Septic ShockSepsis is the result of a complex pathological process which involves an intravascular inflammatory state, loss of vascular tone, endothelial injury, extravascular leakage, and often inefficient myocardial contractility. These affect the cardiovascular homeostasis as well as the regional perfusion and tissue oxygenation of patient. The importance of early cardiovascular support in septic patients is the reason why, for about fifteen years, the implementation of standardized resuscitation protocols has been emphasized. The Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines (SSG) recommend an initial fluid resuscitation followed by use of a vasoactive agent such as norepinephrine for the treatment of patients with septic shock. To understand the impact of the hemodynamic support provided by the resuscitation strategy, the assessment of surrogate clinical parameters is pivotal. According to the current guidelines, the increase of mean arterial pressure (MAP) above 65 mmHg represents the threshold in defining patients as "stable". Although this strategy has been well established, its impact on the actual hemodynamic profile of the septic patient, remains a subject of ongoing controversy. In this scenario, the transpulmonary thermodilution technique (TPTD) allows invasive assessment of the patient hemodynamic profile in terms of fluid responsiveness, vasomotor status, or global cardiac efficiency. By using this technique, several studies highlighted a wide variability in the individual response of patients undergoing cardiovascular stabilization guided by SSG. This suggests that the implementation of a "customized" resuscitation protocol based TPTD derived parameters rather than resuscitation strategy guided by a fixed mathematic model, could be preferred. However, in daily clinical practice, the use of this advanced hemodynamic monitoring system in not routinely used, though it is often reserved in case of failure of the initial SSG-resuscitation protocol. The investigators supposed that, even if the initial resuscitative efforts were successful in achieving the SSG targets i.e. by restoring the MAP > 65 mmHg, this could still be inadequate in some patients. Accordingly, the investigators hereby will report the hemodynamic profile of patients with septic shock admitted in ICU.

Does the Time Between the End of Vascular Filling and Evaluation of Its Effectiveness Modify Fluid...
Septic ShockThe main objective of this study is to evaluate in a population of patients with septic shock receiving 500 ml crystalloid over 10 minutes, the proportion of patients classified as "responders" to the fluid challenge (increase of at least 15% of ITV in aortic) at the end of vascular filling (T10) and becoming "non-responders" 20 minutes after the end of the fluid challenge (T30) and whether this proportion is greater than 10 points.

Bio-clinical Evolutive Dynamic in Patients Suffering From Communitary Septic Shock (Biosepsis)
Immunocompetent Patient on Septic ShockSeptic shock is a frequent pathology responsible for over 30000 deaths/year in France. Its outcome has not been improved despite the knowledge on inflammatory processes; a reason for these lack of results may lay on the lack of data on the precise dynamics of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cascades and their consequences. We intend to achieve accurate monitoring of the inflammatory process on a small group of non-immunocompromised patients. Our goal is to obtain quality data, repeated over time, by limiting the technical variability.

Immune Failure in Critical Therapy (INFECT) Study
SepsisSeptic ShockPatients admitted to intensive care units (ICU) are at high risk of developing secondary infections, and this is in part due to dysfunction or failure of their 'germ killing' functions (the immune system). Our group has recently identified three signatures of immune system failure which can be readily detected on a blood sample, and importantly, appear to predict the chances of developing secondary infection. Such a test would have major benefits for the management of patients in intensive care if it can be translated into a test usable in everyday clinical practice. This study aims to validate our original findings in a cohort of patients from multiple ICUs, using a test which will be suitable for everyday clinical practice, and thus take the next step towards developing a market-ready test. Study hypothesis: Measurement of neutrophil CD88, monocyte HLA-DR and percentage Tregs will accurately predict the risk of nosocomial infection.

Echocardiographic and Arterial Pressure Waveform Changes After Reducing Heart Rate With Esmolol...
TachycardiaSeptic ShockClinical study suggests that beta-blockers by decreasing heart rate together with an increase in stroke volume do not negatively affect cardiac output allowing an economization of cardiac work and oxygen consumption in patients with septic shock. Whether this hemodynamic profile leads to an amelioration of myocardial performance is still unclear. The objective of the present study is therefore to elucidate whether a reduction in heart rate with esmolol is associated to an improvement of cardiac efficiency in patients with septic shock who remained tachycardic after hemodynamic optimization.

IMproved PREdiction of Severe Sepsis in the Emergency Department
Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS)Sepsis2 moreThe purposes of this study is to determine whether Heparin Binding Protein (HBP) can be used as a marker of severe sepsis (including septic shock) in patients presenting to the emergency department with suspected infection.

Prospective Validation of Clini-biological Parameters Including Initial Hemostasis, Which Improve...
ShockSepticA prognostic score was proposed by the investigative team to predict death at 1 month. This score is based on certain biological markers, scored under emergency conditions in the first 24 hours of routine clinical practice management for septic shock. The main objective of this multicenter study is to validate the performance of the score in terms of area under the ROC curve and negative predictive value.

A Non-invasive Approach to the Assessment of Volume Status in Mechanically Ventilated Septic Patients....
Severe SepsisSeptic ShockTo evaluate the use of sonographic inferior caval vein assessment in mechanically ventilated septic patients. Volume assessment in mechanically ventilated patients with inflammation is of major importance to guide fluid therapy. The researchers investigated whether measurement of caval vein diameter correlates with invasively assessed volume-based hemodynamic parameters.

IL 6 Measurement Using a New Densitometric Bedside (POC) Test
SepsisSeptic ShockIn a equivalence analysis, we determined whether IL-6 can be assessed using a new densitometric point-of-care (POC) assay (turn-around -time: 20 minutes).IL-6 measurements were compared to test results obtained with conventional ELISA analysis

Platelet Reactivity in Septic Shock
Septic ShockThrombocytopenia3 moreCoagulation disorders and thrombocytopenia are common in patients with septic shock. Despite the clinical relevance of sepsis-induced thrombocytopenia, few studies have focused on the prediction of thrombocytopenia in this setting. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether platelets aggregometry and markers of platelets activation, such as mean platelet volume or platelet volume distribution width, could predict sepsis-induced thrombocytopenia in patients with septic shock and normal platelet count on the day of diagnosis.