabs is experimental, which means that the use of the tests for this purpose have not been approved by the Food & Drug Administration.