Comparison of 2 Different Positional Therapies for Positional Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome
Positional Obstructive Sleep ApneaThe proposed study is a randomized cross over trial assessing the efficacy of two different positional therapies for positional obstructive sleep apnea (POSA). The effectiveness of the two different therapeutic devices (Positional pillow and vibrating belt) in reducing the time spent sleeping supine, and therefore at risk of apnoeas, will be evaluated consecutively in 52 subjects with a de novo diagnosis of positional sleep apnoea. The subjective quality of sleep will also be evaluated prior to treatment and following the use of each separate device by means of a "Quality of sleep questionnaire"

The Effect of PAP on ISSHL Comorbided With OSA
Sudden Hearing LossObstructive Sleep ApneaThis clinical randomized controlled study is to explore the effect of positive airway pressure(PAP) on patients in Beijing Tsinghua Changgung Hospital diagnosed with both idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss comorbided(ISSHL) and obstructive sleep apnea(OSA) between Dec. 2019 to Dec. 2029.

CPAP on Acute Stroke and OSA
StrokeAcute1 moreStroke affects 16.9 million individuals each year and is the second leading cause of death worldwide. Despite advances in pharmacologic therapy, morbidity , mortality and rates of hospitalization for stroke remain high. These data emphasize the importance of identifying all treatable conditions that could aggravate stroke. One such condition is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Sleep-related breathing disorders, including obstructive and central sleep apnea, often coexist with stroke. Compared to the general population, in whom OSA is the most common form of this breathing disorder with recent prevalence estimates of 22% of male and 17% of female , in the stroke population, the prevalence of OSA is much greater at 70% . Several randomized controlledtrials on OSA patients with stroke in acute or sub-acute stage showed that treating OSA with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) improved motor and functional outcomes, accelerated neurological recovery.Apart from the benefits in better neurological outcomes, secondary analyses of SAVE study suggested that CPAP treatment potentially help to reduce recurrence of stroke. Nevertheless, we don't have evidence yet from randomized control studies to prove CPAP treatment would reduce the recurrence of cardiovascular or cerebrovascular events. Traditionally, recurrence of cardiovascular or cerebrovascular events uses documented mortality, morbidity or hospitalization for heart failure, acute coronary syndrome or stroke as clinical endpoints. Recently, several studies showed that enlarged left atrium (LA) can serve as a predictor for recurrent stroke or cardiovascular events. On the other hand, a growing body of studies demonstrated that CPAP treatment reduce size of LA in those with OSA. Notably, all of these studies above are observational or retrospective in nature. To date, there are no prospective longitudinal randomized controlled trials reporting the effect of CPAP treatment of OSA on the change of size of LA. We therefore will undertake a randomized , controlled trial involving patients with stroke to test the primary hypothesis that treatment of OSA with CPAP would reduce the size of LA.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Comprehensive Remotely-supervised Rehabilitation Program
Obstructive Sleep ApneaThe purpose of this study is to investigate the feasibility and effect of a 12-week remotely-supervised rehabilitation program in male patients between 25-65 years old with newly diagnosed obstructive sleep apnea with Apnea-Hypopnea Index greater than 15 episodes per hour indicated to CPAP therapy.

Effects of Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation on Cognition and Language in Down Syndrome and Obstructive...
Down SyndromeObstructive Sleep ApneaThis study is a prospective, single-arm study conducted under a common implant and follow-up protocol. The objective will be to follow fifty-seven (57) adolescents and young adults (10-21 years of age), with Down syndrome, moderate to severe sleep apnea, and post-adenotonsillectomy, for 12 months after undergoing implant of the Inspire Upper Airway Stimulation (UAS) System. The study is being conducted in order to evaluate objective change in cognition and expressive language after implant and therapy with the Inspire UAS System.

Increasing Adherence to Oral Appliance Therapy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Obstructive Sleep ApneaAdherence1 moreObstructive sleep apnea is a chronic condition that has serious health consequences including increased risk of hypertension, type-2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and reduced life expectancy. This study proposes to use behavioral reinforcement and support to increase adherence to oral appliance therapy for obstructive sleep apnea. The control group in the study will receive routine care. In addition, their oral appliance wear time will be monitored using a sensor built into the appliance. Routine care includes an initial 1-hr consult, then delivery of the oral appliance (with sensor) and follow-up appointments at 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year. The second, experimental group will receive adherence promotion techniques in addition to routine care. These adherence promotion techniques can be categorized into 6 methods. 1- spouse/partner included in a patient counseling session. 2- Educational brochure delivery at follow up appointments. 3- Electronic reminder/communication system established by patient and provider. 4-Follow up communication between primary care physician and orthodontist. 5-Celebratory certificate for good adherence with the oral appliance evaluated at 3 month, and 6 month visits. 6-Gift card delivery, $25, when patient schedules a follow up with sleep physician. Patients will be followed for within the research protocol for 6 months. There are no additional risks involved with the research and the anticipated benefit is to develop methods to increase adherence to treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. This will benefit many patients with obstructive sleep apnea who use oral appliances to control the condition.

