Mesalamine to Reduce T Cell Activation in HIV Infection
HIV InfectionsSexually Transmitted Diseases3 moreThe objective of this study is to determine whether 12 weeks of mesalamine therapy added to a standard HIV treatment decreases systemic immune activation and inflammation in HIV-infected patients, possibly resulting in better recovery of the immune system. The study hypothesis is that decreasing inflammation directly in the gut may decrease both of these potential causes of chronic inflammation, potentially resulting in an immunologic benefit.

Women SHARE Study: Reducing Sexual Risk
Alcohol and Substance-Related Mental DisordersSexually Transmitted DiseasesThis study will investigate whether BI and technology extenders are feasible and acceptable for female patients at a reproductive health center (ages 18-29).

Use of a Rapid Test for Gonorrhea & Chlamydia for Women Presenting With Possible Sexually Transmitted...
Sexually Transmitted InfectionGonorrhea Female1 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of utilizing a rapid turnaround CT/NG test on treatment of female patients in the emergency department or urgent care setting with possible STIs.

Reducing HIV Vulnerability Through A Multilevel Life Skills Intervention For Adolescent Men
HIV InfectionsSexually Transmitted Diseases3 moreThe investigators propose to deliver and test a life skills intervention targeting the key domains that fuel HIV disparities among adolescent (ages 13-18) same-sex attracted men in the United States. This RCT will yield important information regarding the delivery of a developmentally-appropriate HIV prevention program that reaches racial/ethnic and socioeconomically diverse sample of adolescent men across four regions in the United States.

Expanding PrEP By Embedding Unannounced SNAPS Navigators in High STI Testing Clinical Sites
HivSexually Transmitted InfectionThe goal of this study is to assess the impact of an intervention, known as SNAPS, to expand Preexposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) prescriptions at Health + Hospitals (H+H)/Bellevue. In addition, evaluating whether this intervention, ie SNAPS, helps patients get on PrEP and stay on PrEP to prevent STIs like HIV. PrEP is a medication that needs to be taken on a regular basis in order to be effective to prevent HIV transmission.

A Clinical Investigation to Assess the Performance of a Polyurethane Condom Versus a Latex Condom...
Control of PregnancyPrevention of Sexually Transmitted InfectionsThis investigation is designed to evaluate the performance rate of a polyurethane (PU) condom versus a standard natural rubber latex (NRL) condom.

HPV Infection, Sexually Transmitted Infections and Anal Dysplasia in the Transgender Population...
Human Papillomavirus InfectionHuman Immunodeficiency Virus Infection1 moreThe goal of this observational study is to estimate the prevalence of HPV infections anal and ENT level and according to HIV status in transgender (TG) population. The main question it aims to answer is: What is the prevalence of HPV lesions in transgender population (TG); What kind of high risk HPV (hrHPV) and low risk HPV (lrHPV) are detected at the genital, anal and ENT level

Brief Intervention to Reduce STDs in ER Drug Users
Sexually Transmitted InfectionThe goal of the proposed project is to determine the effectiveness of a brief motivational intervention among Emergency Department (ED) patients who use cocaine and/or heroin to prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) by comparing cumulative incidence and frequency of safe sex behavior between intervention and standard voluntary counseling, testing and referral to substance abuse treatment (control) groups over a one year follow-up period.

Share Safer Sex Counseling Program for Changing Sexual Risk Behaviors in Mexican Female Sex Workers...
HIV InfectionsSexually Transmitted DiseasesThis study will evaluate the effectiveness of the Share Safer Sex Program in reducing sexual risk behaviors among female sex workers in four Mexican cities close to the U.S. border.

Intervention for Male STDs in India
Sexually Transmitted InfectionThe specific aim of this study is to complete an ongoing randomized controlled trial of the efficacy of behavioral intervention compared to STI treatment/HIV counseling alone in decreasing risk behavior and incident HIV/STI infections in Mumbai, India.