Ezopiclone Improves the Quality of Overnight Polysomnography
Obstructive Sleep ApneaPatients often have difficulty sleeping during overnight sleep testing in a lab environment. The purpose of this study is to determine if taking a sleep aid will improve sleep and therefore the quality of the sleep study.

Sleep Disorders Management, Health and Safety in Police
Sleep DisordersSleep Apnea5 moreThe purpose of the study is to test the effect of a sleep disorders detection and treatment program for police officers on their safety, quality of life, and job performance. The program is called Operation Healthy Sleep. We will develop and test a sleep health detection and treatment program that we aim to apply nationwide to reduce police officer fatigue and stress; enhance the ability of officers and their families to cope with police work; improve the health, safety and performance of law enforcement officers; and thereby improve public safety. Part of this program will include a questionnaire asking about about work hours and health related issues. We will then look at how these survey data relate with data on police officer safety and job performance that we are collecting through police department's databases. Sleep disorders are common and treatable, but often remain undiagnosed and untreated. Police officers work some of the most demanding schedules known, which increases their risk of sleep disorders. The public expects officers to perform flawlessly, but unrecognized sleep disorders lead to severe disruption of sleep, which significantly reduces an individual's ability to think clearly and perform well. In addition, sleep loss and sleep disruption affect personal health, increasing the risk of gastrointestinal and cardiovascular. We also know that sleep loss increases the risk of injury due to motor vehicle crashes. The goals of Operation Healthy Sleep are to improve officers' health, safety, and performance by reducing the impact of fatigue. The study will take place over two years. In the first year, half of the police officers will take part in Operation Healthy Sleep, and in the second year, the second half will participate. We will carefully select the year 1 and year 2 groups so that the data collected across the two years can be validly compared.

Improved Discrimination Of Central And Obstructive Apnoeas In Infants
Central And Obstructive Apnoeas In InfantsReferral of infants to the respiratory sleep disorders breathing team with apnoeas [pauses in their breathing] and apparent life-threatening episodes are frequent. While the majority of such episodes do not have a significant underlying problem a potentially life threatening condition accounts for a significant proportion of cases. In order to fully assess an infant, a full-scale overnight polysomnography study would be required. Unfortunately due to the complexity of such studies and because the equipment is generally fully booked for many weeks ahead it is extremely difficult to arrange timely assessment. Hence, currently, we are largely reliant on simple screening with pulse oximetry (measuring oxygen levels in the blood with a simple probe). This is able to identify potentially significant problems, but it is does not help to determine whether this is because the baby simply stops breathing for a period due to disturbance of its control of breathing, or whether it is experiencing obstructive episodes, for which there are a number of causes. This new equipment to be assessed would potentially provide a simple, robust means of undertaking definitive studies simply and effectively on the medical wards with assessment of chest and abdominal wall movement being linked to pulse oximetry. This is likely to provide a substantial and significant improvement on our current practice. The benefits will be that, for those with no significant underlying problems, we will be able to provide much greater reassurance for the parents, which is clearly very valuable, while in those with a problem we will be able to distinguish those with central or obstructive apnoea with a degree of certainty that will greatly streamline further assessments and treatment.

NO Measurements in Screening for Asthma and OSA, in Patients With Severe Snoring
SnoringObstructive Sleep Apnea4 moreIn Denmark an estimated 200.000 patients suffer from obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). The breathing pauses during sleep result in varying degrees of symptoms ranging from none over disturbed sleep to severe daytime sleepiness and cognitive deficits such as reduced short-term memory and difficulty concentrating. In addition, it increases the risk of hypertension, cardiovascular thromboembolic disease and type-2 diabetes as well as causing a 3-6 times increased risk of being involved in traffic accidents. Recent studies suggest that measurement of fractioned exhaled nitrogen oxide (FeNO) from the upper airway may be used as marker for airway inflammation. Studies have demonstrated that inflammation of the airway is present in OSA. In this study the investigators want to see whether FeNO measurements from the upper airway can be used to screen severe snorers for OSA. OSA is rarely diagnosed in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRSwNP) or asthma. The connection between these three inflammatory conditions and the level of FeNO has not previously been investigated but might be clarified in our study. Patients suffering from severe snoring will be offered inclusion. The patients will undergo an ENT examination as well as FeNO testing and testing of lung function. A sleep study will be made as well as they will be asked to fill out questionnaires on sleep quality, nasal symptoms, lung function and their health in general.

BASET Scoring: A Novel Simple Biometric Score and Potential Tool for Diagnosis and Grading of Obstructive...
Obstructive Sleep Apneathis study aims to assess the validity of BASET scoring as a new potential tool for diagnosis and grading the severity of OSAS patients and as screening of the risk factors of OSAS.

The Sunrise OSA Trial
Obstructive Sleep ApneaA prospective, randomised, blinded pilot study comparing the Sunrise solution and overnight polygraphy for the diagnosis of OSA in adult patients. Patients under investigation for OSA will use both devices simultaneously for a single overnight sleep study. They will be randomised to receive their treatment decision based on either the Sunrise solution or polygraphy. A retrospective check of their diagnosis will be done.

Recruitment Strategies Comparing Different Strategies in Sleep Apnea and Prediabetes
Sleep DisorderPre Diabetes1 moreRecruitment strategies comparing different strategies.

OSA and Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Obstructive Sleep ApneaSudden Hearing LossThis study studies the prevalence between obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and sensorineural hearing loss. We recruit patients who have been treated for sudden sensorineural hearing loss in Poitiers' University Hospital between 2010 et 2017, and we detect if they have OSA with a ventilatory polygraphy.

Comparison of Breathing Event Detection by a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Device to Clinical...
Sleep Apnea CentralCheyne-Stokes Respiration1 moreThe purpose of this study is to demonstrate diagnostic agreement and determine the accuracy of the continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device compared to simultaneous, attended clinical polysomnography (PSG) in identifying breathing events in participants previously diagnosed with complex sleep apnea (CompSAS), complex sleep apnea with Cheyne-Stokes respiration (CSR), or obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

Cardiac Hemodynamics in Overlap Syndrome (COPD With Obstructive Sleep Apnea)
Chronic Obstructive Airway DiseasePatients with both sleep apnea and COPD have overlap syndrome, but their optimal management is not known. We plan to conduct a randomized trial of of bi-level PAP vs. night time oxygen to asses the impact of intervention on cardiac MRI and biomarkers.