Treating Obstructive Sleep Apnea Using Targeted Hypoglossal Neurostimulation
Obstructive Sleep ApneaOSA8 moreMulti-center, open-label, prospective, randomized clinical trial of the aura6000(R) System for the reduction of apnea and hypopneas in adult patients with moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea who have failed or are unwilling to use positive airway pressure treatment.

A Pilot Study of Antioxidant Therapy in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients
Obstructive Sleep Apnea of AdultSleep apnea is a common under-diagnosed medical disorder, and moderate to severe disease is found in approximately 9% of men and 4% of women. The disease is characterized by repetitive collapse of the airway during sleep, causing sleep disruption, episodic low oxygen levels, and daytime sleepiness. Also, patients with sleep apnea are at high risk of developing cardiovascular disease (including strokes and heart attacks). Partly, this is because the episodic low oxygen levels followed by higher oxygen levels due to sleep apnea results in the generation of reactive oxygen species (unstable and potentially toxic substances caused by interactions with oxygen) and a state of "oxidative stress." Oxidative stress is an important contributing factor to heart disease. We are interested in determining whether treatment with antioxidants, which are substances that help reduce oxidative stress, helps cardiovascular health in patients with sleep apnea. Specifically, we want to determine whether treatment improves blood vessel function (an early sign of heart disease), and blood/urine markers of cardiac risk (i.e., inflammation and oxidative stress). Eighty adult patients with moderate to severe sleep apnea will be asked to participate. They will have their blood vessel function measured with a non-invasive finger probe, and blood/urine will be collected to measure the cardiac risk markers. Patients will then be 'randomized' to one of two groups: 50% chance that the patient will be asked to take an antioxidant, and a 50% chance that they will be asked to take a placebo tablet (though he/she will not know which one they are taking). After 8 weeks, blood vessel function and markers will be remeasured to determine if antioxidants help patients with sleep apnea.

Effects of Inspiratory Muscle Training on the Severity of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Individuals...
StrokeObstructive Sleep Apnea1 moreThe prevalence of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is high in individuals after a stroke. There are few studies evaluating the effects of inspiratory muscle training (IMT) in individuals with OSA and the findings regarding the possible effect on Apneia/Hipopneia Index (AHI) reduction are still controversial. This study will test the hypothesis that training of the inspiratory muscles is effective in improving severity of OSA, sleep quality and daytime sleepiness in individuals after stroke participating in a rehabilitation program. Methods: For this prospective, sigle blinded, randomized clinical trial, people after stroke will be randomly allocated into either experimental or control groups. The experimental group will undertake training of the inspiratory muscles with the PowerBreath Medic Plus regulated at 75% of the subjects' maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) values, five times/week over five weeks 5 sets of 5 repetitions with 1 set increasing each week. Both groups will participate in the rehabilitation program and will receive the same dose of physiotherapy, speech therapy and aerobic exercise sessions. At baseline and post intervention after the cessation of the interventions, researchers blinded to group allocations will collect all outcome measures. Study outcomes: Primary outcome will be OSA severity measured using the Apnea/Hypopnea Index (AHI). Secondary outcomes will include inspiratory endurance and pressure, functional independence, sleep quality and daytime sleepiness

Therapist-Directed VS Online Therapy for Insomnia Co-Occuring With Sleep Apnea
InsomniaPrimary2 moreThis two-site randomized clinical trial will investigate and compare three treatments for insomnia in patients who have been diagnosed with and treated for sleep apnea: online cognitive behavioral therapy (OCBT), therapist-directed cognitive behavioral therapy (TCBT), and standard clinical care. 384 patients will be recruited and will attend up to 15 visits over 10 months. Visits will include baseline assessment, treatment visits, and post-treatment follow-up visits. Visits will involve completion of questionnaires, meeting with therapists, and a physical exam.