Comparative Study of Arterial Properties After an Ischaemic Stroke or an Acute Coronary Syndrome...
Ischemic StrokeAcute Coronary Syndrome1 moreA pilot, prospective, comparative study. To include both male and female patients who have presented an ischaemic stroke (full stroke or TIA) or an ACS, 5 to 30 days prior to inclusion. The proposed study aims to investigate and analyse the differences in functional and structural arterial properties between the patients who presented an ischaemic stroke and those who presented ACS. The hypothesis is that the patients in both groups will present differences partly in terms of their "traditional" cardiovascular risk factors, but also in terms of their arterial properties. All of the confounding factors studied (cardiovascular risk factors, treatments) will be taken into account in order to explain the differences in the arterial properties found between the two groups. Furthermore, the prevalence of signs and symptoms in the two populations will be studied.

The Effect of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment on Dizziness, Vertigo
Sleep ApneaDizziness1 moreObstructive Sleep Apnea may cause dizziness or vertigo through hypoxia of the vestibular nuclei in the brain. Treating sleep apnea may improve dizziness or vertigo.

Biomarker for Maroteaux-Lamy Disease (BioMaroteaux)
Lysosomal Storage DiseaseLung Diseases3 moreDevelopment of a new MS-based biomarker for the early and sensitive diagnosis of Maroteaux-Lamy disease from blood

Biomarker for Pompe Disease (BioPompe)
Cardiac DiseasesMuscular Weakness5 moreDevelopment of a new MS-based biomarker for the early and sensitive diagnosis of Pompe disease from blood (plasma)

Eval EarlySense Bet Lowenstein Sleeplab
ObeseSleep Apnea4 moreThe study objective is to collect heart rate, respiration rate and motion data of patients admitted to sleep lab and to determine the accuracy level of the EarlySense system vs. the monitors used in sleep lab (e.g., Polysomnography, respiratory belts, ECG, etc..) . Data regarding sleep condition, scoring and quality of sleep and in and out of bed status, patient turns will also be collected and compared to data collected by EarlySense contactless monitor. Different patient population will be monitored including obese, morbidly obese, patients with or without obstructive/central apnea, patients with or without arrhythmia as well as healthy population who arrive to sleep lab for general evaluation will be monitored

Effect of CPAP Therapy on LPR Among Patients With OSAS
Laryngopharyngeal RefluxObstructive Sleep ApneaThis study will investigate the changes in the reflux symptom index (RSI) and reflux finding score (RFS) among patients with obstructive sleep apnea after regular humidified CPAP therapy. Since these two diseases have strong associations then one may consider the possible benefits from therapy in between them.

Association Between CRSA and OSA
ChorioretinopathyObstructive Sleep ApneaThis goal of this study is to know the association between the central serous chorioretinopathy and the obstructive sleep apnea. Many studies have been done in order to assess the association between the central serous chorioretinopathy and obstructive sleep apnea and the results are always controverses actually.

Predictors of Upper Airway Function and Sleep-disordered Breathing in the Critically Ill
Critically IllObstructive Sleep ApneaThis is part 2 of the #NCT01618240 under the same IRB protocol #2010P001919. The primary objective of this study is to examine factors that are related to sleep-disordered breathing and upper airway patency in critically ill patients who have been recently mechanically ventilated. Our primary hypothesize is that sedatives and neuromuscular blocking agents given in the ICU prior to extubation and during the first night following extubation are associated with sleep-disordered breathing. The secondary hypotheses are that duration of mechanical ventilation, BMI, and muscle strength are associated with sleep-disordered breathing during the night after extubation. The secondary objective is to evaluate if sleep-disordered breathing in the ICU can be predicted by standard pulmonary function testing in the ICU.

The Prediction Model of Hypoxemia for Safe Bronchoscopy
HypoxemiaObstructive Sleep ApneaThe purpose of this study is to develop the hypoxemia prediction model during fiberoptic bronchoscopy under MAC(monitored anesthesia care) anesthesia.

Compliance With Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Therapy in Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea...
Sleep ApneaObstructiveThe aim of the study is to know the adherence to treatment and compliance of patients diagnosed with SAHS and with indication of CPAP from the sleep unit of the Hospital de Sabadell.